As a reminder, the Omnipod 5 (previously Omnipod Horizon) algorithm lives on the pod itself and communicates directly to a Dexcom G6. In this case, a very traditional clinical trial population. One of the things that’s very notable about how Medtronic describe the 780G is using the term “AHCL” or “Advanced Hybrid Closed Loop”, to give the impression this is perhaps more advanced than some other offerings on the market. DUBLIN, June 12, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Medtronic plc (NYSE:MDT), the global leader in medical technology, today presented results from its U.S. pivotal trial of its investigational MiniMed™ 780G Advanced Hybrid Closed Loop (AHCL) system at the virtual 80th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association (ADA). The 770G system will combine the new pump hardware (including the Bluetooth connectivity) with the 670G algorithm (automatic basal rate adjustments). One study illustrates diabetic retinopathy developing for HBA1C > 5.5%. Inclusion criteria were that all participants were previously on pump therapy, with or without a CGM for at least 6 months and a mean baseline Hba1C of 7.5%. By signing up to receive our newsletter, you agree to our, Press release from Vivera Pharmaceuticals, • the first hybrid closed looped system to come to market in the U.S. in 2016. In the United States, the MiniMed 780G system is investigational use only and not approved for sale. While the target demographic is new, the device itself is largely the same as the existing 670G. Medtronic plans to begin selling the MiniMed 780G in some European countries as early as this fall.
data from a clinical trial that assessed the use of its MiniMed 670G in children aged 2 to 6 years. Medtronic that the MiniMed 780G device has been given CE-Marking, meaning that it’s now approved in Europe for people with diabetes ages 7-80 years old. Data from a second, randomized cross-over clinical trial based in New Zealand studied a more challenging patient group, including those with less-controlled diabetes and a younger patient population of children as young as seven years old, was also presented at the meeting. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Another significant data point was that the time spent in auto mode was significantly higher on 780G, 86% of the time, compared to 75% for 670G.
A significant aspect of this study was testing two different basal set points, one at 120 mg/dL and one at 100 mg/dL. What is noticeable is that there is no reporting in the media of continuation of use, compared to the 670G trial. But U.S. customers who opt to use the 770G rather than wait for its successor will have Bluetooth capabilities, both immediately and once the 780G is on the market.
The 780G automatically adjusts basal insulin rates every five minutes and supports the selection of a lower glucose target than the 670G.
Medtronic that the MiniMed 780G device has been given CE-Marking, meaning that it’s now approved in Europe for people with diabetes ages 7-80 years old.
Where an individual can choose a value they do it based on their needs and system performance.
These presentations come just days after Medtronic announced that their next generation 780G system had received CE Marking (the European equivalent of FDA approval) and is expected to begin shipping this fall in some European … Latest report from At one point, Medtronic looked set to make the 780G the focal point of its hybrid closed loop business in 2020. I’ll admit that I’ve been a bit cheeky here and used the CamAPS data comparing their end outcome with the baseline of the AID trial group, when the comparison to the control was 10.8%, as it gives a direct comparison to the Medtronic pivotal trials. It is a Bluetooth-enabled version of the company’s previously approved MiniMed 670G System. Browse over 50,000 other reports on our store.
TIR went from 57% at baseline to 63% on 670G, increasing again to 67% on 780G, with people spending less time in hyperglycemia on the newest system. Medtronic finally catching up with #WeAreNotWaiting! Data from Two Key Clinical Trials of the Next-Generation Medtronic Automated Insulin Pump Demonstrates Positive Results for Patients with Type 1 Diabetes. That plan changed earlier this year when the anticipated approval of the 780G was pushed back.
Results across all pump settings exceeded ADA and ATTD international clinical consensus Time in Range guidelines. The AFA driven and pump manufacturer uptake range with maximum of 180 mg/dl (10 mmol/l) is egregiously high.
It is the first legally marketed device that can automatically adjust insulin delivery based on continuous glucose monitor values for this patient population, said the agency. . And with the Bluetooth capability, as soon as we launch 780G, it will enable the remote download of the advanced hybrid closed-loop technology, which the 780G offers, onto the 770 hardware platform,” Parkhill said. Medtronic is broken down into four key divisions, as seen in the table below. Patients with type 1 diabetes condition require constant monitoring of glucose levels throughout the day. diaTribe provides free cutting-edge diabetes insights and actionable tips for people with diabetes. It is rated to last 7 days and 6 hours from the FDA/Medtronic. The MiniMed 780G system received CE (Conformité Européenne) Marking in June 2020. Of the four, the diabetes division shows the most promise for Medtronic investors. Medtronic plc, of Dublin, has gained CE-marking approval for its Minimed 780g system, a next-generation closed-loop insulin pump for people with type 1 diabetes between the ages of 7 and 80 years old.The advanced hybrid closed-loop system (AHCL) features an advanced autocorrection algorithm and Bluetooth connectivity. “[Bluetooth] enables caregivers and parents to be able to monitor remotely the patient's glucose levels. MEDTRONIC IS PIONEERING THE FUTURE OF CLOSED LOOP THERAPIES DIFFERENTIATED TECHNOLOGY ADDRESSING UNMET NEEDS Personalized Closed Loop * System has CE Mark; System not approved in the US FDA BREAKTHROUGH DEVICE DESIGNATION INVESTIGATIONAL •5-minute auto correction boluses •Lowest target & shortest active insulin time MANUAL HYBRID … The investigational MiniMed 780G system is designed to automate the delivery of both basal insulin and correction boluses every five minutes to help people with diabetes avoid highs and lows with greater ease.
The MiniMed 780G will work with the Medtronic Guardian Sensor 3 continuous glucose monitor (CGM), which, as an older sensor, has a seven-day wear time and requires at least two fingersticks per day. Medtronic announced yesterday that it has launched two trials – an in-home study of its 780G advanced hybrid closed loop (AHCL) system and a multi-clinic trial of an upgraded continuous glucose monitor (CGM) sensor for its Guardian Connect CGM. Results of the 90-day at home U.S. pivotal trial, studying adults and adolescents aged 14-75 years old, show the trial successfully met both safety and glycemic endpoints and demonstrated no occurrences of severe adverse events.
This amounted to 17/18 children achieving >60% TIR compared to just 4/18 on standard therapy. I didn’t like the canulas on the pump. Most notable is the additional target glucose level of 100 mg/dL — which will be lower than the other commercially available devices in this category and likely contributed to the demonstrated improvements in study outcomes, namely Time in Range and A1C,” said Dr. Anders Carlson, medical director of the Park Nicollet International Diabetes Center (IDC) in Minneapolis, Minn. and investigator of the study. During this “free choice” testing over 4-9 weeks, TIR increased from 65.6% in adults to 73.8%. 780G will also begin to correct over 120mg/dL, whereas 670G corrected over 150mg/dL, and the 780G no longer exits auto mode in cases of hyperglycemia. Objectives were to assess the safety and effectiveness of the system at higher glucose targets of 130-150 mg/dL as well as giving the patients free choice of target ranges from 110-150 mg/dL. A set point of 100 mg/dL is lower than any available set point for Hybrid Closed Loop systems currently approved by the FDA. About MedtronicMedtronic plc (, headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, is among the world's largest medical technology, services and solutions companies - alleviating pain, restoring health and extending life for millions of people around the world. The second speaker was Dr. Richard M Berganstal presenting results from the Fuzzy Logic Automated Insulin Regulation (FLAIR) Study which directly compared the 670G to the 780G (AHCL) system. It is designed to measure the glucose levels in the body every five minutes and automatically adjust insulin delivery by either administering or withholding insulin. That plan changed earlier this year when the anticipated approval of the 780G was pushed back. The trial period was split in two with the first period in the higher range and the second with free choice. Medtronic says that people who purchase the MiniMed 770G system will be able to upgrade to the 780G system when it becomes available.
Medtronic and Tandem Diabetes Care previously only. The data from three trials using the next generation advanced hybrid closed loop system from Medtronic will be presented in a symposium at the virtual 80th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association.
In June, Medtronic CFO Karen Parkhill.
“Libre Sense” is the question…, Patching LibreLink for Libre2 – clearing the FUD.
On September 1 st, 2020, Medtronic received FDA approval for the MiniMed 770G system!
Newest Updates and Insights in Diabetes... Companies Recall Extended-Release Metformin... FDA Approves Higher Doses of Trulicity To... Top Highlights: Day 1 of ADA Scientific... New Study Will Evaluate a Virtual Clinic Model for Diabetes Care, The Law of Inertia during a Global Pandemic: What's Here to Stay and What's Next in Diabetes Care, Reducing Lows: Riffing with Professor Simon Heller on TIR and More, Help Your Doctor Help You: Managing Glucose Levels After Meals, Exercise and Type 1 Diabetes: Chance to Participate in a Large-Scale, Real-World Study. The first study highlighted results from the pivotal trial of Medtronic’s next-generation 780G system.
Want to share a company announcement with your peers? Sep 22 – Nov 19, 2020, •
Medtronic plans to begin selling the MiniMed 780G in some European countries as early as this fall. The Medtronic RND rep that was in my training session told me though they have had people running these thing for 10,12, up to 14 days without the painful lump or adverse affects. Usually, to maintain adequate glucose levels in order to avoid becoming hyperglycemic or hypoglycaemic, insulin is injected with a syringe, pen or pump. Medtronic plc, of Dublin, has gained CE-marking approval for its Minimed 780g system, a next-generation closed-loop insulin pump for people with type 1 diabetes between the ages of 7 and 80 years old. Right now, I’d like to see how Diabeloop and 780G compare.
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