EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. If you are a United States nonresident alien that is not a bona fide resident of the U.S. Virgin Islands for the entire tax year, then you must file a tax return with the U.S. Virgin Islands listing the income you earned in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Territory Tax Amendment, Form 8689, Allocation of Individual Income Tax to the U.S. Virgin Islands, prepare and e-file a 2019 U.S. tax return, check the status of your United States Federal Tax Refund, complete and file an Amended U.S. Tax Return, U.S. States, Territories, and Protectorates, "This is my third year in a row using you guys. 2020 TAX For Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) filers, click on link below to review the Catalyst instructions. 5. BIR OFFERS

U.S. Virgin Islands: America's Business Paradise. The contents of the report varies depending on the type of company. This office files all corporate documents as required by the Virgin Islands Code (Titles 11, Chapter 21; 13; 14 Section 611; and 26) and provides information to the public on registration requirements, entity’s status, officers, directors, members, managers, resident agent, partners, sole proprietors, and other business purposes. Hotel Room Tax (12.5%)


2019 W2VI             Form - (4 1/2% and 5%)   720BVI  Affidavit of Lost Check   - PROGRAMS Whenever the Virgin Islands tax laws require the filing of tax returns, statements, notices, or schedules, the form or other documents should be directed to the Bureau of Internal Revenue, 6115 Estate Smith Bay Ste 225, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands, 00802, unless otherwise indicated Click on Sign and Text to complete your W-4. You can prepare your U.S. Tax Return online by clicking the button below: Once you complete and e-file your tax return, check the status of your United States Federal Tax Refund here if you are expecting a refund. 3. For more information about our organization, please visit ey.com. Casual users may learn of general details of registered business entities and trade names to include the date of registration, entity type, status, resident agent with address, and principal office address by clicking on the Corporation Search button on the home page. However, if you need to complete a Federal Income Tax Return, you can do this on eFile.com, but you need to print it, sign it, and mail it to the IRS, since the IRS does not accept e-filed returns with addresses in the U.S. Virgin Islands Islands and other U.S. Territory/Protectorates. CY 2019 1120ES  720VI Gross Receipts Monthly Form(4½%) 720VI The Division of Corporations and Trademarks of the Office of the Lieutenant Governor wishes you much success in your new business ventures. If you need to add or change any information to your U.S. Virgin Islands return after the U.S. Virgin Islands Islands accepts it, find out how to prepare, file a U.S. ", "I’ve used online filing with other sites and always get frustrated because it takes so long. FOR

If you have income from sources located in the U.S. Virgin Islands or income effectively associated with the conduct of a business or a trade in the U.S. Virgin Islands, then you must file a U.S. Virgin Islands return with the same information as the U.S. tax return. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. The Catalyst application allows business entities and trade names to easily submit payments and corporate documents online, as well as maintain business activity and history in one location, 24-hours, seven-days-a-week. These reports are due annually and must be filed on or before 30 June. NAME AND PHYSICAL ADDRESSES OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY AT DATE OF REPORT AND EXPIRATION DATES OF TERMS OF OFFICE (Attach additional sheet if necessary) (ONE OF THE DIRECTORS MUST BE A NON-RESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES) (6) CAPITAL STOCK (a) Dollar value at beginning of fiscal year (b) Dollar value at end of fiscal year (c) Dollar value used for conducting business in the Virgin Islands during fiscal year (d) Multiply amount on line 1(c) by .0015 FRANCHISE TAX (a) Amount from line 6(d) (b) TAX DUE: (Above figure, or $300.00 whichever is greater.)   - Federal Existing business entities and trade names previously registered with the Division of Corporations and Trademarks must follow these steps to gain access to their profile: 2. Gross Receipts Monthly Form Pre-          May 2011, 721DP

8027. VI Info Form - THE VIRGIN   - 2012 Gross Receipts Yearly, 720BVI In addition to cookies that are strictly necessary to operate this website, we use the following types of cookies to improve your experience and our services: Functional cookies to enhance your experience (e.g. PROVIDE FORMS All business entity registrations with the exception of Exempt Limited Liability Companies shall be submitted to office using its online system, Catalyst, at www.corporationsandtrademarks.vi.gov which is available 24-hours 7-days a week. Just click on
These benefits are guaranteed by a contract with the U.S. government for a … form - Tax Clearance Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.

3. Form Request for Credit Card Usage Form, Mailing Address (St. Thomas):  720VI Gross Receipts Monthly Form Therefore, you are encouraged to seek assistance, when necessary, as you move through this process from those experts.

Copyright © 2017 FormsWorkflow.com. EY is a global leader in assurance, consulting, strategy and transactions, and tax services.

Subscribe today and SAVE up to 80% on this form, VIRGIN ISLANDS FOREIGN SALES CORPORATION (VIFSC) ANNUAL REPORT AND REPORT OF CORPORATION FRANCHISE TAX DUE PURSUANT TO TITLE 13, SECTION 531, VIRGIN ISLANDS CODE (THIS REPORT DUE ON OR BEFORE JUNE 30 OF EACH YEAR) FEDERAL I.D.  724VI Vehicle Rental Tax your taxes late Registered eFiler: Sign in. The Office of the Lieutenant Governor through the Division of Corporations and Trademarks serves as the registry for all corporate filing in the United States Virgin Islands. The US Virgin Islands is the best place to do business with great tax incentives offering up to 90% exception on local income taxes and more. Croix and St   For new business entities and trade names, click on the link below to review the Catalyst instructions for registration. TAX SEMINAR VI Monthly Fuel Tax Return, 722EI  Enviromental The franchise tax minimum increased from $150.00 to $300.00 on January 29, 2018 pursuant to Act No. both our St eFile.com has teamed up with DocuClix so you can complete and sign your W-4 form online. 4. Please refer to your advisors for specific advice. Gross Receipts Yearly Form (5%) 720BVI

 750 Highway User's Tax WORKING FOR THE 225 St Thomas, VI 00802, - Federal You make it easy to do my taxes! EMPLOYEES BY CZM - Coastal Income Tax Forms, 241VI Or, click the blue Download/Share button and select DocuX and send your W-4 to your employer provided email address.             Form  - (4% and 4 1/2%) 720BVI

How will ESG performance shape your future? Use this form to report U.S. Virgin Islands wages. Phone: 800-293-2771. PROGRAM Office of the Governor

The deadline is June 30, 2019. no. Enter search criteria and click Search. OUR EMPLOYMENT Title 11A, Article 9 – Uniform Commercial Code, Title 13 – Corporations and Limited Liability Companies, Title 14, Chapter 30, Section 611 – Alien Corporations, Rules and Regulations Title 3, Section 33 – Trademarks. Open the saved file in Acrobat Reader. Since you cannot prepare and e-file or file a Virgin Islands Tax Return on eFile.com or anywhere online, you can contact the Virgin Islands Bureau of Internal Revenue for information on how to do this. VIRGIN ISLANDS CIRCULAR E - Virgin Islands Foreign Sales Corporations that are not registered with the Commission are exempted from filing the General Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Statement. - CY 2016 1040 In order to Calendar.

When did the franchise tax minimum increase for domestic and foreign profit corporations? Sorry, we couldn't download the pdf file. submit the above (340) 776-4612 tel (340) 773-6449 fax (340) 773-0330 report of corporation franchise tax due pursuant to title 13, section 531, virgin islands code foreign corporation (this report due on or before june 30 of each year) employer i.d. VI Info Form -

Select desired service from the I would like to… menu. PROVIDES Zone Management LIC1
link to view the Pacific time (excluding major holidays) W2VI request Forms W2VI  In addition, you must file a U.S. tax return, namely Form 1040, reporting all worldwide income except U.S. Virgin Islands income. How do you create customer intimacy without proximity? The same act amended Section 531, Title 13 of the Virgin Islands Code (Rate and Computation of …

The Virgin Islands Bureau of Internal Revenue (the Bureau) is responsible for administering and enforcing the internal revenue tax laws of the Virgin Islands. Annual Report (Domestic Or Foreign Corporations), Virgin Islands/Lieutenant Governor/Division Of Corporations And Trademarks/, Certificate Of Registration Of Trade Name, Certificate Of Registration Of Trade Name (Limited Liability Company), Annual Report And Annual Fee (Limited Liability Limited Partnership), Annual Report (Limited Liability Company), Certificate For Registration Of Trade Name, Corporation Franchise Tax Due (Foreign Corporation), Virgin Islands Foreign Sales Corporation (VIFSC) Annual Report And Report Of Corporation Franchise Tax Due, Corporation Franchise Tax Due (Domestic Corporation), Franchise Tax And Annual Report (Limited Liability Partnership), Division Of Corporations And Trademarks /. Access the menu option Online Services > Search for an Entity. (5%), 720VI Information Referral Form, 8862 EXTENDED HOURS or not sure when


Your W-4 Form will now load into the DocuClix PDF-Editor where you can complete and sign your W-4 Form.

remember settings), Performance cookies to measure the website's performance and improve your experience, Advertising/Targeting cookies, which are set by third parties with whom we execute advertising campaigns and allow us to provide you with advertisements relevant to you,  Social media cookies, which allow you to share the content on this website on social media like Facebook and Twitter. Supporting financial statements, which include a general balance sheet …

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