On 14 April 1664 the six acres belonging to George Watson, which he bought of George Bonum, was acknowledged to him and an exchange of three acres for two acres was ordered (PTR 1:75). Now, his book 'The Forgotten Years' is available for all to enjoy. . On 6 March 1665/6 George Watson was granted administration on the estate of Mrs. Margarett Hickes, deceased (PCR 4:117). Note: This page primarily lists records kept at the city level. In 1849 he was convicted of stealing a clock. About Us | Contact Us | Rootsweb Blog | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material

http://jskent.blogspot.com/2010/06/george-watson-family-us-1631-to-current.html, (Note: Contrary to the long-held belief that George Watson is the son of Robert and Elizabeth Watson of London, there is no evidence that either person ever existed in the colonies.

GALE marriages 1901-1909 Victoria Australia, CHANT Lewis married Rosetta WILLIAMSON 1868, ADAMTHWAITE marriages 1864-1942 Victoria Australia, APPLICATION FOR PROBATE OF THE WILL OF JAMES HEARN SNR. Please consider adding some of your own research, either as an editor or with journals below.

The Watson Genealogy. 9 December 1681 George Watson of Plymouth, mariner, deeded to "Elkanah Watson my dear and natural son" the seventh lot in the Freeman's Land (PCLR 5:108). On 22 August 1681 George Watson of Plymouth, seaman, sold to Joseph Bartlett Sr. of Plymouth, yeoman, a parcel of land at Mannomett Ponds in Plymouth being one-third of a tract granted by the town to George Watson, William Harlow Sr. and Nathaniel Morton Sr. (PCLR 5:158). This is the surname research page for WATSON. Samuel b. as if they were his owne Naturall Children." The book was published by The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Press on April 23, 1947. Jonathan Shaw was one of the principals named in the following deed, found on page 201 of the Middleboro Town Hall Municipal Records of Deeds: The inventory of Jonathan Shaw's will was taken on 30 July 1701 at Lakenham, Old Plympton, Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts, showing that he had died shortly before. George was deeded 1/2 share in the Taunton Iron Works on 29th March 1663/64 from James Leonard, Sr., father of his son-in-law Thomas Leonard who had married (1662) his daughter Mary Watson. Watson, an English-Scottish surname, is derived from the medieval German name "Waldhar" ("wald", meaning rule, "heri", meaning army), as were the surnames Walters, Waters, Watkins, and Watts. Ancestry.com and our loyal RootsWeb community. His inventory included "books" valued at 13s. Other members of the Ross Watson Family Tree include Henry Jesse Maddock from Payhembury in Devon, John Joseph Coyne from Clifden, Co Galway in Ireland and Arthur Melbin from Liverpool. research, either as an editor or with journals below. For a more detailed account of these families - you can read 'The Forgotten Years', by Ross Watson, first published in 2004. (The present house was built about 1750 and traditionally it is known as the third house built on that site. It is missing pages 13 & 14. James Davis, sometimes of Plymouth, seaman, sold to George Watson of Plymouth, seaman, "five acres of upland ground lying on the south side of the town of Plymouth"; Mr. Nathaniel Souther, yeoman, sometimes of Plymouth, sold to George Watson of Plymouth, seaman, half an acre of marsh meadow in Plymouth; these two instruments were recorded on 18 November 1664 (MD 34:22, citing PCPR 3:1:18).

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