Ruth echoes this when she is given the rifle and Jodie says that the Doctor does not use guns and Ruth nods in understanding. Well the TARDIS is telepathic and can see someone's timeline, so when it lands on earth it looks at the Doctor's pre-Hartnell timeline and memories of that time buried in his subconscious and chooses a police box from the last time he was on Earth as Ruth. Introducing the Soap Scoop podcast!

It wasn't even the revelation of the Timeless Child. This weekend’s Doctor Who was certainly a trip!

Ruth also seemed to think it was impossible that Jodie was her past. Personally? True. ©2020 Hearst UK is the trading name of the National Magazine Company Ltd, 30 Panton Street, Leicester Square, London, SW1Y 4AJ. We’re not who we think. They bounce off each other very well.

He wrote radio plays for the BBC Radio, “JLA: Age of Wonder” for DC Comics, “Blackshirt” for Moonstone Books, and “La Muse” for Big Head Press. (Fashion and the control room) or an alt universe Doctor, in fact I think the Master and this new Doctor are both from Alt universes. If you’d like to join in, please sign in or register. Reddit's Doctor Who Fan Community - News, Discussion, Artwork and Fan Creations! I am starting to think that The Doctor and The Master may have a bit of Jason Bourne going on. Because Ruth (being a time traveler) learned about someone calling themself "The Doctor" riding around in a blue box and doing heroic things and copied her future self. By clicking below, you agree that we may process your information in accordance with these terms. r/doctorwho: Reddit's Doctor Who Fan Community - News, Discussion, Artwork and Fan Creations! It also explains why she was hiding in the first place, and why she kept on popping up this episode. This weekend’s Doctor Who was certainly a trip! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. As Jupiter dazzles in the night sky, new research suggests its moons are warming each other, Kate Mulgrew’s Captain Janeway coming to Nickelodeon’s animated Star Trek: Prodigy, How to get started with Dungeons & Dragons, George Lucas’ favorite Clone Wars episodes are, naturally, some of the most curious – and hated, Early 1980s episodes show Doctor Who world-building at its biggest, Supply chain disruption just one more challenge for local comic book stores in pandemic, Celebrating Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, Can you dig it? No, the biggest shock was the reveal of a secret, previously unknown Doctor. After thinking on it this is my best guess. Reddit's Doctor Who Fan Community - News, Discussion, Artwork and Fan Creations! Why Edgar Rice Burroughs’ birthday is a big deal, Hellboy RPG coming built on D&D 5th Edition rules, Looking back at 2012’s NerdvanaCon and the art of local blog fandom, Scottsdale International Film Festival announces virtual 2020 dates, RiffTrax in the Upside Down? Ruth’s story as Ruth is done. If you haven’t seen “Fugitive of the Judoon” yet, you probably won’t want to look at this gallery of photos from the episode …. Why is Ruth called the Doctor? I know it’s timey wimey and has dashes of River Song all over it. I don't think that Master is from another universe. That's unlikely to happen, since another Doctor Who show could be seen as diluting the mothership show.

Ruth-Doctor worked from the Division before realizing that trying to control people was wrong and ran away to stop working for them. I really hope it satisfies. The master went insane because he stared into the untempered schism. … photos that reveal actress Jo Martin as a previously unseen version of the Doctor, and her retro-cool TARDIS. It's true Martin's Doctor claimed to have no recollection of the encounter with past self - … I am not usually one to speculate but this is a case where it seems fun to do so.
Happy to be wrong about it, but I think this kind of storyline may offer a pretty great plotline on Gallifrey's history. “The founding fathers of Gallifrey, everything we were told was a lie. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. Top 10 archaeologists in sci-fi, The Clone Wars is George Lucas’ Star Wars at its most visionary, Here is your Disney-approved Star Wars books canon, 20 classic DuckTales episodes that are still as good as gold, The Time Lord’s wives: Sex, love and marriage in Doctor Who, John Carter of Mars should really be TV’s next Game of Thrones. I think the Timelady Ruth is The Doctor, but maybe either an earlier incarnation prior to the first doctor.

I wonder if he's going to use any of them. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. The biggest surprise of Doctor Who Series 12 was not the reappearance of Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman). We will treat your information with respect.

The Tardis has been stealing the same doctor. That's why the TARDIS is so much older than Doctor, or this cycle of regenerations anyway. Perhaps they did the same thing with him but because he was insane, he became the villain we now know and love. She comes from a time before Gallifrey was destroyed. [OPINION]. It is also clear that Ruth Doctor's TARDIS is of a previous era. That seems unlikely. All Rights Reserved. The Brain of Morbius did imply that the Doctor had incarnations before the First. TARDIS' from the Division would always take the form of some police thing from the planet they arrive on which is why Ruth's TARDIS took the form of a police box. Registered in England. We don't have an answer for this yet. I think she's from a parallel universe. It also goes back to the point the Master made about the Gallifreyans lying to them, ie: Doctor and the Master.

Please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us: You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from us, or by contacting us at But she has to do something very terrible (so bad it even disgusts The Master...) to set the timeline path to the one she's/he's always been living in. The Division is likely the Celestial Intervention Agency from classic Who. The Ruth Doctor is clearly flying a different TARDIS here, but there'd still be the link between a TARDIS and its pilot and this TARDIS would recognise 13 as the Doctor and blend in according to her memory, as she was the one who found it. The new Doctor knew nothing about the sonic screwdriver. Fans loved her and took to her immediately. The masterXs tardis stayed as a greek column for several materializations even when it didnt make sense given the environment. It was used as a deception. That is some hard core lore right there and I am open to the possibility. To clarify, I DO NOT THINK she came before Troughton’s incarnation. That Doctor is then THE Doctor until he/she regenerates into the next one. Press J to jump to the feed. My working theory is that the Doctor chose the name 'The Doctor' twice independently. Nerdvana's founder, curator and editor. I'll be gutted if someone else has had this idea, but this is my theory. I am not sure what counts for canon? Often disagree with his opinions (think he's too harsh on post Series 5 Moffat for eg) but Stuart is always thoughtful and funny and doesn't really take himself or the show *that* seriously even though he fundamentally loves it. The master is evil and cruel. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.

So I seriously doubt Chibnall just forgot one of the more well-known basics of canon. We don’t yet know where this mystery Jo Martin “Doctor” fits into the established canon, but she’s credits-official (“and introducing Joe Martin as the Doctor”) — so it’s hard to believe we’ve seen the last of her. The biggest surprise of Doctor Who Series 12 was not the reappearance of Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman). But Gat seemed to dispute this, which makes me think that perhaps Gat actually worked for the Doctor or at the very least they were peers. This is purely just a fun theory I'm entertaining. It’s altogether possible and not yet discussed, that it is 13 who is yet to have her mind wiped, once discovering the lie, and then regenerates to Ruth, who is actually 14. When he *really* likes something he's really enthused and when he really *can't stand* something....well, he goes into details of why and doesn't patronise anybody who differs in their opinion. This could also serve to test a "backdoor pilot" for a new Doctor taking over or the viability of a spinoff/special. If no surname is available, alphabetization occurs by the disambiguation term — that is, the bit between the parentheses in a title like Waitress (Vincent and the Doctor). They lied to us,” he tells the Doctor. I don't think my theory is correct, but I couldn't not entertain the possibility if that makes sense. First look at Doctor Who animated spinoff DALEKS! By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing.

I really enjoyed reading some of the theories about Ruth Doctor being squeezed in between Troughton and Pertwee.

Ruth Clayton is the Second Doctor. It's pretty likely that the Ruth Doctor is pre-Hartnell, so how would her TARDIS be a Police Box if it got stuck during Hartnell's second episode. If Chibnall wanted to, he could have stand-alone episodes featuring this Doctor on her own adventures – or she could appear in stand-alone specials. It would make a lot of sense why it’s police box due to before WH the TC has their memories wipes and was implanted with that false one where they were a policeman. Plot-twist, The Doctor’s been stealing the same TARDIS over and over again. And he thinks thatThe Greatest Show in the Galaxy is a classic. Learn how your comment data is processed. What do you think? Hi there. I'll be gutted if someone else has had this idea, but this is my theory. 2 into 3. Most recently, he wrote “Her Nightly Embrace”, “Her Beautiful Monster” and “Her Fugitive Heart”, a trilogy of novels featuring a British-Indian private eye published by Atria Books, a division Simon & Schuster.

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