Thank you so much. There are sites that offer a doctor and you come away feeling you went to a discount store to ask someone who is thinking of going to medical school what he or she thinks. I wish you were in my area so I could have you as my primary Doctor.

Emergency number of the hospital or mental health center where you should go in a crisis: If you’re in the middle of a mental health crisis and you can’t get in touch with your doctor, where should you go?

Fast and very easy to understand. is the #1 question answering service that delivers the best answers from the web and real people - all in one place. How did you pick this medicine and what can happen when I take it?

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(Psychiatry),Cert Course in Sex Therapy and Counselling . Dr. Saptharishi navigated a very complex situation with very sporadic and incomplete information in a professional, logical and step-by-step way, in the meantime helping me understand how I needed to return to the beginning and detail a complete history of the patient.
• How do I know the treatment is working? I greatly appreciate this information and I will get with the lab now to see if I can get this cleared up. All our Doctors are Board certified and credentialed Specialists or Family Physicians in their respective country/state. What’s the diagnosis and how did you arrive at it? Can I upload reports later? By continuing to use, you agree to our Terms of Service, Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy and Content Policies. What is the process? (If you have other questions, write them down so you remember to ask them.) How will they affect my appetite, sleep, and sex life?

What happens if I stop taking them? Is full recovery possible through treatment?

What Questions Should I Ask a Psychiatrist? DrSpring services is an excellent service for people like us who want a second opinion. Detailed, timely replies.

What is it like to consult here? (Psychiatry), D.M.

Most doctors hand you a prescription for the medications they think are going to be most effective and have the least chance of causing serious side effects. It gives me peace of mind to know that I can send a message to a real doctor and get answers without having to take my child to the doctor to wait in a germ-filled waiting room for minor conditions. Ms. K. Barton, California, USA. I will have this taken care of & (thanks to people like you) Will NOT worry about a serious problem! I had alot of problem signing into my account though I had to sign in through by clicking the link on my email instead of opening the page and logging in from there but Brilliant service! My son was recently treated for Primary Generalized Epilepsy (Idiopathic).

Thanks. In most cases, Doctors wouldn't be able to prescribe due to local laws and due to restrictions on prescriptions without a physical checkup.

years, ...and 18,000+ more Doctors from across the world. (Getting in for an initial appointment with the doctor may take more time because those appointments are longer.) Don’t assume that the doctor has all the answers and will tell you everything you need to know. What are the potential risks and side effects of this medication, and what are the chances that I’ll experience them? We follow industry standard security practices, and absolutely none of your personal information (email, personally identifiable information, reports, scans) is shared with anyone except the consulting Doctors. (To skip password for now). Typically, your doctor will follow up with you two to four weeks after your initial appointment or after you start a new medication to assess the effectiveness of the treatment and monitor for side effects. 25 If you want family members, friends, and other nonprofessionals to enter the treatment discussion, ask the doctors if they’re willing to talk with the people in your support network. Your answer is very helpful and precise.

In most cases, you can expect to see some improvement in one to two weeks, but some medications may take four to six weeks or even longer to become fully effective. The service offers expert opinions of qualified doctors and medical advice on various medical conditions, medical diagnosis and treatment and it does not include a direct medical diagnosis, treatment or prescription.

Our MEDNET quality board consistently evaluate their replies to validate their medical accuracy and helpfulness. Your doctor and therapist can’t legally discuss your condition or treatment with anyone unless you’ve signed consent forms for them. I so appreciate Dr. Stanko's prompt response to my questions and will certainly follow his advice and follow up again with my Dr. ASAP. Second opinions, medical board opinions from multiple Doctors take about one to seven days depending on the complexity of the case. Again THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! Individual Consultation or Multi-specialty boards for complex cases. Online Psychiatrist Consultation. It helped us think completely different about the diagnosis and gave me a lot more info than any of my doctors locally You would be intimated by email for the same. You have a right to understand what he thinks may be going on and why he’s choosing particular treatment plans. • What is the outlook for my condition? I don't like discussing my medical problems with friends or family but when I am going through a medical crisis like my present one I appreciate someone knowledgeable about my medical issues to talk with other than my own doctor. 5 Make Payment of $35 to consult a specialist. This article provides a list of questions to ask a psychiatrist or therapist to obtain the information you need. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them.

Ask here your health issues with our highly experienced Psychiatrist online and get personalized answer in minutes. We help you get personalised, actionable and helpful info from specialists rather than relying on misleading and general info on Google, WebMD. Thank you for providing so many invaluable insights. Thanks for your help. You have been a huge help to me and I cant thank you enough. Great job. This was a really good experience.

Please understand that this does not constitute medical advice or a doctor-patient relationship. I actually can't tell you how very pleased I was when I read what you had to say because, it was not just a medical answer but you included practical suggestions as well and that is exactly what my own personal physician would do.

I didn't use all my questions but I feel I received a bargain. Coordinated treatment, especially between your doctor and therapist, is an essential component of success.

which may require second opinions, multi-specialty consultations. years, Exp

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