If there are 20 SC children applicants who live ‘between 1km and 2km’ of the school (instead of 10 in the example), they will ballot for 50-38 = 12 vacancies. Share : Share Tweet Share Share Email.

Balloting will be conducted for Singapore Citizen children residing within 1km of the school. Example 2: School B has 50 vacancies in a specific phase and 54 children applying, based on the table below. Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. Children living between 1 km and 2 km of the school of choice. After the 48 vacancies are taken up, the remaining 2 vacancies will be balloted among the 8 SC children living outside 2km from the school.

Phase 2B*: If you’re vying for 20 places of a popular school under Phase 2B, it becomes highly advantageous to live within 1km of the school (see below section on How do I check my home-school distance? homeowners p1 registration primary school registration, Your email address will not be published. Bukit Timah Primary School Available vacancies in Phase 2C Supplementary For more information on computerised balloting, click here. Phase 2C of the Primary School Registration Exercise 2013 opened on 30 July and ended yesterday, 1 August.

Nail-biting, fervent prayers, sleepless nights – as many of these parents steel themselves for the Great Phase 2C Ballot. Yet other parents register for one school on Day 1 of Phase 2C, and rush to withdraw their application on Day 3 if their chances prove slim, and place their application at another school instead. Again, if you have a second or third choice school that falls within 1km of where you live, we’d advise applying for it first.

No balloting will be conducted. As long as the number of registrants in a particular phase exceeds the allocated number for the phase, MOE will conduct computerised balloting.

His/her chances vary depending on the demographics and population density of the area. If you are within 1km of that popular school, you might wish to contemplate this. These unsuccessful parents fall into two camps. If these 32% applicants are vigilent enough, (Vigilent means they should be aware that they are >1km), they should have a careful check on the last application day of Phase 2C.

IMPORTANT: All non-SC / non-PR children are required to first submit an online indication of interest form from 5 June 2018 (Tuesday), 9.00am to 11 June 2018 (Monday), 4.30pm.

Phase 2C Supplementary is viewed as the 'Last Chance' Saloon' to pick a school for their child. If School A has 70 applicants for 50 places, and School B has 52 applicants for 50 places by the middle of Day 3, then I have a higher probability of being balloted in at School B, and will put in my application there. All the best to all who are at it this year, and may the stars align in your favour.

During the balloting, priority will be given to the children living closest to the school, in the following order: To illustrate how balloting works, MOE has these two examples for us: Example 1: School A has 50 vacancies in a specific phase and 61 children applying, based on the table below. If you found this article helpful, 99.co recommends New property cooling measures in Singapore: a cause and effect analysis and 5 best property listings within 1 km of a prestigious primary school. If you’re vying for 20 places of a popular school under Phase 2C, living within 1km of a popular school would — historically speaking — give you a 60 to 80% chance of your child landing a place in the school. This can be quite nerve-wrecking, to say the least. After that, SCs living outside 2km will be considered.

And only a handful of schools still have places at Phase 2C Supplementary, even the most average of neighbourhood schools.

Phase 2C is specifically for students who are eligible to enter into Primary One in the next year, but have not yet been able to register.

almost 0% chance a ballot is required).
. Now that we’re clear of how P1 registration and the home-distance criteria works, we can dive into our strategy of how to get in to the school of your choice, based on the various P1 registration phases starting with Phase 2A(1).

All will ballot in phase 2c even if you are staying within 1 km. Balloting will be conducted for Singapore Citizen children residing within 1km of the school. It’s important to note that, for a child to gain priority admission into a school through the home-school distance criteria, he or she is required to live at the address used for registration for at least 30 months from the date of the commencement of the P1 registration exercise. All SC children are admitted to the school in this phase.

Balloting will be conducted for PR children residing outside 2km of the school. Based on past statistics for popular schools, there is a 50-50 chance of success, meaning it’s just as likely that all of the 20 places will be taken up by those living within 1km of the school.

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a. No balloting will be conducted.

Phase 2C remaining vacancy for all schools; 22 Schools that are balloting School: Phase 2B Ballot Status: Vacancy: Applied: 1: Anglo-Chinese (Junior) SC within 1km needs to ballot: 46: 65: 2: Anglo-Chinese (Primary) SC within 1km needs to ballot: 28: 37: 3: Catholic High: SC within 1km … It appears that parents still prefer to physically go to the primary school to register rather than to do so online. That is to say, you have a virtually 100% chance of a successful placement if you qualify for this phase (i.e. 32% of Phase 2C applicants are >1km. If your application is unsuccessful, your child will be posted to a school with available vacancies. Balloting will be conducted for SC children residing outside 2km of the school. The nationalities of their parents do not matter – only the nationality of the child is considered. Cue image of rabid purple gnashing minion-freaks.). Gamblers, these sorts. since you live within 1 km).

More applicants than openings . What’s new this year is that at all phases, Singaporean children have priority over PRs. The 40 places remaining — 20 for Phase 2B and 20 for Phase 2C — are places that have been specifically reserved by MOE to “ensure continued open access to all primary schools”. Who is Phase 2C of the Primary School Registration Exercise for?

No balloting will be conducted. The rationale here is, unless the application rates for your second or third choice school are historically low (i.e. For a child living in the 1-2km zone: Because of the limited number of places, and because the area covered by the 1-2km radius is larger than the 0-1km radius, the chances of success for applicants in the 1-2km zone fall drastically in Phase 2B.

Balloting will be conducted for PR children residing between 1km and 2km of the school. That is because many parents actually go out of their way to fulfill the criteria for Phase 2A(2), including volunteering for the school (some schools do not accept volunteers) or signing up as a member of their neighbourhood resident committee. After Day 3, if there are more applicants than vacancies, balloting ensues. Hence, it might be better to apply at a nearby school that does not require balloting, rather than lose at balloting and be forced to apply to a faraway school, and in doing so, wasting your Phase 2C chance. Required fields are marked *. What are some common strategies at this phase? RELATED: Tips: Primary 1 registration 2013, RELATED: Results for Phase 2A(1) of Primary One Registration 2014. Some parents would place their name in the hat, regardless of how many times places are oversubscribed.

No. Find your dream home on Singapore’s largest property portal 99.co! For P1 registration, Singapore Citizen (SC) children is also given absolute priority ahead of Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR) children.

This will probably make sense if their desired school does not require balloting within their home-school distance, but if it does, then usually the advice would be to cherish the bird in hand rather than risk it for the bird in the bush. Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' School (Primary). Buy or rent from thousands of HDBs, condominiums.

https://just2me.com/2019/08/03/87-schools-in-phase-2c-that-are-oversubscribed The school only has places for SC children residing within 1km of the school in this phase. The school only has places for SC children in this phase.

Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. SCs and PRs will continue to be eligible for the same phases, and all applicants will be admitted if the total number of applications in any phase does not exceed the number of vacancies. Usually, for a popular school in Singapore, only 40 places will be leftover after Phase 2A(2).

Anglo-Chinese School (Primary) APP in 2008 Phase 2C is 132% and Pink Color shows No cut off for <1km.

Phase 3 will then begin on 29 August. 2 August 2018 (Thursday), For a child who is not yet registered in a primary school after Phase 2C, From 13 August 2018 (Monday), 9.00am to 14 August 2018 (Tuesday), 4.30pm, 14 August 2018 (Tuesday) In addition to this, three new primary schools are accepting applicants this year. No balloting will be conducted. Once that application is successful, you can no longer participate in Phase 2C. Find out what the problems are, and what the next phase is. For instance, assume I am considering School A and School B.

Download theAsianparent Community on iOS or Android now! Henry Park Primary School has registered 19 children for only nine openings. If you have a second or third choice school that falls within 2km of where you live that still have vacancies, apply for those first to avoid failing and having to go through Phase 2C Supplementary.

It’s an extremely stressful time for parents who have yet to secure a P1 place for their 6 year olds.

Those who say their heart simply would not be able to take another round of balloting, and those who feel that having come this far, they simply had to take another chance at the ballot box. After this stage, MOE will pick the school for your child instead.

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