Asu Rito.

The player is given the option of choosing Senpai's gender at the beginning of the game; they might be "Senpai-kun", or they might be "Senpai-chan".

I've met many a creep who are obsessed with Oka. This is a subreddit where fans of Yandere Simulator can gather to discuss the game in peace, without having to see any posts about drama. Wer sind deine Freunde/innen in Yandere Simulator? Bitte beachte die nun folgenden Anweisungen, um das von uns verachtete Verhalten zu unterlassen. This is a story that has a good chance of being in a series. To make this guy Oka's prince, insted of helping him get smarter, we should teach him kindness, to behave calmly, to respect womans, that kind of deal. Das Quiz ist voll komisch, und warum wird man immer mit euch oder ihr angeredet? 25 sept. 2017 - Découvrez le tableau "Oka Ruto" de Mylou Mimi sur Pinterest. by _JJRanger_ (Jade-chan) with 9,877 reads. If I get enough hearts, then maybe I'll consider it. xD, Boha ehhy amai i bin das gegenteil .

Personally, I don't think that Oka would be Gema's type. Oka Ruto is an upcoming female student who will attend Akademi High School and the fourth upcoming rival in Yandere Simulator. Yandere Dev stole this website from krmax44 Parody by BeanTechLabs ... All Rivals Club Leaders Others Faculty Groups. Hanako Yamada. In Yandere Simulator, the title of "Senpai" is given to the young man (or young woman) that the protagonist is infatuated with. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. She also stars as the antagonist of Yanderetale. Kizana Sunobu. Which yandere simulator rival are you? genannten Anweisungen Folge zu leisten. … Since we can't just ave new dudes comming to the school every week to pair them with the new rival, we should match them with people that is already in the school. Oka Ruto is the fourth rival and the leader of the occult club. Amai Odayaka. Ich bin doch eine Person nicht mehrere. Either way, it's definitely realistic. It is just... an obsession... [Yandere! we know that he fits almost every box in the otaku cliche list, so it would make sense. Perhaps Oka would appreciate a guy who is courageous enough to look for evidence of paranormal activity around the school with her. I like the idea! Welcher Rivale aus Yandere Simulator bist du? But this was for … Ich kann sie nicht leiden und ich liebe Osoro Shidesu! Maybe they could be someone to battle against in later weeks? Lehrer] 4. Sei dir bewusst, dass dies eine Quizseite ist und keine Datingseite. Oka Ruto. Osana Najimi. idk. YandereDaddy. In the future, there will be ten rivals for the ten weeks of Story Mode, with one rival appearing each week. Completing a suitors task is required for matchmaking. Another Yandere simulator redesign (omg there’s a lot rn, but I like doing them so…..) Here is Oka Ruto’s redesign!

Are you Osana Najimi, Amai Odayaka, Kizana Sunobu, Oka Ruto, Asu Rito, Muja Kina, Mida Rana, Osoro Shidesu, Hanako … Not much of her design is changed but I reduce a bit of the ‘cuteness’, for a more realistic approach to the face, I gave her a long face, she now has down-turned eyes, small nose and narrow ears, this gives her a unique look that would match with her original personality. Was für ein Yandere Simulator - Charakter bist du? Since Oka appeals to the goth lolita trope, why not have the gaming club leader fall for her? Megami Saikou. Since Oka appeals to the goth lolita trope, why not have the gaming club leader fall for her? Only Osana been fully implemented, but they have all been introduced in a video.

Ähm, ja, Amai passt zwar ÜBERHAUPT NICHT, aber egal... Der Test war komisch. Das Brechen der Regeln kann zu Konsequenzen führen.

Not much of her design is changed but I reduce a bit of the ‘cuteness’, for a more realistic approach to the face, I gave her a long face, she now has down-turned eyes, small nose and narrow ears, this gives her a unique look that would match with her original personality. trotzdrm cooler test, Hehe ich bin Oka, ich find sie passt auch zu mir :), Hihihi ich sehe auch aus wie Amai und verhalte mich auch so ^^ <3, Ich bin Kizana Sunobu Cooler Test. ... Ich bin oka ruto WIE GEIL ( _ ) Ich mag eigentlich alle vom yan- sim außer osana und kizana . See more ideas about Yandere simulator, Yandere, Oka. Ich will nicht Oka Ruto sein! So, I had an idea for Oka's elimination that would kill 2 birds with one rock. This is a story that has a good chance of being in a series. Oka Ruto Match. Anime/Manga Romance Oko Ruto X Reader Yandere Simulator Rivals X Reade Yandere Simulator X Reader Oka Ruto X Reader. She appears in the town as a background character during the first week. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Muja Kina. Welcher Yandere-Simulator-Charakter bin ich? Hello, I shared your skin on the French fansite of Yandere Simulator here:… I put your username and gave your link for download. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Another Yandere simulator redesign (omg there’s a lot rn, but I like doing them so…..) Here is Oka Ruto’s redesign! Nina tsukishiro (Gast, ID: 20356) vor 904 Tagen flag. Aber es heißt nicht Honoka, sondern Hanako. ), Kommentarfunktion ohne das RPG / FF / Quiz, Zur meiner Liste "Quizzes über mich" zufügen. Then I had an idea. More posts from the yandere_simulator community. Also, it would be So Cute to see Oka playing in the Dance machine in the game club, like, getting out of her confort zone for her boy and finding out that she likes those things. Cooler Test.

Boha ehhy amai i bin das gegenteil . He should have to learn how to leave behind this type of obsession for a more healty way of loving, you know, having to interact in real life with Oka and have normal conversations, showing mutual respect. Welche Yandere Simulator Rivalin bist du? Osoro Shidesu. But this was for girls, if your a boy, and you'd like to red it, go ahead! Since we can't just ave new dudes comming to the school every week to pair them with the new rival, we should match them with people that is already in the school. This would also give this two something of a character arch, a rude guy who changed into a gentleman for his princess, and a shy girl who learned to love herself thanks to someone loving her. If you want me to delete it, please let me know. Press J to jump to the feed. In diesem Quiz kannst du herausfinden, welche Yandere Simulator du wahrscheinlich wärst! Nein! Rivals are the main antagonists of Yandere Simulator. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. If this sound like he's something of a simp, it is on purpose. Oka has on the regular school uniform unless customized by the player. Vermeide perverse oder gewaltverherrlichende Inhalte.

Then I had an idea.

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Maybe that's how his task enters the play - she thinks it's unnatural he went through such a huge change overnight. (Aber ich maule nicht. But kindness isn't one of the three traits you can teach a suitor: your options are strength, wisdom, and courage. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème Yandere, Asuna, Dessin yandere simulator. Oct 26, 2019 - Explore Qrow Branwen's board "Oka Ruto" on Pinterest. I wonder how that would work with his task, since the task transforms his physical appearance so much that the bullies fawn over him. She would remind him too much of what he dislikes about himself, so he wouldn't be able to develop an attraction to her. Lehrer] 2, It is just... an obsession... [Yandere! He would look at her, and it would be like looking into a mirror; In Oka, Gema would see every one of his own traits that he's not proud of. If you would like to join our community, visit and read the #read-me channel for instructions! If I get enough hearts, then maybe I'll consider it. senpai, male, yanderesimulator. So, I had an idea for Oka's elimination that would kill 2 birds with one rock. This way, every time they meet, he tells her pretty things and helps her with her low self esteem. trotzdrm cooler test SandraAnime (von: SandraAnime ) vor 918 Tagen flag. She would definitely only be interested in someone who she thinks is occultish. Bow-chan. Mit dem Bestätigen erklärst du dich bereit, den oben Read Oko Ruto from the story Yandere Simulator Male Rivals?! Mida Rana.

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