2. . By contrast, the venue is described to be provisional in nature and is merely for administrative convenience. She ripped a hole in the seat of her trousers. This decision clarified that the seat of the arbitration, once chosen, attains a permanent character which decides the scope of the powers and determines the court that has the final supervisory jurisdiction over the arbitration.

The bus was so crowded that I could not find a seat. On facts, there were only three courts which had jurisdiction, i.e., the relevant courts at New Delhi, Chennai and Amritsar. The words, “the place of arbitration” shall be “Hong Kong”, have to be read along with Clause 17.2.

The venue for Council meetings is Brussels, and Luxembourg in April, June and October. Hence, it is still a matter of debate as to whether this judgment of BGS can be said to be over-turning the judgment of Hardy Exploration.

Despite of this, the court in BGS meticulously delved into English & Indian case laws wherein the parties were from different countries. The terms seat/venue/place of an arbitration cannot be interchangeably used.

The Single judge allowed interim protection to Devas on the premise that the Section 9 petition filed by Devas was not maintainable. Subsequently, disputes arose between the parties and a dispute notice was sent by the 1st Respondent to the Appellant under Clause 18 of the Agreement, alleging that the Appellant had defaulted in making payments worth INR 5 crores.

Tout ce qu'il faudrait à ton fils, c'est un bon coup de pied au derrière. The venue in Hardy Exploration was Kuala Lumpur, and only a supranational legal system was involved. (layout of seats at a venue or on transport) plan de table nm nom masculin: s'utilise avec les articles "le", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "un". The seat, place, venue and the applicable laws to the proceedings must be clearly stated in the arbitration agreements/clauses and each of the term must be unequivocally defined so as to have an absolute clarity on the terms of the agreement/clause in case a dispute arises between the parties to the same. Ultimately in this case, emphasis was placed on holistic or combined reading of the entire contract along with the arbitration agreement/clause to determine the intention of the parties with regards to the seat of the arbitration. The arbitral tribunal passed two awards in England which were sought to be challenged in India u/s. The applicable law clause stated that the governing law for the purpose of the agreement is the Indian law, whereas the arbitration clause mentions Hong Kong as the venue for the arbitral proceedings. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Les nouveaux vélos sont équipés de selles rembourrées.

Delhi HC, therefore, went on to hold that, if the findings in, are to be seen in the background of the larger bench decision in. What was the seat of arbitration in the present dispute? Ex : garçon - nm > On dira "le garçon" ou "un garçon". Clause 18 of the Agreement provided for a tiered dispute resolution mechanism, whereby on failure of the parties to amicably resolve disputes or differences arising out of or in relation to the agreement, disputes would be resolved by arbitration conducted under the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (“Act”) at Mumbai, in English language. Hence, the case was transferred to an appropriate court in New Delhi. However, if the “venue” of arbitration alone is mentioned in the arbitration clause, it can be considered the “seat” of arbitration only if another/additional factor(s) is/are added to it as a concomitant(s).

Before moving forward, it is important to note that as per Clause 17.1 of the MOU it was mentioned that the courts at New Delhi shall have jurisdiction with respect to the present disputes arising out of the said MOU and the laws of India shall apply.

Accordingly, the Supreme Court overruled the impugned order and concluded that New Delhi was the final juridical seat of the arbitration and that the New Delhi courts had jurisdiction to hear the Section 34 application. Ex : garçon - nm > On dira "le garçon" ou "un garçon". Successive orders of the district court and the High Court of Chhattisgarh rejected the appeals. The Single judge allowed interim protection to Devas on the premise that the Section 9 petition filed by Devas was not maintainable. A Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred to as. ) The seat of arbitration is a vital aspect of any arbitration proceedings.

(clubbed together with the above petition for hearing), was applicability of section 9 (interim measures) of the Act. On an appeal filed against this order by NHPC, the Punjab & Haryana High Court held that New Delhi was not the seat of arbitration and only a convenient venue. The Bangalore High Court set aside the application so allowed on the grounds that the appellants had an alternative remedy (u/s 44 of the Act, being interim reliefs for international arbitration) in the courts of London and further since the substantive law governing the contract, as well as the arbitration agreement, is English law, the English courts should be approached. that the choice of a ‘seat’ amounts to choice of the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts at which the ‘seat’ is located. In the view of the author, due to the above mentioned explanations, it cannot be said to over-turning the view held by a bench of co-equal strength in Hardy Exploration and the same needs to be referred to a larger bench of the Hon’ble Supreme Court. One of the foremost Indian decisions distinguishing between the concepts of 'seat' and 'venue' is that of a constitution bench of the Supreme Court in Bharat Aluminium Co (BALCO) v Kaiser Aluminium Technical Service Inc ((2012) 9 SCC 552). Although the distinction between the ‘venue’ and ‘seat’ of arbitration is well recognized in international commercial arbitration, imprecise drafting of arbitration agreements may obscure this difference. The Appellant’s registered office is in Chennai, and as per the commercial arrangement between the parties, goods were to be shipped from Amritsar to New Delhi. Hence, the district court at Faridabad will have jurisdiction since the cause of action arose there. While agreeing with the reasoning in BALCO, the Supreme Court reiterated that the difference between the terms “venue” and “seat” are crucial, and that they cannot be used interchangeably. An agreement was entered into between the Appellant and the 1, Respondent on 25 October 2014 (“Agreement”), under which the latter would conduct business with the former as its retail chain partner. Nous n'avons pas assez de chaises pour faire asseoir tout le monde. However, over here it is pertinent to mention that this judgment and the view held herein later on has been overturned by specific reliance and discussion in the judgment of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in BGS SGS SOMA JV vs. NHPC Ltd  2019 (6) Arb LR 393 (SC). However, over here it is pertinent to mention that this judgment alongwith Antrix judgment of Hon’ble Delhi High Court later on has been said to be “not good law” by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in BGS SGS SOMA JV vs. NHPC Ltd.  2019 (6) Arb LR 393 (SC). Signalez une erreur ou suggérez une amélioration. All disputes & differences of any kind whatever arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts of Mumbai only.”. plan de salle nm nom masculin: s'utilise avec les articles "le", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "un". Nothing in this Contract shall entitle the Contractor to exercise the rights, privileges and powers conferred upon it by this Contract in a manner which will contravene the laws of India. This decision clarified that the seat of the arbitration, once chosen, attains a permanent character which decides the scope of the powers and determines the court that has the final supervisory jurisdiction over the arbitration. Ltd. (“Devas”). The seat of an arbitration will decide the law applicable to the proceedings and the courts having supervisory jurisdiction over the award delivered. This is despite the fact that Antrix had already filed a petition under Section 9 of the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 (“Act”) before the Bangalore City Civil Court (“Bangalore Court”) seeking interim protection. On opposition, the court held that the courts at New Delhi would have exclusive jurisdiction in the present case. Bharat Aluminium Co vs. Kaiser Aluminium Technical Service Inc. (2012) 9 SCC 552: The legal quandary between a “seat” and “venue” of arbitration was resolved by India’s Supreme Court (“SC”) for the first time in this judgment.

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