Keynes' wife, the renowned dancer Lydia Lopokova was also key to the theatre's foundation. He commissioned plays from Frederic Raphael (After the Greek) and Royce Ryton (The Unvarnished Truth with Tim Brooke Taylor and Graeme Garden), and his production of Songbook, a spoof musical by Julian More and Monty Norman, transferred to London in 1978. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Irene Hentschel produced the play.[4]. ... Cambridge Arts Theatre. Sheila Hancock was a regular under Lynn, becoming Associate Director. The front and fore-stage lighting is provided by means of a specially designed spot-box concealed in the ceiling, and in numerous openings at either side of the theatre adjacent to the boxes. [3], CAMBRIDGE Arts Theatre (M.N. A London company are presenting a season of Ibsen at this theatre, which opened on Monday night, and will continue until Saturday, February 29. Betty Hardy and Wilfrid Grantham as Mrs. Linden and Nils Krogstad were outstanding for consistent good work, and the smaller parts were capably sustained. Cambridge Arts Theatre is a 666-seat theatre on Peas Hill and St Edward's Passage in central Cambridge, England.
A complete movable flat canvas cyclorama is being installed, and this is illuminated by the Strand Electric three-colour process—at the top, by fourteen 1,000-watt Cyclorama Lanterns, which give a beam angle of 105 degrees, and at the bottom by the Cyclorama Ground Row, which has been let into a permanent pit below the stage level, for horizon lighting. The theatre has been completely equipped by the Strand Electric and Engineering Company. As a consequence, Durham’s sketch involving Tutankhamun and a viral Facebook message, which I thought was one of their strongest, went clean over the heads of several surrounding pensioners who are clearly less well-acquainted with social media. In previous years it also housed performances by Footlights, the Cambridge University Gilbert & Sullivan Society and the Cambridge University Musical Theatre Society. The usual system of signals, stage floods, wing floods, perch arc lamps, etc., have also been installed. The plays selected are A Doll's House, Rosmersholm, Hedda Gabler, and The Master Builder. A small smattering of these were of course very entertaining, particularly Cambridge’s final sketch, which featured a cameo from a new local celebrity, whose name, in the interests of tonight’s performance, I cannot reveal here. The Cambridge Arts Theatre was home to the Cambridge Theatre Company (established in 1969), which became one of the most respected and influential touring companies in the UK. Maureen Lipman starred in her husband Jack Rosenthal's play Smash! The first manager was Norman Higgins. The theatre hosted the world première of Harold Pinter's The Birthday Party in 1958. For example, the 1974 six-play season featured Zoë Wanamaker, Oliver Ford Davies, Roger Rees and Ian Charleson. Thanks to such brilliant delivery that even the weaker sketches, or those without an obvious punchline, were met with big laughs. In September 2008 it hosted the world premiere of a new stage adaptation of Tracy Chevalier's play Girl with a Pearl Earring, prior to a transfer to the West End. The Cambridge Arts Theatre was founded in 1936 by the famous Cambridge economist and statesman John Maynard Keynes. Footlights' inaugural performance took place in June 1883. The company's Arts Council of Great Britain grant was dependent on this. From 1969 to 1985, the theatre was also home to the Cambridge Theatre Company, a renowned national touring company. Cambridge Footlights are the world-famous comedy troupe who first aired the talents of some of the foremost British comedians and actors of this century. When only £2,300 was raised by subscription of the town, Dr Keynes underwrote the rest himself. Their opening sketch – featuring a TV presenter suffering the consequences of a technological hiccup – relied on immaculate timing to be successful, a feat they accomplished with skill. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. [8], The directors of the company were Richard Cottrell (1969–1975), Robert Lang (1975–1976), Jonathan Lynn (1976–1981), Bill Pryde (1981–1988), Robin Midgley (1988–1991), and Mike Alfreds (1991–1999). In my experience very few full-length performances in this challenging genre hit the funny bone enough to fill two hours with a bum on seat (apologies for the mixed anatomical metaphor). Cambridge Arts Theatre is a 666-seat theatre on Peas Hill and St Edward's Passage in central Cambridge, England. Review: Footlights at the Arts Theatre Harry Parker 18 April 2015 Three titans of university comedy – the Durham Revue, the Oxford Revue, and our very own Cambridge Footlights – came together for an excellent evening of genius and silliness. Founded in 1880, this university drama society boasts an impressive alumni including Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie, Trevor Nunn and Peter Shaffer. Cambridge Arts Theatre Reviewed – 10th March 2019 ★★★★ “Durham Revue … brought a magnificent style and energy to the stage with an …
By contrast, Oxford were outstanding in their flawless delivery. However, for fear of betraying the home team, the performance didn’t seem to quite match up to the technical flair shown by Oxford. Subsequent sketches showcased some seriously impressive dance moves and surprisingly high singing from the male members of the troupe. The Cambridge Arts Theatre opened on 3 February 1936 with a gala performance by the Vic-Wells Ballet, featuring among others Robert Helpmann, Margot Fonteyn and Frederick Ashton. Its annual Christmas pantomime is an established tradition in the city.
It was particularly interesting to see that the group consisted of mostly female performers, considering the Footlights have been male-dominated for the last few years, and they employed this dynamic for one of their strongest sketches, satirising female representation in comedy.
Author newincambridge Posted on November 7, 2019 Categories ballet, christmas, pantomime Tags adc theatre cambridge, ballet cambridge, ballet central, cambridge arts theatre, cambridge corn exchange, cambridge footlights, cambridge junction, cuadc, pantomime cambridge Leave a comment on Christmas in Cambridge: Pantomine and Ballet Other premières have included Secrets Every Smart Traveler Should Know and Someone Like You. The company include Lydia Lopokova and Jean Forbes-Robertson who share the leading female roles and on Monday Lydia Lopokova gave a fine rendering of the part of Nora. Walking into the space of the Arts Theatre always makes a welcome break from the student-infused world of the ADC and Corpus Playroom. Do you agree? It attracts some of the highest-quality touring productions in the country, as well as many shows direct from, or prior to, seasons in the West End. The whole of the apparatus is controlled by a modern stage lighting switchboard, unique in design. Formed as a sister company to Toby Robertson's Prospect Theatre Company and Ian McKellen's Actors' Company (presented as part of CTC),[7] the Cambridge Theatre Company enjoyed enormous loyalty in its home town, and many excellent emerging actors were featured in its wide repertoire.
The second is of similar design to throw light downwards, and has an angle dispersion of twenty-four degrees. Theatre. It is portable, and can be removed when the apron front stage used. However, this doesn’t always translate to all age groups. For some months before the name "Footlights" was chosen, the group had performed to local audiences in the Cambridge area (once, with a cricket match included, at the "pauper lunatic asylum"). All in all, the show contained some of the usual slips and stumbles which are the occupational hazards of student comedy, but this did not retract from the charm and delight of a seriously good evening’s entertainment. Similarly, a reference to a ‘dick pic’ actually prompted the most accidentally hilarious moments of the evening, as the woman behind me turned to her husband and whispered (quite loudly) “I don’t know what that is” and he responded (equally loudly) with “Me neither”. Three titans of university comedy – the Durham Revue, the Oxford Revue, and our very own Cambridge Footlights – came together for an excellent evening of genius and silliness. Mar 11 CAMBRIDGE FOOTLIGHTS AND FRIENDS AT THE ARTS THEATRE . Under Jonathan Lynn (1976–1981) many of the company's productions transferred to the West End. ON Monday night, the Vic-Wells Ballet Company made a flying visit to appear at the opening performance of the new Cambridge Arts Theatre, which has been built to provide the town with plays, films, ballet, and music. She was capably supported by Geoffrey Edwards as Torvald; and the Dr. Rank of A. Clarke-Smith was a most effective study. Durham had the difficult job of opening the evening before the large, packed-out auditorium of the Arts Theatre. As with Durham, the shorter sketches were some of the highlights of the show, capturing moments of pure – and ridiculous – brilliance. Cambridge Footlights. [11], "Cambridge Arts Theatre — Burrell Foley Fischer LLP",, Articles with dead external links from October 2018, Infobox mapframe without OSM relation ID on Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 28 August 2020, at 09:35. [9][10] In 1999 the company dissolved in the face of declining interest in quality drama in the provinces. The two battens are of magazine type, the first being divided into sections with Strand’s electric 1,000- watt spot lanterns fitted between the sections. Footlights at the Arts Theatre runs until tomorrow. Some of their content was impressive – the short sketches in particular were consistently on point – yet the lacklustre characterisation in many sketches left the audience less than enthused. Like the Prospect Theatre Company and the Actors' Company, CTC initially operated a repertory system of a company of around 14 actors. Yesterday (Wednesday) Rosmersholwas presented, with Jean Forbes- Robertson as Rebecca West, and John Laurie in the part of Johannes Rosmer. Let us know in the comments below. With their accustomed student audiences, performers can rely more heavily on shared knowledge and interests, making references to popular culture and so on. Reviewing revues can be a hazardous business.
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