The resumé should document recent work and volunteer experience.
save. It is the student's responsibility to arrange for an official transcript to be sent directly from the IBO to Mount Allison University.
2. With a 17:1 student-to-faculty ratio, the average first-year class size is 65 and upper-year classes average 14 students. Virtual Open House Oct. 13-16. It has been ranked the top undergraduate university in the country …
Bachelor of Music: University preparatory English is required and it is strongly recommended that university preparatory courses in the Humanities, Mathematics, Sciences and the Social Sciences be completed. He was President of the MFC Board at the time of his death in 1999. Students enrolling in Chemistry 1001 should normally have completed a university preparatory-level* course in Chemistry. This evidence may take one of the following forms: Applicants who require enhanced English language proficiency have the option of taking advantage of Mount Allison’s partnership with the International Language Institute (ILI) in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
TravelThe Moncton Flight College campus is an easy 25-minute drive from Sackville. 0.
You are required to provide your own transportation between the two campuses. 76 0 obj <> endobj may apply. Mount Allison University Early Admission MTA Early Admission. The University grants up to 18 credits on a 120-credit degree program for higher level International Baccalaureate subjects completed with grades of 5 or higher. flight training establishments in North America. Thank you for helping us make the university website better. Students enrolling in Computer Science 1631 should normally have completed a university preparatory-level* course in Mathematics. Students completing International Baccalaureate (IB) courses are eligible for admission to Mount Allison with advanced standing. Ross A. Stanway Entrance Scholarship (Aviation Program)Dr. Ross A. Stanway taught for many years in the Philosophy department at Mount Allison University.
h�bbd``b`� �� BH0 ������� �DX��� %� mj@�]IJ @��n&F��@#1��y? Please note that this form is not intended to provide customer service. Students enrolling in Economics 1001 and 1011 should normally have completed a university preparatory-level* course in Mathematics.
As a Commerce student, you will study a variety of business areas such as accounting, finance, marketing, and management ― giving you a strong foundation in the key disciplines of management education. Among the additional information requested from applicants will be evidence of extra-curricular involvement, volunteer activities in school and in the community, work experiences, and letters of reference. The cockpit Students studying in other educational systems are expected to satisfy the university admissions requirements of their own country, and must demonstrate a high level of accomplishment. In first year you will take introductory courses in your chosen degree, either Science or Commerce.
Preference is given to students from the Bahamas, Jamaica, or the Caribbean.
Students from more than 50 countries are studying in University. Students enrolling in Physics 1051 should normally have completed a university preparatory-level* course in Mathematics. All Fine Arts applicants are required to present a portfolio of their previous artwork for assessment. Please be aware that possession of the minimum requirement does not guarantee admission; students may be expected to present higher grades for admission to any given year. like it here at Mount Allison. Website comments, The sky's the limit — Mount Allison's aviation program celebrates 10th anniversary, Mount Allison professor named to the inaugural Royal Society of Canada's College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists, receive hundreds of hours of ground training, learn about navigation, airplane instruments, aviation regulations, and weather, agricultural operations/wildlife services pilot. Students pursuing an International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma program must include three courses in each of the higher and standard levels, with a minimum score of 4 in each subject and a minimum overall score of 28 points (excluding bonus points). Posted by 4 months ago. An official transfer credit assessment will be completed for each individual upon the submission and receipt of the official International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) transcript in early summer. Students are advised of the following provincial guidelines for admission, including the above program-specific requirements: British Columbia, Yukon: Four provincially-examinable grade 12-level subjects, Alberta, Northwest Territories, Nunavut: Four academic 30- or 31-level subjects of which at least four are departmentally examinable, Saskatchewan: Five academic 30-level subjects, Manitoba: Five academic 40- or 41-level or 45-level subjects, Ontario: Five academic grade 12-level subjects, a combination of U and M courses, Quebec: Five academic grade 12-level subjects, or Grade 11 and one year of an academic CEGEP program.
Mount Allison has been ranked Canada’s #1 undergraduate university by Maclean’s magazine more times than any other university. The university grants more than $2 million in financial aid and scholarships to students each year. Students who successfully complete the IB diploma may receive up to 30 transfer credits comprised of higher level (HL) or standard level (SL) courses with a score of five (5) or higher, and theory of knowledge with a grade of C or higher.
Bachelor of Fine Arts: University preparatory English is required and it is strongly recommended that university preparatory courses in the Humanities, Mathematics, Sciences and the Social Sciences be completed. Therefore if your courses do not appear in the list below, it may still be possible to receive credit for them. degree program combining professional flight training
Experimental subatomic physicist, principal investigator for CRC1044 of the German Science Foundation, member of the RSC's College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists, » Mount Allison professor named to the inaugural Royal Society of Canada's College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists. and comes with a great view.”, David Shi ('15)Aviation, The University reserves the right to reject any application for admission on the basis of the overall record even if all entrance requirements are satisfied. Students pursuing post-secondary studies at another recognized university or college and who want to complete coursework at Mount Allison are considered visiting students. In making admissions decisions, both high school marks and other activities are considered. Some institutions require a minimum number of courses to be completed at that institution (residence). When applying for admission to Mount Allison they are encouraged to identify themselves on the application form to Mount Allison and to contact The Meighen Centre as early as possible so that their needs can be addressed. Students completing International Baccalaureate (IB) courses are eligible for admission to Mount Allison with advanced standing.
Visit Admissions for Universities in Canada for Details on Admission to all Canadian Universities. International Baccalaureate Mount Saint Vincent University welcomes applicants holding the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma. Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT) results are not required, but students are encouraged to submit their results. The university offers more than 40 programs in Arts, Science, Commerce, Fine Arts and Music. Credit may be granted for specific higher level courses with minimum scores of 5 points (see section 3.9.1). Having a science degree also keeps my doors wide open for potential future endeavours.
industry and search for employment.”Justin Dwyer ('13)Aviation,
Mount Allison University (also Mount A or MtA) is a primarily undergraduate Canadian liberal arts and science university located in Sackville, New Brunswick. *Students in aviation must obtain a Transport Canada Category 1 medical certificate before commencing flight training. Entrance requirementsYou must obtain a Transport Canada Category 1 medical certificate before you begin your flight training. Students may be offered a conditional offer of acceptance based on their final grade 11 marks in the first semester of their grade 12 year, providing they hold an 85% average on five academic courses, including English. Mount Allison University Sackville, New Brunswick . Only CEGEP courses with a credit value of 2.00 or higher will be considered for admission, New Brunswick: Five academic grade 12-level subjects, Prince Edward Island: Five academic 600-level subjects, Nova Scotia: Five academic grade 12-level subjects, Newfoundland: Ten credits in academic 3000- or 4000-level subjects. Some academic units will not credit courses taken more than 5 (or 8, or 10) years previously. 1202, Kailash Building, 12th Floor, Visit the Wellness Centre site on the web at < >. new. Mount Allison University r/ mta.
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