Its home to The Super Pit, this feat of mankind is an impressive 3.5 kms long, 1.5 kms wide and 700 m deep and pumps out an impressive 850,000 ounces of gold every year. Sie ist der als Super Pit bekannten Goldmine im australischen Kalgoorlie im Bundesstaat Western Australia gewidmet und verdankt ihren Spitznamen ihren überwältigenden Dimensionen. Kalgoorlie is one of the most historic mining communities in Western Australia and for good reason. The gold sludge is removed periodically from the cathodes by high pressure water spraying. [8] Das Erz wird zu zwei Anlagen transportiert, in die Fimiston- und Gidji-Anlage. Die Super-Pit-Goldmine (englisch: Super Pit Gold Mine oder Fimiston Open Pit) ist ein im Tagebau betriebenes Goldbergwerk in der Region Goldfields-Esperance am Goldfields Highway am südöstlichen Ende von Kalgoorlie-Boulder, der größten Stadt im australischen Outback. Zerkleinern, Mahlen und Aufschäumen des Erzes und die Gewinnung des Goldes findet in der Fimiston-Anlage statt und es wird in der Gidji-Anlage fortgesetzt. When the process is complete the pulp has had almost all of its gold removed and the substance which remains, known as the “tail”, is pumped onto a tailings storage facility where the slurry particles settle and the water is recycled. Die Schlote sind gleich alt und ihr Inhalt von gleicher Gesteinszusammensetzung. Der Bergbau förderte im Jahr 2018 628.000 Feinunzen (19,5 Tonnen) Gold.[3][4]. An electric current is passed through the solution and the gold is electro-chemically plated onto the stainless steel wool. Up until 2016, it hailed as Australia’s largest open pit mine, however, it officially lost its title to the … The trucks were busy transporting ore to surface while the excavators cleaned the bottom of the pit and roadways  waiting for the next truck. KCGM is a residential mine site and its 1,100 employees and contractors are proud to be a part of the Kalgoorlie-Boulder community.

As we approached the property it became very apparent that a lot of earth was moved over the years as they excavated the property in search of Gold. Beladen der Muldenkipper mit einem Schaufelbagger. [1] Die Super Pit befindet sich in der Region Goldfields-Esperance am Goldfields Highway am südöstlichen Ende von Kalgoorlie-Boulder, der größten Stadt im australischen Outback. prohibitions to investments due to law, jurisdiction issues, etc.) Newrange Gold Pamlico Project Site Photos, RJK Explorations Bishop and KON Claim Gallery, Beta Hunt Core Photos – KRR Minerals Exclusive Insidexploration, Beta Hunt – KRR Minerals Exclusive Photos Insidexploration,,, Nipissing Diamond Project Exploration Overview, Tesla Needs Nickel and Ontario/Quebec Have a Solution, Stocks to Watch Episode 01: Gold – Diamonds – Nickel, AIIM: Overview of recent and past successes, Brian Leni: Nickel Mining Investment is All About Location, Location, Location, RJK Explorations (TSX.V: RJX.A, US OTC: RJKAF), Nickel Investment Opportunities: 5 Junior Mining Companies To Keep an eye on as Nickel gains traction, Golden Opportunities: 20 Junior Mining Companies To Keep An Eye On As Gold Spikes, Top 20 of 2020: Part 2 of 2; Junior Mining Companies to Add to Your Watchlist, Top 20 of 2020: Part 1 of 2; Junior Mining Companies to Add to Your Watchlist, Insidexploration Beta Hunt Mine Tour – RNC Minerals, Cobalt: Discovering the Mining History Of Northern Ontario, Mike Coyle interviews Mark Selby on the New Resource Update, MOTHER LODE VEINS- the secret of earth gold. I often buy and sell the stocks I write about and may do so at any point in time without warning. The trucks deliver the ore from the blast site to the ROM (run of mine) pad at the Fimiston Plant, where the crusher reduces it to chunks of rock about the size of a fist before they start the grinding process.

The round trip takes around an hour to complete including loading time. Die Goldmünze Super Pit wird seit 2019 von der australischen Münzprägeanstalt Perth Mint herausgegeben. The work involved to make this project possible is incredible. Jedes Jahr werden 15 Millionen Tonnen Gestein nach der Sprengung mit Baggern, die 60 Tonnen Gestein heben und mit Großraum-Muldenkippern, die 225 Tonnen laden können, bewegt. Diese Verbindungen intrudierten vor 2.675 Millionen Jahren in einem aus Hornblende, Plagioklas und Quarz bestehenden Schlot. In diesem Prozess entstehen Blausäure und Cyanide, die trotz Wiederverwendung der Lauge in die Umwelt entweichen können. Terms of Service, © Copyright 2020 @WGeotek $WIN $BTU $TGM $AGO $DGO $FLO $PLY $QPM $CNC.V $PAC, Brossard, Quebec - TheNewswire - October 8, 2020 - Windfall Geotek (TSXV:WIN) (OTC:WINKF)  a mining and technology services company and, Canada Nickel’s (TSX.V: CNC) Final Three Infill Holes Confirm and Extend Higher Grade Mineralization at Crawford Nickel-Cobalt Sulphide Project.

Contact us:, © Copyright 2020 | Multimedia and analytical due diligence database for the investing community | Contact us: COMMUNITY – We are part of a bigger story. Air is added to the bottom of the agitating flotation cells and the resulting froth which gathers at the top contains nearly all the gold. Die entferntesten Zonen der Verwerfung beinhalten Chlorit-Kalzit. No rush since gold rush The Super Pit’s historystretches back to 1893 and the Gold Rush era, when Paddy Hannan discovered 100 ounces of gold in Kalgoorlie-Boulder.

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