There’s little doubt Somerhalder could pull off a solid Lestat, but, as with some of our other choices, the age factor comes into play here. At age 33, he’s still young enough that he could believably play the role for a few years, if the series has legs. Indeed, Somerhalder, all mesmerizing blue eyes and square jaw of him, has played the vampire Damon Salvatore for 156 episodes of The Vampire Diaries on The CW – although he’s said the show will end after next year’s eighth season.
Our big question, though, is whether or not he’s fierce enough to play the role.
Who was this kind of funny looking kid taking over this iconic role?
There’s also the not-so-minor fact that he played the vampire Garrett (not exactly the most vampiric name, but there you go) in. Indeed, Somerhalder, all mesmerizing blue eyes and square jaw of him, has played the vampire Damon Salvatore for 156 episodes of. Pale-faced and intense, with angular features, Thranduil was also immortal and displayed his intensity with a range of emotions, from kindness to anger.
Director Josh Boone (. ) While he projected kind of a geeky, bowtied look as the Doctor, we saw him flashing a darker side in his brief role in Terminator Genisys. Physically, he’s almost got the whole package. And the same could happen if Smith was cast as Lestat. Nicholas Hoult has the pale British complexion of a vampire, not to mention the mesmerizing, piercing blue eyes of Lestat. From Saint Maud to The Wicker Man here are some British horror movies that are certain to keep you looking over your shoulder for weeks to come. At 38, Irish actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers is a little on the old side, but we still think he’d make a fierce Lestat. At 6’5”, Pace is the tallest actor on this list, and five inches taller than the literary Lestat, but that height can work to a charismatic vampire’s advantage. He’s totally Lestat.” His face, with its pretty boy handsomeness, striking blue eyes and flowing blond locks, couldn’t be much closer to the appearance Rice describes in her books. Director Josh Boone (The Fault in Our Stars, New Mutants) has a tough job ahead. Sure, his eyes are brown, but that’s an easy fix with a pair of contacts. , which he could draw on for Lestat, who identifies in a similar way. But that’s the big question: Does he have the chops to believably portray all the nuances of the character? A former model, he’s definitely pretty enough to play him, and he's just about the ideal height for the role at 6’1”.
Unless Leto is turned into an immortal himself, he’s got to start looking his age at some point. Stuart was determined to be an actor and began his career by appearing in a number of student films, while attending the Gaiety School of Acting in Dublin. Our main issue with Boone’s choice is his age. Caius even sported the whitish blond hair of Lestat.
While he may be free for the project(s) once. Throughout his career, he’s played many intense, charismatic characters, from his breakthrough in the 2000 mini-series. There’s no doubt that Tom Hiddleston can play a charismatic villain – which is not to say Lestat is a villain; he’s a vampire, but he’s complicated. Leto is 44 now, the oldest on this list, and would be at least a year or two older by the time filming begins. Aside from the height, that is.
At 37, Lee Pace is getting a little up there to play a 200-year-old vampire who appears to be 20-something.
This is not to mention, of course, his take on the ultimate vampiric role: as Dracula in the short-lived (10 episodes) 2013-14 NBC series, Dracula. Stuart Townsend was born in 1972 in Howth, County Dublin, Ireland, to Lorna (Hogan), an Irish model, and Peter Townsend, an English professional golfer. There’s really only one downside to casting him as Lestat: his age. And the same could happen if Smith was cast as Lestat. He was, and continues to play Hank McCoy/Beast in the, He recently dug deep into some darkness as a murderous A&R rep in, , and before that he showed some light in the undead as a lovable zombie in, . At 6’2”, Hoult is taller than you might expect and just might have what it takes to have a long run in a Vampire Chronicles franchise.
A one-stop shop for all things video games. “Um,” Ian Somerhalder might respond, “maybe seven seasons of playing a vampire on TV.” Yeah, that’s a pretty good item on the ol’ resume if you’re going to audition for Lestat. Physically, it only gets better: he’s just 27 years old and an even 6’0” tall. Nevertheless, there is evidence that he could make a solid Brat Prince. Then again, height didn’t seem to be a big issue for 5’7” Tom Cruise. Based on Rice’s descriptions, Lestat should be about 6'0" tall and appear to be in his early 20s (his age when he became a vampire) with curly blonde hair.
So, Mr. Somerhalder, what do you think qualifies you to play an iconic vampire? At 6’2”, Hoult is taller than you might expect and just might have what it takes to have a long run in a, At 38, Irish actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers is a little on the old side, but we still think he’d make a fierce Lestat. Even macho man Channing Tatum admitted to getting lost in Bomer’s eyes in his, “I don't know what they are made of outside of dreams and rainbows and amazingness but it truly doesn't matter.”, That’s a key quality for our Lestat. But most of all, he has that sparkle in his eyes, that playfulness that Lestat has to have. He’s got the full, sensual lips Rice describes in her novels, the angular features, his age is ideal, and he stands about 5’11”, close enough to Lestat’s height. Even macho man Channing Tatum admitted to getting lost in Bomer’s eyes in his Reddit AMA: “I don't know what they are made of outside of dreams and rainbows and amazingness but it truly doesn't matter.” That’s a key quality for our Lestat. A former model, he’s definitely pretty enough to play him, and he's just about the ideal height for the role at 6’1”. At age 33, he’s still young enough that he could believably play the role for a few years, if the series has legs.
Just look at his portrayal of Loki in The Avengers and Thor movies, which he’ll reprise in 2017’s Thor: Ragnarok.
With the announcement of a new Interview with the Vampire film, who will follow up Tom Cruise and Stuart Townsend as the next big screen Lestat?
Plus, there’s his rock star experience fronting Thirty Seconds to Mars (Lestat becomes a rock star in the third book, Queen of the Damned).
He looks sensual, always animated and charismatic – he absolutely has to have a commanding presence. . He wasn’t unlike Lestat: he could be by turns likable, rebellious and hot-headed.
In an interview with Vogue, he spoke of enjoying being the center of attention, and if he can project that on screen, he’d make a great Lestat. If you have a really convincing vampire on your resume, that automatically gives you a pass onto this list. Okay, 23-year-old Ezra Miller appears to be busy with a franchise or two of his own. While he may be free for the project(s) once The Vampire Diaries is over, he’s now 37, which is already about 16 years older than Lestat was when he turned.
If the first film is successful and launches a series, he’d likely be in his 50s by the time they get to the fifth book, Memnoch the Devil. Let us know in the comments.
. He turns 39 later this year and would be well into his 40s for subsequent films.
Lestat is certainly that as well: occasionally a villain – and blood-sucking vampires are certainly evil by nature from a mortal perspective – but also perpetually aswirl with intense thoughts and feelings. He has a continuously animated face. .
He also has a role (possibly a recurring one) in the wizarding world prequel, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. When British actor Matt Smith was first cast as the 11th Doctor on Doctor Who, it was met with a similar reaction to that given Cruise when he was cast as Lestat. Sure, his eyes are brown, but that’s an easy fix with a pair of contacts. Okay, 23-year-old Ezra Miller appears to be busy with a franchise or two of his own.
He’s certainly not as stereotypically pretty as Lestat “should” be, he doesn’t have that thin nose. He just cameoed in.
And we all know that Leto has the acting chops to pull off such a nuanced, charismatic character. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. As Eric Northman, he was often portrayed as the villain, but clearly had a heart as well, with an intense well of emotions. There’s also the not-so-minor fact that he played the vampire Garrett (not exactly the most vampiric name, but there you go) in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2. Pale-faced and intense, with angular features, Thranduil was also immortal and displayed his intensity with a range of emotions, from kindness to anger. And 39-year-old Swedish thespian Alexander Skarsgård played arguably the most consistently intriguing and entertaining vampire on True Blood for seven seasons. Sure, he appears to be aging well, but it could be a concern. The guy can play. , it was met with a similar reaction to that given Cruise when he was cast as Lestat. But, of course, the musical experience would work well for Queen of the Damned, when Lestat goes rock star. He also has a role (possibly a recurring one) in the wizarding world prequel.
On top of that, he’s got some vampire experience, as the ruthless ancient vampire leader Caius in the, series. So, Mr. Somerhalder, what do you think qualifies you to play an iconic vampire? He was Jack the Giant Slayer and continues to play Hank McCoy/Beast in the X-Men franchise, including the upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse. Nevertheless, there is evidence that he could make a solid Brat Prince. On top of that, he’s got some vampire experience, as the ruthless ancient vampire leader Caius in the Twilight series. His character has been described as an anti-hero, much the same way Lestat has. And we all know that Leto has the acting chops to pull off such a nuanced, charismatic character. He’s certainly not as stereotypically pretty as Lestat “should” be, he doesn’t have that thin nose.
The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. , and a potential series based on Rice’s series starring Lestat, , will likely be equally controversial. film series that inspired his inclusion on this list.
For reference, Cruise was 32 when the original film was released and Townsend was 30 when he played Lestat. Which fitness fanatic could inspire you... Queen of the Damned: Creating the Vampires, Guest Co-Hostess Debbie Matenopoulos/Stuart Townsend/Hannah Ware/Olivia Wilde/Jon Gosselin/Geneviere Gorder, The 2004 IFP/West Independent Spirit Awards. We’ll start with the actor that director Josh Boone recently tweeted his support for, Jared Leto.
And, while an actor should be versatile enough to play any type of sexuality, Miller has described his sexuality as.
The former child actor, now 26, who broke out at age 12 in, , has certainly played some heroic roles.
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