Information on travel restrictions is available at the, For information on state restrictions visit the, Contact Custodia Musca from People and Culture on, Book a Skype appointment with Assure or contact them on their international phone number (. To stay up-to-date with essential COVID-19 staff information, read the latest VC’s communications on the Staff Portal. Used wipes can be placed in the nearest bin. It may be helpful to think of keeping an empty chair between you and others or staying an arm’s length away from other people to maintain this distance. In the workplace, practicing good hygiene is the best defence against most viruses: wash your hands often with soap and water before and after eating as well as after attending the toilet; avoid contact with others (including touching, kissing and hugging); and. For textbooks that haven’t to date been available online, the Library is working to source e-versions.

CRICOS Provider Code: 00301J Staff information for the Centre for Marine Science and Technology at Curtin University. For Semester 2, processes for late and further assessment will revert to normal. If you are affected by the travel bans, please let your line manager know. We have campuses in Western Australia, Dubai, Malaysia, Mauritius and Singapore. Phase 5, which will effectively remove all of the current COVID-19 restrictions apart from interstate and international border closures, is tentatively scheduled to start on 24 October. He was on site at Curtin University's Bentley campus in Perth's south-east when a building collapsed at around 12.30pm on Tuesday. if using a hot desk, please think of others and make sure it is tidy and clean before leaving.

cough and sneeze into your elbow or use a tissue and cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. Contact or telephone 6593 8000 for support. Most students will respond positively to a request to wipe down the space they are using. If this is exhausted then you can book up to 14 days of personal leave in advance of accrual, and if this is also exhausted, Curtin will provide up to 10 days of Special Personal Leave. To protect the health of the Curtin community, all staff, Staff information for the Western Australian Geodesy Group at Curtin University.

The CHARM system will be used for reporting relevant incidents and hazards and ensuring they are attended to. If you are unable to work from home, then book Personal/Carers leave in the Employee Kiosk. All of these options are outlined on the Curtin Connect website. Updates on Curtin’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to be provided on this website throughout Semester 2. Student Services (Education): Curtin acknowledges the Nyungar people as the traditional owners of the land on which Curtin Perth is sited and a Welcome to Country is performed at all major Curtin public events. If you are unsure of the arrangements in place, please speak to your Fieldwork Director and/or Head of School. Curtin is committed to being as flexible as possible to assist our students as we respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Students can also access the Australian Government’s Services Australia website to check their eligibility for support payments. Information is available on the Staff Portal to help ensure a safe and coordinated transition back to the workplace. This will ensure students are referred to the most appropriate service/support and assisted as quickly as possible.

If additional supplies are needed, call extension 2020 or email Please contact your line manager to discuss work arrangements. change and wash tea-towels and hand towels regularly, be considerate of others; leave the area tidy and wipe down surfaces, clean shelves in refrigerator if spills occur, if placing bags or other objects on the floor, keep them away from foot traffic areas. Australian Government travel restrictions. Please discuss this with your line manager. Curtin is also continuing to encourage everyone on campus to keep their distance from others. The Federal Department of Health has produced a Home isolation guide in English and Chinese. owners of the land on which the Perth campus is located, the Wadjuk people of the Nyungar Nation; and on our Most campus services are now open again, including Curtin Connect, the Curtin Stadium, the Curtin physiotherapy clinics, the John Curtin Gallery, Curtin childcare and the Mushalla. Staff need to maintain good personal hygiene and share responsibility for keeping work areas clean, as per the Curtin hygiene guide. students and visitors to campus are requested to: Students who are experiencing stress during this time can be referred to Curtin’s free and confidential support services. Direct enquiries to Curtin Connect and they will ensure students are referred to the most appropriate service/support and assisted as quickly as possible. CRICOS Provider Code: 00301J The University of Sydney has joined Perth's Curtin University in announcing widespread staff redundancies, as the impact of the drop in international students continues to spread across the sector. Many textbooks are already available in digital format, which can be accessed via the Library catalogue. There is no limit on the amount of accrued Personal Leave staff can access to care for children or other family members. This blended learning model is expected to remain in place for the whole of the semester, even after the State Government’s Phase 5 recovery roadmap has come into force.

If this is exhausted then you can book up to 14 days of personal leave in advance of accrual and if this is also exhausted Curtin will provide up to 10 days of Special Personal Leave. If you would like counselling support, please contact Assure to book a. Curtin will provide whatever assistance we can to support you through this process which includes the following: If any managers need advice on how to support their staff, please contact the Assure Manager Support Program on 1800 505 015. Rooms will be professionally cleaned each evening but it is important to wipe down surfaces at the start of each class. The Library is able to assist unit coordinators in getting digital versions of existing resources, or identifying alternative formats as required. ABN: 99 143 842 569

TEQSA: PRV12158.

Please direct any enquiries to Curtin Connect in the first instance.

If you feel well enough, you may work from home. Curtin University would like to pay our respect to the indigenous members of our community by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which the Perth campus is located, the Wadjuk people of the Nyungar Nation; and on our Kalgoorlie campus, the Wongutha people of the North-Eastern Goldfields. to Curtin Connect in the first instance. Most campus services are now open again, including Curtin Connect, the Curtin Stadium, the Curtin physiotherapy clinics, the John Curtin Gallery, Curtin childcare and the Mushalla.

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