Her talent is to find, follow and locate anything which is lost. Gnome #1: Save him! Relooke Lockette en utilisant ta SOURIS. Something like my own Beauty salon! Caramel: How come our magic isn't working? Donne une note à ce jeu (de 1 à 5 Manettes). Donne ton avis sur le jeu Pop Pixie Lockette Habillage. They are everything we'll never be! A son! Ninfea: Pam? Retreat! Don't worry about me, because there's nothing to worry about! She might have the right potion to stop this hideous thing! Martino & Caramel: PopPixie Power! Just to remind them of this, we're going to ruin their party! Pam: Now you look like good boys! Okay, maybe they're not hungry!
Ninfea: Oh, Pam, don't be in such a hurry to discover your talent! Wait! Clique GAUCHE sur les catégories situées à droite du jeu. Wait'll you see! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Add Image S2, Ep5 Honest! That'll be a fifty Pixiedollar fine for you, Lockette! Amore: Well done, Pam! Narrator: When a Pixie is able to use her Talent for good, the Tree of Life gives her a MagicPop. Modifie sa coiffure ainsi que la couleur de ses cheveux et de sa peau. Martino: PopPixie of Acrobatics! Turn that frown upside down! With my little scissors, I can make beautiful things! Oh, Chatta's here too! He has a purple bandana around his head. It sure picked the wrong day to do it! Open the door! Sélectionne une robe ou crée un ensemble à travers les T.shirts, les jupes, les pantalons et les shorts. Pixies: Hurray! Lockette is a sensible and cautious Pixie who is meticulous and tidy. Lenny: Yuckk! Once again the protection spell will defend us from all outside dangers throughout the year! Finding, following and locating anything that has gone missing. Caramel: Cheer up, Pam! Lockette is a fictional character from Pop Pixie. There's the Soapy-Bubbles PopPixie. Gnome #1: Please, save him! Caramel: There, there! She wears a purple top with a green colar and a pink skirt with a matching pink sparkly belt. « Réduire. Caramel: Appreciate what you've got! The Elves hate the Pixies! Chatta: Who on earth is he? Martino: What do you say? Pam: I have a special talent! Get us out of here! Amore: Try it! Appearance Edit. The Tyroler Ballet PopPixie. Nobody can ruin a party like you can!
Add Image S2, Ep5 Ninfea: A magical sphere that transforms a Pixie into a PopPixie! Finding and locating things that have gone missing. If things don’t work out as planned, Lockette just won’t admit she was wrong and is usually stubborn. Floxy: Yes sir, Rex! Elle est la gardienne des passages secrets et des révélations qui pourraient bouleverser l’univers! I'm ruined! Chatta: Don't put yourself down. Rex: Here we are guys! Ninfea: My dear Pixieville Pixies, welcome to the celebration!
Rollo: Ahem! Lockette who is generally shy and cautious then becomes overconfident and ends up complicating matters. Chatta: Oh, no! Pop Pixie (graphié PopPixie) est une série télévisée d'animation franco-italienne créée par Iginio Straffi et co-produite par Rainbow et Rai Fiction.. La série est d'abord diffusée en France à partir du 14 août 2010 sur France 3 dans l'émission Ludo, puis en Italie sur Rai 2 du 10 janvier 2011 au 22 mars 2011.. Elle a été rediffusée par la suite sur Télétoon et Piwi Amore: Calm down, Fixit! Tyroler Ballet PopPixie: Wanna dance? I don't like to see sad people at the Molly Moo! Is anybody out there? She also knows how to make people happy! Wait! Elle est la gardienne des passages secrets et des révélations qui pourraient bouleverser l’univers! Coordonne des chaussures et des gants puis ajoute ses ailes! Take a deep breath and smile! He's like a friend! Have we convinced you?
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