You cannot make said Removal Proposal without permission from an admin first. He is the mastermind behind the hijacking of the Aqualantic Airlines Flight 10 Boeing 767, and directly responsible for instigating and committing the murders on the flight. The resulting crash kills Canton and detonates the torpedoes being held on board, obliterating the entire cruise ship. Bill Marks

Non-Stop (2014) Nate Parker as Zack White. With a scream of terror, Ru'afo is incinerated when the explosion reaches him and the entire collector is obliterated moments later. As Chang fires upon the Starship Enterprise from his cloaked Bird of Prey, Admiral James T. Kirk and his crew manage to locate the invisible ship by tracing its exhaust before firing a photon torpedo directly towards it. | Tay is shot with an explosive arrow by John Rambo as he tries to kill him, blowing Tay to pieces. I also believe I will be 150 million dollars richer. Marks re-watches the blackmail video of him insulting the passengers and notices as he is parading his then-suspect, Tom Bowen, around. Am I in your way, asshole?

White also revealed himself as Bowen's accomplice, after shooting down an off duty cop that was helping Marks. As Canton jumps on board John Finnegan’s boat to escape from the Argonautica cruise ship, he realises too late that Finnegan has set the boat’s autopilot to ram into the cruise ship and destroy it. : Type of Villain TerrorismAircraft hijackingMurderThreatsAttempted mass murder Bill Marks Crimes Directed by Jaume Collet-Serra. " I swore to protect my country, and that's what I'm doing. Non-Stop is a 2014 action-thriller film directed by Jaume Collet-Serra and starring Liam Neeson and Julianne Moore. Zack White Company Credits Origin Filming & Production Extremely high intelligenceManipulationComputer knowledge |

Bowen appears to fall on the passenger who had the phone, making him realize that Bowen is the culprit. The grenade then explodes shortly after and obliterates Botha in mid-air. TBA Attempts to bomb a plane with 150 innocent people on board, including children. „ ~ Zack White. Zack White - Non-Stop (2014) - Zack is left to die in an explosion when Tom Bowen’s bomb detonates at the back of the plane he is on, following a brief fight with Bill Marks. Bowen knows he's been caught and reveals himself as the highjacker, taking Marks's gun in a struggle. Upon realizing he was good with computers, Jen got Marks to come over, during which White apologized for his attitude earlier.
Federal air marshal William Marks initially clashed with White after cutting in front of him when White was taking too long. Thomas "Tom" Bowen is one of the two main antagonists of the 2014 action-mystery-thriller film Non-Stop. : None known The passenger states he's never seen the phone before, and is later killed the same way the captain was after the third 20-minute mark came around. However, Jen Summers came up and asked if she could have the window seat, to which White obliged, taking the seat in front of Marks. Behold, over eight-hundred of the greatest and most brutal death scenes of the most evil villains in cinema! Alain then manages to rescue his friend Sebastien from the flaming vehicle seconds before it explodes, killing Ivan instantly. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Official Sites Non-Stop (2014) - You Failed Miserably Scene (8 10) Movieclips, Non-Stop (2014) - 8,000 Feet Scene (9 10) Movieclips, Non-Stop (2014) - Crash Landing Scene (10 10) Movieclips. | He shows no care to Bowen's goal of increasing Air Marshall security and is only interested in obtaining the ransomed 150 million dollars. He was Bowen's accomplice in the hijacking of the Aqualantic Airlines Flight 10 Boeing 767, and helped instigate and commit the murders on the flight. :

Drake and the Riot symbiote he is bonded with are both incinerated in a huge explosion after Venom severely damages their space probe during take-off, causing it to ignite.
Alias Marks later finds a hole in the wall, deducting it to be the killer's former position as it is where he sniped the captain and passenger with a pair of fatal darts.

Hobby The impact destroys the bridge and kills Chang instantly, allowing the Starship Enterprise and the USS Excelsior to simultaneously obliterate the rest of Chang’s ship.

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