Next deadline 15 October.
Link copied Technology at EY. President of the University of Technology, Jamaica, Professor Stephen Vasciannie, in remarks delivered by Dr Paul Ivey, AVP, Graduate Studies, Entrepreneurship and Research, noted that “the master’s programme has been developed in direct response to national development goals of solving rural development problems and is aimed at boosting the country’s capacity to benefit from the vast potential of rural modernisation and development.” The president also noted that it is good that the imbalance in development between urban and rural areas is being addressed by a shift in focus and resources. Both graduate programmes will be available in the specialised areas of architecture, environmental sustainability and climate change, construction technology and management, geomatics and geoinformatics, and urban and rural land management. Break new ground. UTECH Scholarships are offered from the second largest university campus in Jamaica – The University of Technology, Jamaica. We are in an age where things are happening… and we just have to research to understand it,” Dr. Young further said. Pharmacy; Drug Information Service (DIS) UTech, Ja. He was the keynote speaker.
“We need to be way more innovative and to come up with solutions to real problems, like climate change, which is very unpredictable. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.
The university’s latest offering, which currently has its first cohort of 11 students, was unveiled during UTech’s second International Built Environment Conference at the institution’s Papine campus in St. Andrew.
How to apply. EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity.
Explore the more than 500 graduate programs by visiting the search programs page. Copyright © 2020 The Gleaner Company (Media) Limited. Admissions; Academics; Campus Experience; Alumni Info.
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