(PROSE: The Shadows of Avalon), Despite being a self-proclaimed pacifist, the Third Doctor was a man of action, joining the fray whenever needed.
The Doctor, with the help of Professor Sondergaard, discovered the transformation was a natural part of the Solonian life cycle.
The First Doctor would occasionally have premonitions of his future incarnations, (PROSE: A Big Hand for the Doctor) and there was a rumour that he was able to glimpse his first seven regenerations during a game of Eighth Man Bound. Finding it a fake, Dr Logan sent the Doctor into space, but the Doctor piloted the ship and threatened to drop it on Logan's ancestral home, a ploy that proved successful. His foremost enemy was a fellow Time Lord, the Master.
Sadly, the Aggedor was a victim of the battle between the groups when he and Eckersley killed each other, upsetting the Doctor.
Realising it was not his destiny to kill the baby, the Doctor left with Jo. (PROSE: The Book of the War, The Story So Far...) Eventually Gallifrey was restored to the universe, (TV: The Night of the Doctor) and a history of the universe recounted that the Third Doctor had regenerated after the battle with the Eight Legs and the Great One, (PROSE: The Whoniverse) implying that the Eighth Doctor had been successful in restoring that. (TV: Frontier in Space), The Doctor always favoured peace and diplomacy above violence and aggression. (COMIC: The Forgotten), During many failed attempts to duplicate the Tenth Doctor, defective copies of all his past incarnations, including the Third Doctor, were created instead.
To save his companions, his teacher, and the whole cosmos from them, the Doctor exposed himself to lethal levels of radiation to destroy the web of the Great One. (COMIC: Insect), The Doctor's knowledge of the TARDIS greatly increased from his previous incarnation, chiefly due to him taking it completely apart and reassembling it to try and make it work. After being caught in a Time Lord trap that resulted in an enforced regeneration in his TARDIS, (COMIC: The Night Walkers) the freshly regenerated Doctor collapsed outside his TARDIS on 20th century Earth, near a UNIT patrol. When he offered the rational that he always left things better than he found them, they all turned and left him in disgust and disgrace. (PROSE: Shroud of Sorrow), The Third Doctor was summoned by his first incarnation, who required the aid of one of his future incarnations to escape a castle in medieval England, where he had been entrapped by knights thinking he was holding Lady Mary hostage in his TARDIS. (TV: The Ambassadors of Death), While walking down a dark alley, the Doctor was almost attacked by time flies. He helped hatch more Zama flies, which destroyed the Ugrakks. Following the tracks of a sledge, they found a giant doorway into a glacier, where the Daleks had taken the Jefferson after they had patiently waited centuries for the human race to advance to a point where the Daleks could use humankind's technology against them.
He allowed the Great One to repossess the crystal, which gave her infinite psychic power, unaware this would be too much for her to bear.
If unsatisfied with someone's handling of a situation, he would step in forcefully and take charge, especially if they seemed aggressive and undiplomatic. (TV: Inferno, Terror of the Autons, The Dæmons, Day of the Daleks, The Time Monster, The Three Doctors, The Green Death, The Time Warrior, Planet of the Spiders), When Ace encountered the Third Doctor in the Seventh Doctor's mind, she noticed that he had "a shock of white hair." Calling the Brigadier and organising a mass protest against Hardin, Hardin admitted surgery on his students, as well as on himself.
When Forty noticed the roundels in the TARDIS, he was distracted long enough for the Doctor to take him back to his planet, Procyon Two. The Doctor and Jo then barricaded the landing to delay the entrance of the earlier Jo and Tuala.
The creature's followers grew angry at the creature and set it ablaze, killing it. Tricking the Master into helping him deal with the Redcoats, the Doctor secretly used chronons to cross back to the 1970s, leaving the Master in the hands of Red Angus and the angry Scotsmen. Yesterday, I mentioned that Planet of … (TV: Inferno, The Claws of Axos, Day of the Daleks) Once the Time Lords returned the knowledge of how to operate it after he assisted in the defeat of Omega, (TV: The Three Doctors) the Doctor was more adept at controlling his destinations than his previous incarnations, who often lacked any sort of control over the TARDIS, had been. (PROSE: Hiccup in Time), Info from The Devil Goblins from Neptune, Country of the Blind, & Taken For Granted needs to be added, When Jean Baisemore, a friend of Liz's, disappeared, the Doctor investigated twelve other disappearances and was led underground by a Cybermat, where he re-encountered the Cybermen.
(TV: Terror of the Autons), The Doctor's new assistant at UNIT after Liz left was Jo Grant. Talking with Jickster, the Doctor learned that the Daleks had two secret weapons on Far; a Dalek army in stasis, numbering over a million Daleks, and a giant transmitter that would broadcast a signal enabling the Daleks to turn the attacking Earth fleet into Robomen slaves en masse once they got into range. He was nearly captured and fed to their young before escaping, badly frightened and grateful that UNIT would destroy the creatures with cyanide. While Peladon spoke with Centauri, the Doctor quietly left in the TARDIS. However, Clegg looked into it, causing his psychic abilities to increase and show him a frightful image of extraterrestrial spiders, which gave him a fatal heart attack. (PROSE: Morphology), Along with seven other incarnations, the Third Doctor became trapped in the Void when it began to attack and devour the universe, passing through the Tenth Doctor's TARDIS as he was pulled in. The Doctor tried negotiating with the Armidians, telling them that their planet, Tharos, no longer existed, but Yates broke free and Benton opened fire on them as they escaped. (COMIC: *Sub Zero) In a response to the Doctor's defeat of them, the Daleks placed a time vector around the TARDIS. With the help of Dr. Liz Shaw, the Doctor created a device to stop the Autons. In the field, the Doctor was aided by Sergeant John Benton, Captain Mike Yates, and Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart. However, he retained his endearing compassion toward his human companions, and he finally began to gain some mastery over his TARDIS as he dissected its inner-workings while it was rendered inoperable as the exile gave him the opportunity to learn more about his ship than he ever had before since he was no longer constantly on the move from his people. When the delegates began to point fingers at each other in blame, the Doctor himself accused, all suspicions were rendered futile. In the end, he was able to convince the Draconians to give time for the colonists to evacuate. (PROSE: Deep Blue), While the Sixth Doctor told Peri Brown that his third incarnation was "more interested in axle grease and looking in the mirror" than in reading great literature, (AUDIO: Year of the Pig) he was willing to acknowledge the Third Doctor's superior skill with a sword, even if he dismissed him as having an "unusual dress sense". The engines on the plane they were on went out, but they stayed in the air thanks to a woman with psychic abilities, who died once they landed.
(TV: The Mind of Evil), The Doctor owned a country house thirty miles from Thisis, that he had bought with his UNIT wages. Realising the error of his ways, Scratch destroyed the aliens' ray-gun. (PROSE: The Eight Doctors, The Wages of Sin), The Third Doctor would often stand with his hands on his hips, (TV: Day of the Daleks, The Green Death) or in his jackets' pockets.
(PROSE: Interference: Shock Tactic), Afterwards, the Doctor and Sarah travelled to London in December 1952, where the Doctor discovered that poisonous smog was killing the citizens. On the way there, they picked up an elderly hitchhiker named MacFee, who picked up a pot by the island. (COMIC: The Celluloid Midas), The Doctor and Abraham Lincoln. There, the Doctor knocked at the chamber doors, which Centauri opened from inside.
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