One legend says it was Metatron who led Israel through the wilderness. Through light work and energy cleansing, he can assist you in releasing what no longer serves you – physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically. [18] The Talmud states, it was proved to Elisha that Metatron could not be a second deity by the fact that Metatron received 60 "strokes with fiery rods" to demonstrate that Metatron was not a god, but an angel, and could be punished.

This shape serves as a vehicle for the etheric body (and in some cases, the physical body) to transport into other realms, dimensions or universes, to explore the deeper meanings and layers of life. It has the ability to cleanse all unwanted negative energy from your auric field, assisting you on your ascension path.

El narrador, Rabbi Ishmael, describe a Metatrón de dos maneras: como un ángel primordial (9:2–13:2) y como el ser en que se transformó Enoc. It is believed he was the prophet Enoch from the Torah and the Bible before ascending to heaven and becoming an angel. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. [44] The Staff of Moses is also described by the Zohar[45] as a reference to Metatron.

[46] The Zohar draws distinction between Metatron and Michael.

Él guía a los niños tanto en la Tierra como en el Cielo. [56], There are numerous possible etymologies for the name Metatron. The Babylonian Talmud mentions Metatron by name in three places: Hagigah 15a, Sanhedrin 38b and Avodah Zarah 3b. *Note: By downloading the meditation you will be opting-in to receive marketing & discounts from the Black Feather Intuitive – you can opt out at any time!*. This hypothesis explains why the generators of the "chambers" portion of the Heikhalot literature make "Ishmael ben Elisha" the major protagonist of their writings even though this Rabbi Ishmael was not directly mentioned in the Bavli's account (in the Gemara to tractate Khaggigah) of "The Work of the Chariot".
Scholars commonly see the character of Metatron as being based on an amalgam of Jewish literature, in addition to Enoch, Michael, Melchizedek, and Yahoel among others are seen as influences. Rabbi Idith uses the same passage Exodus 23:21 to show that Metatron was an angel and not a deity and thus should not be worshiped. [71] רון‎ (RON) is a standard addition to מטטרון‎ (Metatron) and other angelic names in the Jewish faith. As for Metatron leading the Israelites through the wilderness, the Bible specifically states that it was the LORD, YHWH, who went before them (Exodus 13:21-22). If you are a visual receiver, you will recognize him by his almost blinding diamond white light. and perhaps even Ezekiel 1:26f. The former may be the transformed Enoch, Prince of the Countenance within the divine palace; the latter, the Primordial Metatron, an emanation of the "Cause of Causes", specifically the tenth and last emanation, identified with the earthly Divine Presence. The straight lines represent the masculine, while the spheres of Metatron’s Cube represent the feminine. Typically, you would say/think “Metatron, I call upon your healing power to cleanse my Chakras”. [12], In 2 Enoch, Enoch is assigned titles commonly used by Metatron such as "the Youth, the Prince of the Presence and the Prince of the World.

Like other apocryphal works, the books are prone to unusual theology and historical inaccuracies. Metatron is never mentioned in the Bible, but Enoch is. Connect with your personal Archangels through The Black Feather Intuitive now! Please introduce me to your purpose! I am an open vessel, ready to receive your all-encompassing wisdom and am so grateful for your multidimensional energy! *Note: By downloading the e-book, you will be opting-in to receive marketing & discounts from the Black Feather Intuitive – you can opt out at any time!*. Once ascended, Metatron was given the all-important task of keeping a scribe of all choices made in heaven and on earth in a universal archive referred to as the Book of Life or the Akashic record. GET YOUR COPY OF THE ARCHANGEL METATRON INTRODUCTION MEDITATION. He helps them uncover how that power can serve the greater good on Earth. The Babylonian Talmud mentioned above was completed in the fifth century AD. [15] In addition to being one of the seventy names of Metatron from 3 Enoch 48D. When you are ready to begin, gently open your eyes. A second issue is the idea of Metatron being placed on a throne next to God’s throne. [8]:140 In Maaseh Merkabah the text reasons that Metatron is called the lesser YHWH because in Hebrew gematria Metatron is numerically equivalent to another name of God Shaddai. [8]:86[11]:183–185 The text also records that Metatron in gematria is the equivalent of Shadday. There is only one who can fill this role, and the Bible specifically states that that person is Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5). It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Él guía a los niños tanto en la Tierra como en el Cielo.

The Archangel of Peace, Web Design / SEO by Diffuse Digital Marketing. This page was last edited on 4 October 2020, at 07:35. However, Enoch is included in two passages. [27][28], And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. The tenth century Karaite scholar Jacob Qirqisani believed that rabbinic Judaism was the heresy of Jeroboam of the Kingdom of Israel. After he became the father of Enoch, Jared lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters. Metatrón es la décima y última emanación. If you’re enjoying learning about Metatron, explore my guide to Archangel Michael: The Archangel of  Courage. On its tail is Archangel Metatron. Archangel Michael: The Archangel of  Courage, The Archangel Experiment: Elevate Your Relationship with the Divine, ARCHANGEL METATRON INTRODUCTION MEDITATION, Archangel Chamuel? A Psychic-Intuitive, Empowered Living Advisor & Author based out of Raleigh, North Carolina. Su significado más importante para quien desea caminar hacia Dios es que representa el potencial de transformación y purificación del alma cuando se propone trascender la materia para unirse al espíritu puro de la Divinidad. In Jewish apocrypha and early kabbalah, "Metatron" is the name that Enoch received after his transformation into an angel. Metatron is also present in numerous occult texts. READ MORE: Facts About Angels in the Bible. [13] Scholem does not find this convincing. is a member of the Salem Web Network of sites including: Copyright © 2020, ], This Enoch, whose flesh was turned to flame, his veins to fire, his eye-lashes to flashes of lightning, his eye-balls to flaming torches, and whom God placed on a throne next to the throne of glory, received after this heavenly transformation the name Metatron.[29].
En la tradición rabínica, es el más alto de todos los ángeles y sirve como escriba celestial. Once ascended, Metatron was given the all-important task of keeping a scribe of all choices made in heaven and on earth in a universal archive referred to as the Book of Life or the Akashic record . If you wish, take this time now to add a personal intention for this experiment. Always try to choose a positive thought in place of a negative one – there is nothing to gain by doing otherwise. The majority of research for this article included large quantities of New Age and occult materials to merely find Christian or even Jewish perspectives. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Metatron serves as the patron angel of children because the Zohar identifies him as the angel who led the Hebrew people through the wilderness during the 40 years they spent traveling to the Promised Land. El Libro de Enoc, perteneciente a la tradición Merkavah (3 Enoc o Sefer Hekhalot), describe la transformación de Enoc en el arcángel Metatrón.

Find out more about her here and on social media @alyssawrote. According to these writings, after God took Enoch to heaven (Genesis 5:24), he was transformed into the angel Metatron. El Zohar, texto principal que se asocia con la Cábala, llama a Metatrón "el Joven”, el mismo título con que aparece en 3 Enoc y que podría significar “sirviente”. In the later Ecstatic Kabbalah, Metatron is a messianic figure. Now that power begins to rise. Metatron is great to call on for help with spiritual development and learning, energy cleansing, personal confidence, and all things associated with awakening and ascension. Some see the outer layers of our energetic, auric field surrounding our body is our own personal Merkaba energy field. The apocryphal books of Enoch are pseudepigraphical, meaning a work that is falsely attributed or whose claimed authorship is unfounded. Where would you like me to send the challenge? The Cube is derived from the ancient structure of the Flower of Life. [7] interpretations that came to distinguish what was orthodox from what was heretical in Judaism. Belief in a being that detracts from the roles and honor due to God is no light matter.

Metatron says, "He [the Holy One]... called me, 'The lesser YHVH' in the presence of his whole household in the height, as it is written, 'my name is in him.'" Because we see this as a word in Hebrew, Jewish Aramaic, and Greek, Alexander believes this gives even more strength to this etymology.

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