While Lestat spoils Claudia and tries to teach her how to behave like a vampire, she largely ignores him and reserves her love for Louis. Lestat soon discovers after making Gabrielle into his fledgling that he can no longer hear her thoughts.

Lestat, David Talbot, and Merrick then give Louis some of their blood (Lestat and David's containing the power of some of the oldest and most powerful vampires in the world) to save Louis's life.

Prodded by Gabrielle, he eventually leaves Auvergne with friend and lover Nicolas and heads for Paris, intending to become an actor. Lestat kills a man called Roger, an evil-doer, only to be haunted by the man's ghost. Gabrielle and Lestat travel together for a total of 10 years but soon after leaving Paris Gabrielle starts leaving Lestat on his own for months at a time. Here Lestat is told the story of how Armand came to be what he is and after the story, Lestat becomes obsessed with the idea of Marius.

Louis escapes death after Lestat pleads for his life. Yes, Lestat is the sun, the glorious, adventurous one but Louis is the moon, the gentle and wise one. He has blond hair that is not quite shoulder length, and that is rather curly, which sometimes appears white under fluorescent lighting. They are taken to the cemetery in Paris where Nicki is being held, where they are labeled by the coven of Satan worshiping vampires as outcasts and blasphemers for not living by their code. In both instances, he is returned to his family. Lestat returns to New Orleans a few nights later to see Louis and to his surprise finds David waiting for him. Lestat is kidnapped by the mysterious face, a vampire named Magnus, and is held prisoner until Magnus concludes Lestat is the one he will make into a vampire, as his one and only fledgling. Nicolas founds the Théàtre des Vampires, while Lestat and Gabrielle leave Paris to explore the world. Lestat finds himself in a human body which he initially finds fantastic until he finds the body he possesses is ill to the point near death.

Louis is the roots from which Lestat can blossom, can fly. Speaking of magic. Lestat pulls Merrick out but she cannot be revived. Lestat awakens the next night to find David waiting for him. Quinn explains that he is seeking Lestat's help with a spirit who has followed him since birth but who has recently become violent towards Quinn. He mostly avoids contact with Nicki and any other mortals he knew so they won't discover his changed nature until one night at the theatre he frightens the audience with his preternatural abilities so much that he decides to shut the theatre down. 2019-02-14 - Explore mr8919's board "Lestat and Louis" on Pinterest. Armand becomes devastated that Lestat has quickly destroyed the ideology he has governed his coven by for so long. Lestat and Gabrielle rest in a church during the day because Lestat believes it's the safest place for them, as the vampires that attacked them appear to fear churches and anything associated with Christianity. The only feature that proves he is not human is his glazed fingernails which give the impression that they are made of glass. [1] His full backstory is explored in The Vampire Lestat (1985), which follows Lestat's exploits from his youth in the Auvergne region of France to his early years as a vampire fledgling. In Neil Jordan's 1994 film adaptation of Interview with the Vampire, Louis is portrayed by Brad Pitt. Yet Lestat also has a tendency to push problems and pain away, laugh about them and simply distract himself until nothing hurts anymore.

Armand drops pretenses by accusing Lestat of ruining his life and pushes Lestat from the top of a high tower, backing out of their arrangement to help Lestat in his weakened state. His mouth can look very mean or extremely generous, but always sensual. Lestat de Lioncourt is a prominent vampire in The Vampire Chronicles, appearing in most of them as the lead or to a lesser extent, as a supporting role. He finds himself more in love with humanity than ever before, despite his relationship with mankind being savage. Lestat however, does not die and after a few nights in the desert, he manages to lift himself into the air and fly to David's home. He also features in The Vampire Lestat, The Queen of the Damned, The Tale of the Body Thief, Memnoch the Devil, The Vampire Armand, Merrick, Prince Lestat and Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis.

", "Am I in His plan? Lestat both admires and hates her for this, yet he is the only person of her family she can confide in; they develop a silent but strong bond. It is noted by David Talbot that with this transfusion of blood Louis may have lost some of his humanity and become more vampiric in nature and has become almost equal to Lestat in power. The coven finds out that both attempted to kill their maker Lestat, and believe they ought to pay for their crime with their lives since killing fellow vampires is against the rules of the vampiric lifestyle.

Later, following the murder of his brothers and family in the French Revolution, Lestat stepped forward to care for his ailing father, the only surviving member of his family, despite their hate filled relationship. With Louis's help, she dumps him in a swamp near the Mississippi River. With this money, Lestat bought the theatre where he performed and frequently sent money and gifts to Gabrielle and Nicki. Having been illiterate as a human, after becoming a vampire Lestat learned how to read first in French and then in English, developing a great love of literature that made him quite the academic and a fondness for colloquialisms. Akasha takes Lestat to other cities and repeats the killings but Lestat doesn't join in this time.

Akasha refuses to accept this and when the other twin arrives (the sister of Maharet, named Mekare) Akasha is killed by the twins. Lestat witnesses something invisible drain Quinn of the blood he had just taken from the women. Lestat has a disdain for rules and order, and states, in The Queen of the Damned, that he has always had to be his own teacher. The slaves of the plantation gradually get suspicious of Lestat and Louis and are eventually driven out of the plantation, much to Lestat's disgust.

The idea of this wedding, the idea of the blood spouse as already introduced in Prince Lestat is interesting and all we can do is trust our Lady Anne to make something beautiful out of it. Memnoch claims his function as the ruler of hell is to redeem evil souls so they can go to heaven. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Lestat and the other vampires once more try and reason with her, telling her that this is impossible to do and also an insane thing to try. While it is largely due to his actions that the Talamasca—an order of scholars who study the supernatural world but vow to never interfere in it—declare a kind of war on vampires, it is also due to his efforts that no lives are taken over the course of the dispute between the two groups. Lestat finds himself heir to a nearly inexhaustible fortune, and begins an adventure that leads him all around the world. They cannot escape each other anymore. In the film Interview With the Vampire, Lestat was portrayed by Tom Cruise. Though enthralled with the undead lifestyle at first, Louis is unable to warm up to killing humans and grows despondent. Not too long before the day of the concert, Lestat is reunited with Louis who begs him not to go ahead with it as Lestat has angered many of the other vampires by revealing all the secret of their existence to the entire world. 4,023 notes Reblog. He then has David drink from him and Lestat withstands the pain as long as he can. Akasha kills this vampire and then proceeds to start killing all the men in the temple. He has a continuously animated face. Akasha tries to get these vampires (who include all the people Lestat loves) to side with her and help her in her in the massacre because it will supposedly make the world a better place. Meanwhile a very angry and an extremely strong vampiric David then leaves Lestat on his own. In Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis, Louis leaves Armand and his home at Trinity Gate to reunite with Lestat, who has now taken up the role as leader of the vampire tribe. Liam's character was written by Julián Quijano, Cory O’Brien and Maggie Herskowitz and illustrated by Arthur Tien. He spent most of his early experiences with male lovers and spending his time in the company of men, because as he admits men in the past centuries were more interesting than women and secondly he is frightened of women, finding them extremely distracting.

An example of this is an anguished comment recalled by Louis in his memoir, where he muses: "I was thinking how sublime friendship between Lestat and me might have been; how few impediments to it there would have been, and how much to be shared.". Most vampires then leave so that only Lestat, Louis and David remain in New Orleans. Lestat is entirely responsible for the epic triumph and tragedy told in The Queen of the Damned, after he presents himself to the world through his autobiography and formation of a rock band, singing vampire secrets. Lestat flees with Louis to the Freniere plantation which is being run by the Freniere's eldest sister as Lestat killed their brother who was its previous operator. Rowan, eventually asks Lestat to turn her into a vampire, but, despite their feelings toward one another, he painfully chooses not to, because she is a guiding figure in a Mayfair family and he cannot take her away from it or from her faithful and loving husband, Michael Curry. Unhappy with life as a vampire, Nicolas immolates himself in a bonfire, leaving Lestat scarred with his insanity and death. Lestat, in general, ignores Armand until one night he pushes him from the top of a roof. After years of searching and becoming disillusioned, they travel to Paris.

In Blood Canticle, Lestat falls in love with a witch of the Mayfair clan named Rowan Mayfair, who shares the same feelings towards him.

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