This act authorized and required the Governor to appoint a commission to consist of five persons, who should locate a site for said hospital at some point in the northern part of the state, cause plans to be made, and present an estimate of the cost under said plans. First Lutheran North Cemetery. There is a problem with your email/password.

Resend Activation Email. Immanuel Lutheran Church Cemetery. Consequently the Legislature of 1885 passed an act to establish a commission to locate a third hospital for the insane and prepare plans for its construction. The buildings feature a variety of architectural styles that range from Romanesque, Tudor Revival, and Craftsman, to modernism of the postwar era. The buildings are three stories high, with a finished attic; they are built of cream brick with sandstone trimmings and a slate roof; are of fireproof construction, and are of pleasing and artistic appearance.

Fire crews responded and prevented the fire from spreading further down into the admin but were criticized by some for their slow response time. Kongsberg Cemetery. Officially known as the Third State Hospital for the Insane, the facility expanded the state’s system of mental hospitals in addition to those previously established in St. Peter (1866) and Rochester (1878). Fergus Falls State Hospital Cemetery. In 1885, the two existing state hospitals for the insane of Minnesota being overcrowded with patients, it became necessary to take steps for the erection of a third institution. “Today I Am Going to Kill Myself But First I Am Going to Dance” -- a film about the legacy of the Fergus Falls State Hospital. The hospital first opened in 1890, but as the number of patients increased and the needs of the institution evolved, buildings were continually added to the hospital complex. Dr. Williamson was a graduate of the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia.

Raknerud died Sept 13, 1901 from pneumonia. The ward buildings proper and all the outside buildings as contemplated in the original plans were completed in 1899. The cemetery is the property of the State of Minnesota, which maintains it.

Plese check the I'm not a robot checkbox.'. Dr. Addie F. Gilman Dr. Bertha A. Hughes... Dr. Bertha A. The Fergus Falls State Hospital is historically significant under National Register Criterion A in the area of Health and Medicine for its association with the state’s enduring commitment to provide humane treatment for its mentally ill citizens.

In 1885, the two existing state hospitals for the insane of Minnesota being overcrowded with patients, it became necessary to take steps for the erection of a third institution.

Please try again later. Hanson. 1400 Union Avenue North and bounded by Fir Avenue and Park Street, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, Health/Medicine, Architecture, Landscape Architecture. Since then the farm acreage has been largely increased, several new buildings have been erected, some of the older ones have been enlarged in order that they may be better adapted to the purposes for which they were intended, and many improvements have been made in various parts of the plant in order to bring it up to the highest state of efficiency.

Oak Grove Cemetery. An estimate was prepared covering the cost of land and the erection of ward buildings for 300 patients, with boiler house, laundry, etc. 19 cemeteries in Fergus Falls, Minnesota.

For help using the website visit our help page or contact Consequently the Legislature of 1885 passed an act to establish a commission to locate a third hospital for the insane and prepare plans for its construction.

Since the opening of the hospital over 8000 patients have been admitted. The Fergus Falls Regional Treatment Center closes. Dr. Williamson resigned his position on November 9, 1892, and opened an office in Minneapolis, devoting himself to special work in mental and nervous diseases.

[4] The kirkbride building was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1986.

Since the opening of the hospital each succeeding Legislature, realizing the necessity of relieving the overcrowded condition of the other institutions for the insane, has been very generous in its appropriations. Your account has been locked for 30 minutes due to too many failed sign in attempts.

I. H. Kiesling Dr. C. M. Jared (in of.

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