Tarrant County provides the information contained in this web site as a public service. Voters with Special Needs. List of Voter Registrars. Tarrant County voter guide for 2020 election, president, U.S. Senate, Congress, state Legislature and city and school board elections.
UPCOMING EVENTS . VOTER RESOURCES PAGE. County GOP Websites. However, in any case where legal reliance on information contained in these pages is required, the official records of Tarrant County should be consulted. MORE. TARRANT COUNTY REPUBLICANS IN OUR COMMUNITY. Tarrant County Conservative GOP Primary Voter's Guide DFWCV - DFW Conservative Voters : TFR - Texans for Fiscal Responsibility YCT - Young Conservatives of Texas : TXPAT - Texas Patriots PAC STATE OFFICES** CANDIDATE DFWCV TFR YCT TXPAT Governor Greg Abbott X X X Lisa Fritsch Miriam Martinez SECEDE Kilgore Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick X X X X David Dewhurst Jerry Patterson …
Our Candidates. Home; Voter Registration; ID Requirements; Casting a Ballot; Candidate Information; General Resources; Voter Registration Eligibility and Requirements; Important Dates; Registration Forms; Updating Your Registration; Age: At least 17 years and 10 months old (to register), and 18 years old by Election Day. DFW Conservative Voters offers recommendations of the best conservative candidates on the ballot in the Republican primary across the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Anderson County. Donate. Voter’s guide to Tarrant County and Fort Worth-area primary races on March 3 By Anna M. Tinsley and Tessa Weinberg.
Angelina County. Citizenship: Must be a U.S. citizen. Tarrant County voter guide… Tuesday, Nov 3rd. Purchase Tickets Today!
List of Election Officials. It is intended to help voters make informed choices between candi
Calendar. EMAIL THE CHAIRMAN. paid for by DFW Conservative Voters PAC, Stuart Lane, Treasurer - dfwvoters@att.net We started in Tarrant County in 1998 and have increased the span of our effort as time and resources have permitted. Learn more. 7524 … Rick Barnes Chairman Tarrant County Republican Party. This site is intended to be a user-friendly, nonpartisan voter guide that lists every candidate on Tarrant County (Texas) ballots, from local and state offices to the US Congress. Military & Overseas Voters. 2020 Elections; Immigration Reform; DACA; 116th Congress; Rational Middle; 2019 Texas Legislature ; Border Security; Law and Politics; Human Trafficking . Welcome! Volunteer. CHAIRMAN RICK BARNES. We have what you need to know, plus links. SECTIONS Skip to Content. TCC Votes 2020: Voter Registration. The 2020 Census will determine funding and representation for the next 10 years. Voting Resources. Purchase Tickets Today! Your Voting Rights. Home. Register to Vote. Political adv. Every effort is made to ensure that information provided is correct.
Tuesday, Oct 13- Friday, Oct 30. 2020 CANDIDATE FILINGS.
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