Dancer and later a Ziegfeld girl. Musical act with Sissle (July 10, 1889 – December 17, 1975) and Blake (February 7, 1887 – February 12, 1983). He played the Palace in March 1924 and April 1932. Toured the south in theatres and circuses. ", A juvenile comedian, Pepper appeared in vaudeville in the mid-1920s with his sisters, Helen and Winnie Mae and Frank Salt in an act called "Salt and Pepper." Developing from many sources, including saloon shows, minstrel shows, freak shows, dime museums, British pantomimes, and other popular forms of entertainment, vaudeville became one of the most popular types of entertainment in America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Dancer known for her famous fan dance which had Rand arrested several times, most notably at the 1933 World's Fair. Comedian and dancer who was later a part of two double acts. One-Time Vaudeville Performer Dies at Age 56",–Z&oldid=982481105, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.
The brothers debuted at the Albee Theatre in Brooklyn in 1925. Irish comic duo consisting of Pat Rooney Jr. (July 4, 1880– September 9, 1962) and his wife, Marion Bent (December 23, 1879– July 28, 1940). Bandleader for the Ozzie Nelson band. Actress and comedian.
Actress, known for her Yiddish songs and skits and close ties to the Jewish community. Comic duo of Charles Marks (September 6, 1881 – November 16, 1971) and Joseph Sultzer (February 16, 1884 – February 22, 1981). Singer and actor. Singer; at height of her fame billed simply as "Patricola" or as "Miss Patricola". Among some of his most well-known sonsg are "Wait 'til the Sun Shines Nellie" and "Bird in a Gilded Cage. Once she perfected her stage Yiddish, Zwerling worked in Yiddish theatre and in the 1930s in Yiddish film. Il termine indica le commedie leggere in cui alla prosa vengono alternate strofe cantate su arie conosciute (vaudevilles). Toured with an Italian symphony orchestra. Pianist, bandleader and composer, one of the founders of modern-day jazz. Information on individual performances and references may be found in List of vaudeville performers: A-K and List of vaudeville performers: L-Z. Comedian, known for his catchphrase "Wanna buy a duck?". ", Part of the trapeze and strongwoman act the. Known as "The Perfect Fool.". Jazz pianist and bandleader of Bennie Moten's Kansas City Orchestra. This is a partial list of vaudeville performers.
Early jazz band also known as the Original Creole Band and the Original Creole Jass Band. Waters is credited with making the song, ". New York Times, October 3, 1928, p. 31, Rattenbury, Ken and Howard Rye, "Sara Martin", in. Character actor who toured with his wife, Frances in a satirical sketch about. Dancer known as "The Girl With the Dimpled Knees. Vocalist and Emcee. Actor who toured with his wife, Lillian Stuart Roberts, as part of a rowdy act called Roberts, Hays and Roberts.
At 14, she made her screen debut and following a few small roles eventually became one of America's highest paid stars of the era.
Comedian billed as "Dr. Rockwell, Quack, Quack, Quack. Shakespearean actor, monologist and actor in playlets. A former vaudeville performer, Le Maire began working on costumes for Broadway shows in 1921. Wilmeth, Don B, "James McIntyre and Thomas Heath", in, Farnsworth, Rodney, "Victor McLaglen", in, Riis, Thomas and Howard Rye, "Theater Owners Booking Association", in, Hazeldine, Mike, "Original Creole Band", in. Singer.
Assistant to, Singer, known as "The Last of the Red Hot Mamas. Actor, got his start by touring with the California Collegiates as a saxophonist. Former thoroughbred racing jockey who briefly starred in a one-man vaudeville show with a monologue written by. This category includes individuals who performed in American vaudeville at any time between the opening of Tony Pastor's New Fourteenth Street Theatre in New York City in 1881 to the final show at New York's Loew's State Theatre in 1947. Blackface comic who would perform trick violin playing. At five, she left vaudeville to become a radio star on NBC and after that made a series of films. The source in the citation included with each entry confirms their appearance and cites information in the performance notes section. Popular singing duo in the mid-1920s and early 1930s. For information on variety entertainment in Britain and Commonwealth of Nations countries, see Music hall. Actress and later Ziegfeld Girl who toured with her mother, Augusta, and her brother, Jack, as The Three Shuttas. They were singers, dancers and petite entertainers. Actor and comedian in a comic duo with Jo Hayden, Palmer and Hayden. Martin toured vaudeville in the, Baseball player who appeared in vaudeville with catcher, Actress. Singer and dancer who toured in vaudeville with. 9, McDermott, Douglas, "Denman Thompson", in, Senelek, Laurence, "Howard (Franklin) Thurston", in, Chicago Tribune Obituaries 1961 December 6, "Repertory Company to Be Formed For Winter By, Knapp, Margaret M, "Joseph Weber and Lew Fields", in, Rubin, Joel E. and Ottens. Best known character was Red Hymie. He appeared in a singing duo ("Giesler & Lewis") and later toured with his dance band, appearing at the Palace in 1919, billed as "The Jazz King." Singer, dancer, actor and Jewish comedian. Dancer with The White Sisters and later as a Ziegfeld girl. Later, Sears would become a film director for, One of the highest-paid film comedians of the 1920s, Semon also directed many of the films he starred in.
He also appeared in a number of musical comedies. Later gained fame as an actor in films, most notably as the Cowardly Lion in the 1939 film. Singer and actor. Actor and comedian, later known as a character actor in films such as the original. The Webb and Hay played the Palace in January 1929.
His dummy was named "Coster Joe. Worked with.
Singer known as "The Original Tutti-Frutti Girl.". Pianist.
Guitar, banjo, ukulele and Hawaiian guitar virtuoso. Husband of, Dancer.
Actress, performed primarily in Yiddish vaudeville and on the British Music Hall stage.
Nesbit was the focal point of a love triangle between her lover, architect. Actress, Appeared with her parent's vaudeville act at the age of 18 months. Best known for her roles in Warner Bros. film noirs such as. Former baseball player who had an act with. Warren and Francis Lassiter performed acrobatics, dance and comedy in the Publix and Taka Chance vaudeville troupes. Il vaudeville /vod'vil/ è un genere teatrale nato in Francia a fine Settecento. By the age of 16, she was working as a dancer and she made her screen debut in 1932. Credited as "The Father of Modern Ventriloquism" as the first to use a dummy on his knee. Baseball player who appeared in vaudeville in an act with Eddy McHugh. Rightfully so, billed as the "Mother of the Blues.". Actress and comedian, known for breaking the mold with her taboo performances on both stage and screen. Songwriter of "Ballin' the Jack.". Among his many songs are "Ain't Misbehavin'" and "Honeysuckle Rose."., Errori di compilazione del template Interprogetto - template vuoto, Voci con template Collegamenti esterni senza dati da Wikidata, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo. Female impersonator billed as "The Original Slave of Fashion.". Welcome to our website for all Vaudeville performer Spellman . Acrobat, tightrope walker, minstrel, and actor. Knapp, Margaret M, "Bill 'Bojangles' Robinson", in, Truly Shattuck – New York Times. Pianist, singer and songwriter of mostly country songs.
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