First, you can walk through Atre, which is connected to Kameido Station, then walk along the streets of B-class gourmet restaurants, finally make a turn at Umeyashiki, a landmark of Kameido, and then arrive back at home. Take the next step in your life journey with BORDERLESS HOUSE! From being able to see the living room from the passage way connecting building A and B, interaction will naturally emerge! With a maximum of 7 residents, we offer 1 private room and 3 shared rooms to choose from. Also located at the foot of Sky Tree, Kameido1 House provides easy access to the Chiba area. This share house is reformed and has clean rooms! Nakano Station, JR Chuo/ Tokyo-Metro Tozai Line 8mins walk. [New!] Introducing our share house in Kameido, Tokyo! So, literary you can go to everywhere in Tokyo if you choose to live at Borderless House Nakano2! It takes 8 minutes from JR Tabata stationto the guest house. . We belive this share house would be the popular one among our share houses.

[New!] Cozy and warm atmosphere. Omori Station, JR Keihin-Tohoku Line 10 mins walk / Oimachi Station, Tokyu Oimachi Line, Rinkai Line 15 mins walk. Why not try living here and experience all of these wonderful qualities for yourself? Easy to access main stations, such as Akihabara and Ueno, and Tokyo station is in walkable distance from the share house. Highly popular tourist areas such as Roppongi and Aoyama are also within walking distance, giving you the perfect chance to go shopping or out to eat with your housemates during your downtime. Why not take the opportunity to live in the stylish neighborhood of Akasaka and make friends from all over the world? Kikukawa3 House is located in a very popular area of Tokyo, with its location notably close to Tokyo Sky Tree. You can also easily reach Chiba, Kanagawa, and Saitama using one of these train lines. There is a communication board on the wall of the living room that makes the connection between each tenant. This is why share houses are preferred over the room share option. Another great point about Koiwa station is that you can take a bus straight to Tokyo Disneyland! You can use the instruments as well as the studio as you please. Shared House IMAKUMANOです。107点の画像、シェアハウスの特徴、共用部の施設、専有部の設備、空室状況、運営者情報、アクセス、地域環境、詳細レビューなどを掲載しています You can go Shibuya, Shinjuku, Akihabara, Takadanobaba with no transfer! The western side, where our Kasuga1 sharehouse is located, is in a bustling area with many shopping streets and restaurants. It takes 4 minutes from JR Nakano station to Shinjuku station, 6 minutes to Takadanobaba station, and 14 minutes to Shibuya station by train. You'll have the opportunity to meet a range of housemates from all over the world while experiencing smaller family-style daily interactions. Nihombashi is famous for a business district from a long time ago. This is a 6-story house with rooms located between floors 2 and 5. 29 people can live here! Newly built share house with the great access!
For a more special outing, you can explore many of the surrounding fashionable cafes, restaurants, and shops! With so many transportation options, you will be able to reach almost all major stations throughout Tokyo with no problem. Nakano Station, JR Chuo/ Tokyo-Metro Tozai Line 9mins walk. シェアハウスとは、1軒の住居を複数人で共有することである。ハウスシェアリングともいう。同居人をシェアメイトという[1]。, シェアハウスは、リビングや台所、浴室などを共有し、各住人の個室をプライベート空間とする共同生活のスタイルである。もともと、ファミリータイプの2LDK - 4LDKや一戸建てを節約目的で複数人で賃借する発想から生まれた。4人ぐらいで暮らせば、一人当たりの生活費・家事労働が半分ぐらいになると言われている。昔の下宿屋は、食事サービスの付いたシェアハウスとも呼べる。, 最近では、共通の趣味を持った入居者を事業者が募ったり、事業者が多様なサービスを提供するシェアハウスが誕生し、人気を呼んでいる。これらのシェアハウスは、従来の節約を目的としたのものと区別して「コンセプトシェアハウス」と呼ばれている。, コンセプトシェアハウスには、同じ職業や同じ資格の取得を目指す人がスキルを高め合えるタイプであったり、シングルマザー同士で助け合ったり、同じ趣味を持つ人同士で住むといった様々なタイプがある。[2], かつては、主に外国人向けのシェアハウスをゲストハウスと称していた業者があったが、2010年代には廃れた。, 通常の賃貸マンション・アパートに+αで共用部施設があり、その共用部をシェアをする形態である。, シェアハウスが増えていく中で、不動産所有者が管理を委託するシェアハウス管理運営会社も増加していく。主な会社に株式会社Livmoなどがあげられる。シェアハウス管理運営会社は、貸室を募集し媒介する業務があることから宅建業者である必要がある。宅建業者ではない中で貸室を媒介をし、契約を行う会社も多く、トラブルに発展していった。, ハウスシェアやアパートシェアで居住者の一人が家賃等の滞納をすると名義上契約者に負担がかかることになりトラブルになることがある[3]。, 日本では、シェアハウスの一部に消防法や東京都建築安全条例などの法律・条例に定める共同住宅の基準を守っていないものがあり、一部メディアでは、これらの住居を「シェアハウスとは名ばかりの『脱法ハウス』である」として問題視している[4]。, 2013年5月には、インターネットカフェ大手のマンボーが東京都内で展開するシェアハウスが数々の法令違反を犯していることが表面化した。このため、同社ではシェアハウスの一部を閉鎖したが、この際に用いた「運営側の都合でいつでも入居者に即時退去を要求できる」という契約条項が借地借家法違反ではないかとしてさらなる問題となっている。, ただ、これらの「脱法ハウス」の多くは名目上、共同住宅よりも法令上の規制が緩やかな「レンタルオフィス」として運営されており、行政側も「建物が住宅、オフィス、宿泊施設のどれに当たるかはっきりしない」として摘発・指導を見送るケースが多い[5]。国土交通省が2012年に行ったアンケート調査にも半分以上の業者が回答しておらず、行政の対応が後手に回っているのが現状である[4]。, 2013年6月には、国土交通省が建築基準法違反の疑いのある「違法貸しルーム」に関する情報提供を呼びかけた[6][7]。, 間切りを作り、共同使用をする目的で複数名に賃貸されていたアパートの一室についてマンションの規約である「もっはら住宅として使用する」というものに反するとして、部屋所有法人に対して仕切りを撤去する命令が下された[8]。, スマートデイズ株式会社がシェアハウス投資商品としてかぼちゃの馬車を販売。35年間のサブリースをうたい販売を行ったが、空室が増加し、スマートデイズ株式会社の経営が傾き、サブリース賃料が減額となり、投資家は返済ができなくなるトラブルが起きた。[1], 今話題のコンセプトシェアハウスとは?メリットや探し方のコツを大公開 | CHINTAI情報局, 多人数の居住実態がありながら防火関係規定などの建築基準法違反の疑いのある建築物(違法貸しルーム)に関する情報を提供いただく際の情報提供様式について,,シェアハウス&oldid=79970166. With a maximum of 8 residents, we offer 4 private rooms and 2 shared rooms to choose from. Experience multicultural interaction in our share house with two houses connected for 18 people】 Akihabara and Ueno can also be easily reached by bike.

Why not take the chance to enjoy traditional culture and events through historical outings in Tokyo with your housemates? Therefore, you will be able to enjoy easy access to the city center and relish in the luxury of reduced commute times to major attractions in Shibuya and the surrounding areas. Cultural Exchange in this wonderful house would be amazing experience for you! Sharehouses provide its tenants with a space where they can connect and meet with like-minded people on a daily basis. This is a 6-story house with rooms located between floors 2 and 5. 【東京シェアハウス】都内を中心としたシェアハウスのポータルサイト。暮らしを軸に集まる、つながる、広がる。「住まい」をシェアするライフスタイルをご案内します。 We believe 10 people is precisely! Compared to other areas along the Sobu line, such as Kinshicho and Akihabara, Kameido is known to be a hidden charm.

Iidabashi Station, JR Sobu/ Toei Oedo/ Tokyo-Metro Line 12mins walk. Share houses are fully furnished and the maintenance and other responsibilities are handled by the share house company, making the life of the residents easier. This 4th and 5th floor will be changed to share house and it is in quiet residential street.

【Enjoy work and play! It takes just 5 minutes to the nearest station. Enjoy films and music with your housemates with the projector set in the living room! In addition, there is a shopping street as well as many other stores located nearby, including supermarkets, drug stores, book stores, and other shops catering to all your everyday needs.

We highly recommend that you take advantage of this incredible location and living space!

These shared spaces promote interaction between the residents of the house. シェアハウスは下北沢、横浜元町のM'sシェアへ!東京の世田谷にある下北沢シェアハウス、神奈川の横浜にある元町シェアハウスは入居者の皆さまに別荘をご利用をいただけるなど生活充実のサポートも万全です。シェアハウスをお考えの方は下北沢、元町のpinosへご相談ください! With a convenient location, you can get to major stations such as Shinjuku, Shibuya, and Ikebukuro in about 30 minutes. While at Kameido1 House, a short 10 minute walk from Kameido station back to the house provides plenty of excitement. Taking advantage of all these opportunities together with your housemates will make for a day well spent! The house community at IIDABASHI1 is unforgettable and very lively, holding welcome events for new housemates and celebrating Japanese and international holidays together. We have Nakano 1 & 2 Houses within a walk distance. There is a huge shopping street near the station and get food and daily stuff there! SAKURA HOUSE® provides the easiest way to check in and stay in Tokyo, Izu and Kyoto since 1992. Surrounded by three rivers, Arakawa, Sumida, and the Nakagawa river, it is an ideal location for jogging and walking. Housemates are frequently gathered in the third-floor living room, and you will have the chance to interact every day! Koenji1 House is located within walking distance from Koenji station and Nogata station, providing access to Shinjuku in just 6 minutes. Grab a cup of coffee or tea, and destress outside with your housemates while watching the cityscape! You can go to the gym or cafe and study after your job on week days. What is a Start-Up Ambassador?? You can also visit Yokohama by train without changing!

Kikukawa1 House is located in a very popular area of Tokyo, with its location notably close to Tokyo Sky Tree. In this share house, there are a lot of chance to make new friends from all over the world and Japanese! You can easily find a convenience store, supermarket, and Japanese traditional public bath 'Sento'! ※ Non smoking house Smokers are NOT allowed to move in. Ningyocho Station, Tokyo-Metro Hibiya/ Toei Asakusa Line 4mins walk.

With a relatively large living room, there is plenty of space to relax and get to know all your housemates.
Nakano Station, JR Chuo/ Tokyo-Metro Tozai Line 10mins walk.

※ Non smoking house Smokers are NOT allowed to move in. You enjoy homelike atmosphere! Located a convenient 5-minute walk from both Kitasando Station, with access to the Tokyo Metro Fukutoshin Line, and JR Sendagaya Station, you can easily get to wherever you need to go! Nishi-Oi Station, JR Yokosuka/ JR Shonan-Shinjuku Line 5mins walk. A share house is a trending accommodation set-up that promotes co-living in the age of digitalization, where people usually interact over the internet. Enjoy your own urban life at Omotesando house! You can reach Shibuya Station from the closest station, Akasaka Station, in only 9 minutes by train! This area also provides access to many traditional restaurants, where you can enjoy foods such as Tempura or Kaisedon, just to name a few. →A community leader that makes the community more fun and participate in House meetings! With Asakusa only 6 minutes by foot and access to the Toei Shinjuku Line from Kikugawa station, you'll always have places to go and things to do! Meet Japanese in a multicultural community house! People who have prevoiusly lived independently can appreciate the warmth and camaraderie offered by the presence of other house mates. We have renewed two old Japanese style houses and connected them together to make a modern house which suits the ambiance of Tokyo.

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