These include: Music Production, Sound for Film, Game Sound, Live Sound, whatever your ambitions, making them a reality starts here. width: 45% !important; } } border-radius: 2px; text-decoration: none; Work placements and internships are embedded in SAE programs are pathways to employment. background: initial !important; height: 40px; left: 0 !important; } top: 55px !important; SAE has you covered with our short courses available at our campuses in London, Oxford Liverpool and Glasgow. } } #siteBannerFooterBanner{display:none !important;}.

text-align: center !important; .l-global, .l-region--navigation { SAE is the trading name of SAE Education Ltd. * Elective module availability is agreed in August of each year. right: auto !important; } /* Move all content up */ padding: 4px 9px; Learn from industry thought-leaders, collaborate with your peers, extend your network through our global reach and solidify your own reputation within the creative media industry. Whether you are an engineer or business professional looking to advance your career, or an educator in search of creative and effective ways to …

Our influence and reach in the sector is worldwide. Its entities have delivered education programs across the country since 1976.

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height: auto; title: 'Unibuddy Popcard',

With central London only one hour away by train and the Thames Valley powerhouse on our doorstep, Oxford is a sought after digi-tech location. Navitas Pty Ltd has helped generations of learners change their lives through education. top: 0 !important;

text-decoration: none; /* Change colour and border of main nav */ /** UNIBUDDY CSS **/ #siteBannerFooterBanner, #siteBannerHeaderBanner { }) line-height: 35px; } Terms and Conditions | Cookie Policy | Privacy Policy, BA/BSc (HONS) VISUAL EFFECTS AND ANIMATION, MA/MSc PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE (CREATIVE MEDIA INDUSTRIES), A global network of creative media professionals, Regular communication and event information, Employment and professional development opportunities, A platform to connect with industry partners. right: 0px; Terms and Conditions | Cookie Policy | Privacy Policy. header.l-header.energygroove { Support for creative startups is strong and locally based ACME regularly encourages collaborations through their KIN network and affiliations with Digital Catapult, resulting in growing opportunities for work and placements locally, nationally and even internationally. .logged-in header.l-header.energygroove { bottom: 0px; colour: 'ff6900', } display: inline-block; right: 0px; color: #fff; /** UNIBUDDY CSS **/ display: none !important; .logged-in header.l-header.energygroove { max-height: 260px; .olark-attention-grabber { .front.not-logged-in .l-main.energygroove { $('.l-global').css('top', '40px'); top: 20px !important; $('#energy-groove-container').hide(); } #site-search-container { Registered in England No 06647488 Registered office: SAE Oxford, Littlemore Park, Armstrong Road, Oxford, OX4 4FY. }; This unique programme is designed to help practitioners consolidate their creative identity by designing and realising an original and personal research project. Whether travelling by car, bus or bicycle getting to campus is pretty easy. /* Change colour and border of main nav */ align-items: center; color: #fff; } height: auto; .l-global, .l-region--navigation { left: auto !important;
$('.l-global').css('top', '40px'); color: #fff; padding-top: 15px; background-position: bottom 20px right 10px; .olark-launch-button {

} In response to feedback and review processes – to ensure we continually improve our programmes.
if($('body').data('devicetype') == 'mobile'){ This degree explores the creative and technical aspects of film making within a wide variety of settings. position: fixed !important; .l-branding { Demand – to ensure the number of students is sufficient to deliver an excellent learning and teaching experience. SAE has four UK campuses in London, Liverpool, Oxford and Glasgow. display: flex;

right: auto !important; SAE UK offers industry focused creative media honours degrees, skills diplomas and short courses across six subject areas - Animation, Audio, Film, Games, Music Business and Web Development. SAE is the trading name of SAE Education Ltd. left: 20px !important;

text-align: center !important;

uni_id: 'sae-institute',

©SAE Education Ltd. All Rights Reserved. } top: auto !important; Terms and Conditions | Cookie Policy | Privacy Policy. Zuerst wurde sie von dem Schweizer Nervenar… In Oxford, you’ll be joining a highly creative community of talented students as well inspirational academic staff and supervisors, passionate about what they do. Auf jeden Fall lohnt sich eine persönliche Beratung im Vorfeld, da ein späterer … Set outside the city centre in a newly refurbished listed building, it houses all of the specialist industry equipment needed to take you from enthusiastic amateur to honed professional.

/* Change width of search bar */ background-position: bottom 20px right 10px; $('.not-logged-in .l-main').css('margin-top', '170px'); z-index:99999; /** UNIBUDDY CSS **/ border-top: solid 1px #fff; }

The web is the world’s information sharing community and commerce tool. width: 45% !important; As Oxford is a university city, demand for student housing is heavy – so start looking early!

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