That girl is so sweet, kind, unforgettable, sexy, compassionate, alluring, smart, flawless and humbly never notices that she is so great! Day 3 of The Single Woman Blog Challenge: Describe a moment or a day when being single was really awesome. One who is able to make men burn with desire. — Urban Dictionary. Error: Please make sure the Twitter account is public. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! You're hated for what you do because you're different and creative. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Latin in origin, the name Julia, the feminine version of Julius (also my father’s name), dates back to one of the earliest families in ancient Rome the most popular of those Gaius Julius Iulus, clan of the infamous dictator Gaius Julius Caesar. While researching for this post however, I did come across a new definition of Julia; The Julia Language: …”a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for technical computing, with syntax that is familiar to users of other technical computing environments.” High-level, high-performance, dynamic…that all sounds like me for sure. Black Women Occupy A Unique and Unmatched Space in Society #OnWhyWeMad, Portrayals of Us as Superwoman (Claire Huxtable) Can Mute Existence of Obstacles #OnWhyWeMad, Black Women Disproportionately Lack Access to Career Sponsors #OnWhyWeMad, Black Women Often Face Role Overload at Work and at Home #OnWhyWeMad, Subtle Nature of Microaggresions Can Delay Appropriate Action #OnWhyWeMad. Julius has 5 variant forms: Giulio, Jolyon, Jule, Jules and Julio. Get ideas for baby names or discover your own name's history.
One of the first steps to intellectual enslavement is to take away the captives’ names so when I correct you about my name I do so because of pride and for freedom.
It was going to be Kirsten but my father didn’t like that. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window).
Julias can get whatever they want if they try. a julia is a very special person. The most gorgeous female inside and out. An area of definitions on Urban Dictionary with absolutely no purpose except to get on people's nerves by unjustifiably talking about how awesome someone with a certain name is. Not trying to toot my own horn or anything, but…, I spent most of 23 already thinking I was 24, What 8 Months In New York City Teaches You. I have never cared much for the dictionary definition of my name because I know why I have this name and what it truly means. He is truly someone who makes this world a better place. Always loving life, whether it be dancing the night away or spending a quiet night at home. Julia Name Meaning & Origin. Life and the world as I see it, and the view from here is quite extraordinary.
A female who is intelligent, deliciously sexy, and stunningly gorgeous.
You are trustworthy and reliable like no other. Well, believing in a higher power but not in religion, I suppose one could take a multitude of meanings. She can be a bit over-trusting and this can be a disadvantage for her. Pronunciation: JOO-lee-ə .
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