Our biweekly podcast delivering news & inspiration from nature’s frontline. The data is public, giving Arctic researchers, private companies and citizen scientists information that could significantly improve Arctic knowledge and development. High amounts of rain is what makes it rainforest. Your email address is used only to let the recipient know who sent the email. The is a great deal of rainfall in Careiro, even in the driest month. Confusion over environmental fallout of Indonesia deregulation law, For Amazon’s harpy eagle, nesting trees are also coveted for timber, China still making pangolin-based treatments despite banning use of scales, report says, Mexico: Four decades of community lessons from the forests of Durango. You may republish Mongabay content in your publication at no cost, Solomon Islands environmental defender faces life sentence for arson charge, Threatened species caught in crossfire of ongoing land conflict in Myanmar, Under cover of COVID-19, loggers plunder Cambodian wildlife sanctuary, Brazilian Amazon protected areas ‘in flames’ as land-grabbers invade, ‘Tamper with nature, and everyone suffers’: Q&A with ecologist Enric Sala, New paper highlights spread of organized crime from global fisheries, Study: Chinese ‘dark fleets’ illegally defying sanctions by fishing in North Korean waters, Game changer? The rash of wildfires now consuming the Amazon rainforest can be blamed on a host of human factors, from climate change to deforestation to Brazilian politics. Users can process the data in the cloud without downloading the whole dataset. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1449240174198-2'); }); The data, placed on Amazon by a team at the University of Alaska Fairbanks International Arctic Research Center, represents more than 40 climate variables, such as temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind and more. Despite preventative measures in this period, in the last year, Brazil lost a total area of 7,900 kilometres squared, representing over one billion trees. The information you enter will appear in your e-mail message and is not retained by Phys.org in any form. hbspt.cta.load(5981609, 'ffe07749-0055-4a95-85b3-bce123fc330c', {}); Mongabay is a reader-supported conservation and environmental science news service. While month-to-month data from short-term deforestation tracking systems is notoriously variable, June’s number comes on the heels of 634 square kilometers of forest loss in May, which had been the highest amount of deforestation since June 2016, as well as warnings from scientists that the Brazilian government’s resolve to combat deforestation is waning. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Privacy Policy Boletim do desmatamento da Amazônia Legal (Junho 2018) SAD (p. 1). Our EIN or tax ID is 45-3714703. "The projected precipitation data from SNAP will allow (our) engineers to more accurately determine design discharges for hydraulic structures than the current methods," explained Paul Janke, the agency's central region hydrologist. 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The Amazon River is about 4,080 miles long and has many tributaries, making it the largest river system in the world. This climate is considered to be Af according to the Köppen-Geiger climate classification. "Making this climate dataset widely available will allow engineers to make better use of our modern predictive tools, in order to produce better-informed designs.". There are tropical forests in rain shadow where it doesn't rain enough for these forests to be rainforests. Medical Xpress covers all medical research advances and health news, Tech Xplore covers the latest engineering, electronics and technology advances, Science X Network offers the most comprehensive sci-tech news coverage on the web. You can be assured our editors closely monitor every feedback sent and will take appropriate actions. ", For engineers, the data will be an additional tool beyond the historical data they traditionally use to inform their designs, said William Schnabel, director of the UAF Institute of Northern Engineering. New data finds deforestation rates in the Amazon rainforest are the highest they have been in a decade. As illegal deforestation is often associated with other crimes such as arms trafficking, drugs and animals, and slave labour, the Federal Police has filed 823 criminal proceedings in the period. Up until now, dynamically downscaled climate data was not easily available. The soil in the Amazon is poor because the high rainfall causes minerals to drain away. Amazon rainforest climate is hot and humid, like in other tropical rainforests. Your feedback will go directly to Science X editors. The news follows a report by Greenpeace which that found Mondelez, an international organisation responsible for Cadbury, has destroyed over 25,000 hectares of orangutan habitat from palm oil deforestation. The Amazon rainforest gets its name from the Amazon River. (commentary), Brazil moves toward transfer of deforestation and fire monitoring to military. Programming experience is still required, but this saves time by letting users extract data that meets specific needs. It starts in the Peruvian Andes and spans the northern half of South America. Imazon, an NGO that independently tracks forest trends in Brazil, this week released its monthly deforestation alert, which pegged June’s forest loss in the Amazon at 1,169 square kilometers, an area 343 times the size of New York’s Central Park. Brazil’s Environment Minister, Edson Duarte, noted the presence of illegal logging as a reason for the increase in deforestation. The data contains, for example, information on high stream-flow, which impacts culverts and other hydraulic structures in Alaska. | Terms and conditions | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy, UK electricity grid’s carbon emissions could turn negative by 2033, Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance sets 2025 decarbonisation targets, Google announces its lifetime net carbon footprint is now zero, 5 companies leading the movement to go plastic free.
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