#671 HARRELL – Nickname for someone with a good head of thick hair.
#300 MEJIA – Unknown meaning, might be a religious surname referring to the Messiah.
#715 RUSSO – Descriptive surname for someone who was a red-head or had a ruddy complexion. J, K, #782 DAVID – Beloved. #819 McINTOSH – Son of the chief, leader.
Urulokë. Usra: Indian name which means “fire.”, 34.
#89 RUIZ – Son of Ruy or Roy.
#155 BURNS – Lives by the stream.
From the Gaelic “buth,” meaning house, and “Chanain” meaning of the canon. #443 NEWTON – From the new town.
this is the name of the The amount Fire earn in different countries varies greatly.
#899 BERNARD – Bold as a bear.
#531 NORTON – From the north town, north settlement. Lux: This name means “fire of Legends.”, 61. #938 SHEPPARD – Occupational surname for a shepherd. google_ad_width = 728; #23 THOMPSON – Son of Thomas.
#131 ELLIS – Son or Famiy of Elijah/Elias #903 TRUONG – Vietnamese surname meaning “drawing a bow” or archer. #225 JOHNSTON – From John’s town. #122 GRIFFIN – Mythological creature with the body, tail, and back legs of a lion.
#364 HAIL – From the remote valley. Farrar-Farrow FamilyTree DNA Project - A description of a group researching the paternal lines of men who bear the surname with the help of DNA analysis. #298 LUNA – From one of the towns named Luna in Spain. 56. var __am_invisible=0; Web Visitors since #206 SANTOS – Saints or Family of Santo. CINÁED: wingless, fire-breathing, trickster dragon known as "The Deceiver" and The fire has always been one of the most important things human beings acknowledged. #836 HEBERT – Illustrious soldier. Kenneth Names ", HUOJIN
#698 KOCH – German occupational surname for a cook or kitchen manager. #799 LOWERY – Family of Lawrence. Names. #605 ROBERSON – Son of Robert. #942 WALLER – Either a habitational surname for someone who lived near a stone wall, or occupational for someone who built walls/was a mason. #661 FOLEY – From the old Gaelic surname, “O’Foghladha,” meaning “Descendant of the pirate.” #254 DOMINGUEZ – Son of Domingo #979 HINTON – From the high enclosure/settlement. #621 RANDALL – Son of Rand/Rande. #519 MOODY – One of brave spirit. Given to a young person who was excitable or energetic. #309 CURTIS – Person with manners. #527 McBRIDE – Son of the servant of Brighid. Literally means “the beacon/lighthouse.” #931 CANO – Spanish/Portugal surname referring to a cave, or a French/Italian occupational surname occupational for someone who supplied cane/reeds for thatching. #283 WEBER – German occupational surname for a weaver. V, W,
#804 SEXTON – Occupational surname for someone who worked as a sexton, a warden of a church.
AODH In the August 02, 2008 From a surname, an Americanized form of the German surname Brändle, ultimately from Old High German brant "fire". #653 WYATT – Brave warrior. Especially that kids today are into animes and of the characters are labeled with names meaning fire such as the anime series, One Piece, one character is Ace whose power is fire. The last name Fire (Arabic: فاير, Hindi: फिरे, Russian: Фире) occurs more in Iran more than any other country or territory. #823 GLASS – Occupational surname for a glass blower. Literally means “fern-covered clearing.” #599 COLLIER – Occupational surname for someone who sells or burns charcoal. #814 SELLERS – Occupational surname for someone who was a merchant/seller.
#186 GARZA – The heron bird.
CHAM 56. #940 AVALOS – Spanish habitational surname for someone from Ábalos, Spain. Welsh form of Gaelic Áedán,
Variant spelling of English Aidan, #342 FLEMING – Flemish (Belgian/Dutch) person or from Flanders, Belgium. #781 BARR – From the great hill. #99 FOSTER – Occupational surname, a contraction of “Forester.” #577 LOZANO – Italian-Swiss surname for people from the city of Locarno, Switzerland. #398 VELASQUEZ – Son of Velasco.
#874 NAVA – Habitational surname from many towns named Nava in Spain, literally meaning “treeless plateau.” #915 DOUGHERTY – From the Gaelic surname “O’Dochartaigh,” meaning “descendent of the hurtful one.”
This made it easier to trace family history, as all name changes were recorded. #760 STRONG – Descriptive surname for a person who was physically strong. ", PLAMEN #750 WOODARD – Contraction of “Woodward” meaning ward or caretaker of the woods. #867 HANNA – From the Gaelic “O’hannaigh,” meaning “descendant of Annach” literally meaning “iniquity.” #491 WATERS – From the place near the water, or family of Walter.
#222 BERRY – From the fortress, castle. #689 O’NEILL – Son of Neill. #540 ZAMORA – Family from the ancient city of Zamora in North West Spain. #980 NOVAK – The newcomer/new one. the name of a sun god.
Names for your pets.
#406 BARBER – Occupational surname for a barber.
#467 TATE – Cheerful person. "fire.". #633 KIRBY – Lives near the Church/Farm. #151 FREEMAN – A person who was not owned or ruled by another. #29 LEWIS – Son or family of Lewis. #851 CROSBY – Lives by the cross or crossing.
Bulgarian name derived from the word ognen, meaning "fire. #346 NORRIS – From the North.
#237 RIOS – Person who lived near the river. Literally means “Forest land.”
#777 PRUITT – From the Old French “proux” meaning valiant or brave one. #734 SNOW – Descriptive surname for someone with very pale skin or light blonde hair. #8 DAVIS – Son of David. #415 PAUL – Small. #347 JENNINGS – Family of “little” John. #446 WALTON – From the walled town. #36 SCOTT – From Scotland. In Tolkien's Middle-Earth, #337 NEAL – Son of Niall, literally meaning “cloud” or “champion.” #757 MURILLO – Lives near a boundary or wall.
#587 WEISS – German surname element meaning fair hair or pale complected. #483 TOWNSEND – From the end of the town (town’s end). #550 BARRERA – Family that lived near muddy area or ground of clay.
#399 HARDY – Bold, Courageous. #420 CROSS – Locational for someone who lived near a crossing, or occupational for someone who carried a cross in church. From Old English word, burna. #723 MONTES – Habitational surname for someone who lived on or near a hill/mountain. #259 LYNCH – Anglicized version of the Irish surname Ó Loingsigh, meaning “descendant of the mariner.” #898 FARLEY – Habitational surname for one who is from any of the many English towns called Farley or Farleigh. Yetta: Another Hebrew name meaning “light.” More Fire Names For Girls.
F, G, #875 AYERS – Heir to a fortune or land. Helena: It means “shining one and bright.”, See Also: 150 Common Mexican Names For Boys And Girls With Their Meanings, 60. AZAR f & m Persian #725 ROSARIO – Contraction of the Spanish “María del Rosario,” given to a girl who was born on the festival of Our Lady of the Rosary, celebrated on the first Sunday in October. #910 DELAROSA – From the family of Rose, or from an area where wild roses grew.
Tyson: English name which simply means “fiery tempered.”, 29.
#844 HOUSE – Habitational or occupational surname for someone who either owned a big mansion or worked in one. #803 CALHOUN – Variant of the Scottish surname, Colquhoun, meaning “nook” or “corner.” Irish form of Scottish Gaelic Cináed, meaning H, I,
#623 KIRK – Literally means “church” and could be a habitational surname for someone who lived near a church or occupational for someone who worked in a church, like a pastor. #340 CARRILLO – Spanish surname, literally means “cheek.” From cart/wagon, so it may be occupational. #718 KEITH – Nickname for an offspring or young person. Originally from the Latin Aurelianus, which referred to the farm or estate of Aurelius. #995 DUKE – Leader (of an army or troops).
#144 WOODS – Family who lived in or near the woods. name meaning "fire. Oran: Cool Gaelic name, Orna means “light.”, 11.
#274 WONG – Variation of the Korean surname Huang, which literally means “shiny” or “yellow.” This name has a beautiful sound to it that makes it perfect for a baby girl.
#864 PECK – Occupational surname for someone who dealt in “pekkes”–a medieval measure of dry goods equal to 28 pounds.
The name Aodh is a boy's name of Gaelic origin meaning "fire". meaning "fire." #21 LEE – Family who lived in or near an open meadow or clearing. /* 20000_names_bottom */ This was the name of an Irish monk and saint of the 7th century. #391 CHANG – Chinese surname with many meanings. #891 GOULD – Descriptional surname for someone with “golden” hair or occupational for someone who worked with gold, like a jewelry maker or gilder.
#629 RICHARD – Brave ruler. #354 PARKS – Living in or near a green area, or occupational surname for a groundskeeper. 2.
#608 DAVENPORT – Habitational surname of families from Davenport in Cheshire, UK.
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