Realistic, Results-Focused – Relevant Realistic – the goal is “doable” but rigorous • Goals should measure outcomes, not activities: • Activities – Examples Students will successfully complete the exercise in the back of chapter 3. <>

Some students wrote MART or ART goals that weren't all that specific or measurable, while others wrote SMAT goals that really didn't have a viable or realistic action plan.

I'd like to believe the world's greatest inventors, scientists, and explorers were seldom hindered by staying within the realistic box. Smart is the word you use when you describe something or someone that is intelligent or brilliant. endstream endobj startxref

So while I enjoyed teaching my students how to write a viable, short-term goal, I always hope the goals they hold for their lives go beyond the stretches of their 8-year-old imaginations.

<>>> The student’s mood was measured before and after writing and followed up three weeks after the initial test. Goals provide clarity and make it easy for you to move in the right direction.

You can say that everyone has a goal in their life, whether it is a long term or short one. 8 Personal Goal Examples for Students to Be Successful. h�b```��B��@��(����á�Ձ���a����Q�%A��� , �����Xf/Ғ@, e�g����}`�0��7K"[o����ƭL���)&�a`xyAZ�����L��T�Nag`�� 1 0 obj endobj So while I enjoyed teaching my students how to write a viable, short-term goal, I always hope the goals they hold for their lives go beyond the stretches of their 8-year-old imaginations.

How do you help your students set goals in the classroom?

3 Goal Setting Exercises (PDF) King (2001) asked students to write about a traumatic experience, their best future self, both topics or a non-emotional control topic for twenty minutes a day, across four days. endobj SMART Goal Examples Here are a few examples of SMART goals that give you an idea of the wording and tone that can be used: Title: Create a desk reference In order to increase my knowledge of my department’s procedures and help spotlight our focus on TM ® & © 2016 Scholastic Inc. All Rights Reserved. %PDF-1.5 Goals have become an integral part of the work, business and life of every modern human being. 5 0 obj %%EOF

First of all, I need to say this round of goal setting was a huge success with my students.

Download the PDF from here.

We suggest that every educator include at least one broad SMART goal on their IPDP similar to the one below.

As students came up with ideas, the list grew to include both academic and personal goals.

Examples of SMART goals Work-related and business goals: 1. “I will meet with each of my teachers individually within the first two weeks of class to start building a rapport and gain clarity of their expectations so I will feel comfortable going to them with future questions throughout the year.” S: This statement answers all of the questions: who, what, when, where, and why.

Using the graphic organizer below made goal setting much easier for my students. 9 0 obj RECOMMENDED SMART GOAL State the Action you will take Describe an Area of Focus for the Learning “I want to be healthier and lose weight to look better” Specific: I want to lose 15 lbs. x��YYo7~����bU$��&� �|�I#��"FymoaK�����!��J˵4~Yhg���9�D^�:8;zwL�ׯ����g�%s�*ƣϿ��x��mÓ���t��x��xDNΎ��}V0�6�rI5�ߙT͟�{N������'YK��`�[:lJT�rj�

We determined that specific goals tell you the who, when, where, why, and/or how of the goal. (�R��n�E�6� ����D�/�����3CI�_���P$g�#���FJ!��J��&�1"�A+��H'l��GKZAx��QDK�PZ9a��Z�r/Fi���#�s endobj <> While SMART goals are a wonderful platform to dive off of for something a student wants to accomplish in the short term, I always stress that these are only one type of goal. I've also designed a few examples of SMART goals from different spheres that will inspire you and provide even more clarity on how to use this approach. The biggest and most worthy goals in life may not always seem realistic or attainable. 10 SMART Goals Examples for Students of All Ages .

V��hr�`��V�4��N��lxvv:^�c@�߯;C��޿��XN�e9�{3��u�~|�}/���z���d��)�f�_�b�i!��as������eg��Q�:��1;?|*ʻ��Rf�E�����뚧�Y9}|3z��,�o�P9-���%h��xVd�}��.�%�/<1Z/���}�u����. Second of all, I also must admit that there were still a few third graders who, after much modeling and planning, still weren't quite developmentally ready to delve this deeply into a goal. Based on years of doing this same sort of activity during the first week of the new year or the semester, my takeaway has been that setting specific and attainable goals with third graders is a daunting task. h�bbd```b``��� �)D�e�����1��"Y��Ioɲ Lv��`r Each day during the school year, the in-seat attendance for our students will be 94% or higher. <> And goal is referred to as an objective statement or your desired output. 5 Back-to-School Books That Teach Classroom Behavior. 3.

They're written by many organizations to set actionable goals commensurate with the group's vision and mission.

Good SMART GOAL: By January 1st of 2009, I will have researched three colleges and applied to two colleges that I want to attend. Every student will show evidence of one year of growth in mathematics each year in attendance. View not found. 299 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[272 48]/Info 271 0 R/Length 127/Prev 164642/Root 273 0 R/Size 320/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream The following are some other examples of SMART goals, created by different professionals: • By September 30, 2018, complete course work and attain my Project Management certification to enhance my skills as measured by feedback from my supervisor and the accomplishment of my performance plan goals.

Click on the image above to download and print. This helps kids ensure their goals are realistic and achievement is possible. 8 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 720 540] /Contents 13 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 1>> For our next step, we brainstormed a list of goals on chart paper that were specific.

endobj They seemed to enjoy doing their best to write specific goals and action plans to go along with them.

To help my students make their goals more meaningful, I decided to take a page out of our staff goal writing handbook and have my students write their very own SMART goals. SMART is an acronym that often stands for goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. Title: Microsoft Word - Setting SMART Goals and Sample SMART GOALS.docx Created Date: 20151223145238Z

The big reason why is they fail to have a plan.

Even with explicit directions and extensive modeling, many of my students still wrote vague and generic goals like I want to get better at math, or I want to learn more about science. endobj Examples of Creating a SMART Goal Here are two examples of initial goals we'll use to walk through this process: 1.

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