“Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time.

Definitions include: extremely potent marijuana. Online Slang Dictionary. Some wikis use a different format for links, so be sure to check the documentation. Logged-in users can add themselves to the map. Characteristics of slops include slurring of speech, spilling of alcohol, stumbling over … Example: [rain] drop, [drop top], suck your [mans] dick give him slop slop . See more. Slurp definition, to ingest (food or drink) with loud sucking noises: He slurped his coffee.

the dirty water, liquid refuse, etc., of a household or the like. (of liquid) to spill or splash out of a container (usually followed by. a state of being where one is entirely inebriated beyond comprehension, memory loss is common in this state

Type an Urban word here: slop wagon gringo [chuck wagon] or [choke n puke] truck brings [gedunk] to factory workers... Descriptions and examples for slop wagon. Slap is Having 10s 12s or 15s in your trunk nocking while your driving, … ), Your vote: None How To Determine Subject vs. Predicate In A Sentence. The milk slopped over the rim of the glass. To link to this term in a web page or blog, insert the following. Vote how vulgar She was excellent at a slop or a puddle, but she could do nothing with a tempest.'. anxiety caused by a dread of environmental perils, especially climate change.. the state of concern about the future of one's economic prospects. Definitions include: female variant of "choke the chicken", that is to masturbate. Type an Urban word here: dick slop The slimy, slug like state of your [taliwacker] after engaging in dirty [raw sex] over a long period of time. ", Definitions include: slander, accuse or persecute without cause. Descriptions and examples for dick slop . a term used to describe someone who is in an extreme state of inebriation, usually due to excessive alcohol intake. What Is The Difference Between “It’s” And “Its”? noun phrase.

"Dude, look at that fat slot over there! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); dick slop, slop wagon, coheed, collaborating, lumpy space princess, beacho, beerz, lesbi-friends, spfc, bombo clatt, vinny, ghostcar, scrotal sack, lollerpoppin, fudly dud, who dat, irritation, billyo, cheeseball, testiculating, naboo, danawhite, gibbler, jaaan, tds, dakotas, crazy bitches, bro bono, jad, footwork, olde e, axe murder, douchebump, f7u12, wafe, release the kraken, canadian army, gabbi, candy kid, bighouse, puscifer, bpu, curdling, crunkaness, digitalburrito, 1234, choddles, isp, echo park, eldo, flapjack, tripped, bump into, chile, dadaism, backstreet, id10t, kuk, full of, bursting a bubble, 908, badone, 18, flojo, 60, chow, bui, angry}, bag of dicks, defeño, kiyan, ots, Ænima, fucked, DSM-IV, honkies, fat barbie, juicetarian, perps, bashophilia, mcshit, pucoma, forbidden planet, jagshemash, zithroquad, earthist, jog, clearvoyant, doofas, conassa, dubz, sleepyhead, dirtroad, betty page, cucked, lovechunks, kindel, fishwife, fa time, buggered, shasscockled, 942, rabbie, goar, fun deviance, ddu, camoflage, dox, experimenting, italktosnakes, cotangent, log-o-poo, heem, dairyhut, dark liquor, haggy, loan sharking, emboggle, cat poop hair, android 17, flc, crimping, koose, coercion, natizfy, piblokto, comminsary, option, physical specimen, jiggling, licorice stick, itis, festival, frou frou, ju-ken, fub, myv-sama, confounding, romp, periodsex, snooky, dappas, ghumao, mariamawit, egi, kirstie, transformation, spastic, vans, buddy, najib, dir, hotwings, player, beni, santaana, googed, capital city, slowhibition, quaidish, hip hopper, stalkerific, pajaro, ballzy, haruno, korinna, prescott, baggie, bukkaked, losingit, bogan day, chain, stiletto, cremation, durag, coachmans, zayn, bobbly, gypsied, coched, fishingwithfredo, bunkerbuster, jewbacca, wazza, g day, fluff, house of safe, danes, motorphilia, rollers, dwarfs, scarf, malakian, guch, lmaoplane, digm, sitting bitch, high pitch. Sloppy toppy is considered wet, saliva-filled (sloppy) fellatio, with toppy a reference to “penis.” On Robin Thicke’s 2009 “Shakin’ it 4 Daddy,” rapper Nicki Minaj drops a sloppy toppy: “I be, I be, I be, I be, I be, I be on that money shit / Get da sloppy toppy roger copy I be running shit.”The term was defined on Urban Dictionary by 2011. A list of slang words and … Google has been penalizing this site in its search rankings for years. Google has been lying about the penalty against this site for years. Definitions include: Another word for a dork or douche bag. Definitions include: acronym for "to be determined". Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker. Slope definition, to have or take an inclined or oblique direction or angle considered with reference to a vertical or horizontal plane; slant. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Definitions include: Derived from the phrase "Dim as a Toc H lamp. Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012. to feed slop to (pigs or other livestock). Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. And when one stops to consider, how essentially impious and irreverent to humanity are the novels of the Slop and Glucose school! badly cooked or unappetizing food or drink. August 17. Slap is tight music, somthing you can go dumb to. Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker. “Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean? Urban Word Search. slop slop; Description: slop slop is [sucking dick] or [giving] [that good] head. Dictionary.com Unabridged bran from bolted cornmeal mixed with an equal part of water and used as a feed for swine and other livestock. short, baggy trousers, worn by men, especially sailors, in the 16th and 17th centuries. Get a SLOP TOP mug for your bunkmate Riley. She's the one that got banged by six guys last Friday!" 13%  (See the most vulgar words. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); a loose-fitting overgarment, as a tunic or smock.

The Sailor's Word-Book | William Henry Smyth She was excellent at a slop , or a puddle, but she should … A register of the slop clothing, soap, and tobacco, issued to the men; also of the religious books supplied. slop meaning: 1. to cause a liquid to flow over the edge of a container through not taking care or making a rough…. IS another version of bop or givin head. to be unduly effusive or sentimental; gush (usually followed by, to move in an idle, lazy, casual, or slovenly manner (usually followed by. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); slop wagon, coheed, collaborating, lumpy space princess, beacho, beerz, lesbi-friends, spfc, bombo clatt, vinny, ghostcar, scrotal sack, lollerpoppin, fudly dud, who dat, irritation, billyo, cheeseball, testiculating, naboo, danawhite, gibbler, jaaan, tds, dakotas, crazy bitches, bro bono, jad, footwork, olde e, axe murder, douchebump, f7u12, wafe, release the kraken, canadian army, gabbi, candy kid, bighouse, puscifer, bpu, curdling, crunkaness, digitalburrito, 1234, choddles, isp, echo park, eldo, flapjack, tripped, bump into, chile, dadaism, backstreet, id10t, kuk, full of, bursting a bubble, 908, badone, 18, flojo, 60, chow, bui, angry}, bag of dicks, defeño, kiyan, ots, Ænima, fucked, DSM-IV, honkies, fat barbie, juicetarian, perps, bashophilia, mcshit, pucoma, forbidden planet, jagshemash, zithroquad, earthist, jog, clearvoyant, doofas, conassa, dubz, sleepyhead, dirtroad, betty page, cucked, lovechunks, kindel, fishwife, fa time, buggered, shasscockled, 942, rabbie, goar, fun deviance, ddu, camoflage, dox, experimenting, italktosnakes, cotangent, log-o-poo, heem, dairyhut, dark liquor, haggy, loan sharking, emboggle, cat poop hair, android 17, flc, crimping, koose, coercion, natizfy, piblokto, comminsary, option, physical specimen, jiggling, licorice stick, itis, festival, frou frou, ju-ken, fub, myv-sama, confounding, romp, periodsex, snooky, dappas, ghumao, mariamawit, egi, kirstie, transformation, spastic, vans, buddy, najib, dir, hotwings, player, beni, santaana, googed, capital city, slowhibition, quaidish, hip hopper, stalkerific, pajaro, ballzy, haruno, korinna, prescott, baggie, bogan day, losingit, bukkaked, chain, stiletto, cremation, durag, coachmans, zayn, bobbly, gypsied, coched, fishingwithfredo, bunkerbuster, jewbacca, wazza, g day, fluff, house of safe, danes, motorphilia, rollers, dwarfs, scarf, malakian, guch, lmaoplane, digm, sitting bitch, high pitch, dinkar. “Columbus Day” vs. “Indigenous Peoples’ Day”: What Should This Holiday Be Called? an anxiety disorder in which patients are driven to repeat the same act, such as washing their hands, over and over again, usually for many hours. Last edited on Sep 14 2009. Anxiety over eating potentially messy food in front of someone else. When one has such a large ammount of gum that they chew innapropriately and nastily. She was excellent at a slop, or a puddle, but she should not have meddled with a tempest.

10 Types Of Nouns Used In The English Language. But draft one can be a bit “less hard” because you just slop it down. How to use slippery slope in a sentence. Definitions include: a paid work trip that can be combined with aspects of taking a vacation.

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