Would you mind coming with us to the back office? Ah, see. If anyone's got any heartfelt end-of-life speeches, now's probably the moment. Janine: And I knew Graham was finished as soon as Yaz said, “You’ve come a long way, Graham O’Brien.”, Andrew: That was a really sweet moment, mind – you actually felt the bond between the characters, just with that small, honest moment (the type of moment the show won’t give Thirteen with any of the fam, dammit). Best leave the lad to speak for himself, eh, Pat? Speaking of lore: Gallifrey is here, as we all expected! Cybermen have hunted down and wiped out the majority of the human race. But if any man can be said to have earned a peaceful retirement, it's our Brendan. I saw them get on the Grav Raft. Oi, you? 'Cause I used to hot-wire warp drives for fun, on a weekend, as a teenager. You're pushing it too hard.
You know, I'm starting to think we're in with a good chance of surviving today. All humanity have been erased. The site of our greatest defeat, and soon, a shrine for our rebirth. The exact coordinates Shelley gave us are just down there. Yedlarmi: So, we channel every last bit of life support towards propulsion. And then, 'cause I'm an idiot I felt like it was my duty to wait in case others came. Any system that's still got even the tiniest hint of power has got to go. Land on another planet and set the Cybermen loose there? Loafers: Permit me some speculation. Andrew: Agreed – which is a shame, because I really love the idea of the show exploring Thirteen’s relationship with Ryan – there’s potential there to explore a type of Doctor/ companion the show hasn’t gone near before, there, but the show never has. Yaz calling Graham and Ravio, can you hear me? That the next episode is called “The Timeless Children” makes it easy to guess that Brendan isn’t the only immortal getting memory-wiped; one assumes that the Doctor and Master were also subject to this. Both you and humanity will be destroyed, and I shall bring the Cyber race to its greatest ever glory. They destroyed everything we brought with us. Master: Look upon my work, Doctor, and despair. I’m reserving judgement on the series as a whole. Didn't I say you were pushing it too hard?! Oh, God, you're not actually gonna do that, are you? When the glorious Cyber empire arrived, I was a willing recruit. The systems on this ship are the most advanced I've ever seen.

And every empire falls. Loafers: That’s fascinating.

When the glorious Cyber empire arrived, I was a willing recruit. If they haven't got here by now, that thing must have got them. Channel the remaining energy off those systems. In the far future, the Doctor and her friends face a brutal battle across the farthest reaches of space to protect the last of the human race against the deadly Cybermen. They have to find it and stop it in it’s tracks.
No escape ship, a relentless Cyberman and very limited options. Our only point of safety. Can't take the commando lifestyle? Now, that's what I call an inner conflict. If they capture you, they'll convert you. Cyber warp tech, not designed for humans. So, who was right all along and is now the real winner? Doctor Who Transcripts. Chibnall’s dialogue and plotting vices, while present, are tempered to the point that I would only gripe about it as much as the weak spots of previous showrunners. Episode transcripts for the 2005 TV show "Doctor Who". Janine, your last story for the fan series Twelfth Doctor Adventures is “The Owl of Minerva” / “The Falling of the Dusk”. We are stuck on a ship stacked with Cybermen. Video Transcript. Please? Race is just a construct, at the end of the day; what does it really mean to be a Time Lord? Janine (@janinemrivers) is a writer and script editor, formerly in charge of this column (now having much more fun as a reader), also formerly in charge of The Twelfth Doctor Adventures, but now busy script-editing and producing podcasts including Verity Weaver and India Ink for iTunes and Spotify. I'm going to go and get the Grav Raft going. This'll get us to Ko Sharmus. It should fry any Cyberman that comes near. Loafers: Now, I think it’s high time we talk about Brendan. And maybe for the first time in all these years you’d have her call herself something *other* than Time Lord, and maybe that’s too big a change, but I like it — Time Lord is a title, not a race. Janine: And oh boy, was I unhappy with the cliff-hanger this week. Not acknowledging the privilege built into the character feels like such a copout. I helped everyone else through the Boundary. Doctor Who series 12 episode 9 review. We're human and we've come to cross the Boundary. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. It rules! We're gonna keep all of you safe, we're gonna find the Doctor, and we're gonna take them Cybermen down. Right. Tell them, "Be afraid. We get this working, it can get us to Ko Sharmus. Cos that’s just the sea. As far as I understand it, your basic Cyberman is part human, part machine. We don't have the power. 12x09 - Ascension of the Cybermen. Their armies outfought.

Oh, not just today. this episode, the first moment that stood out for me was this exchange between Yedlarmi and Bedscot (I’m only remembering the names because I have the transcript in front of me): “BESCOT: To Ko Sharmus. But if any man can be said to have earned a peaceful retirement, it's our Brendan. We triggered automation sensors as we came in.

Nothing about that was as interesting as Chibnall thought it was: the arc tease (we’ve been hearing the same thing in trailers all week), the character (bleurgh), Gallifrey (less interesting now there’s no one else there). My theory about Brendan is the same as a lot of people’s: he’s the Timeless Child, an immortal being of another species, whose endless life was exploited by the people who would later become Time Lords. This pallet For the very far future immediate aftermath cyberwar. Alright Look, I know you don't want to use that. An empire of might and terror fallen. Would barely take us any time to get to Ko Sharmus. I don't know how many they are or which direction they're coming from. But as I took my rightful place, as I began my blessed ascension, I was denied. Going back to the “Pilgrimage to Ko Sharmus” reading, the other part of the plot that jumped out to me was this exchange between the Doctor, Ryan and Ko Sharmus: RYAN: So where’s this Boundary? No-one else stands a chance. Their weapons are going to destroy the outer shell. It’s very true to the Cybermen, too: they’ve always been about drawing humanity towards its telos, us out-evolving ourselves to become the ultimate lifeform. It’s where we’ve been trying to get to. I've never seen it look like that before. I felt like it was my duty to... wait... in case others came. Speak of their deaths, of my power, to every other species. At least he's got the power back on, though, eh? And that is what this gizmo is supposed to be doing. No commando jokes, please. Loafers (@LoafersWrites on Twitter) is a film and TV critic who has been published in the Sundae and the Mary Sue. The victors of a billion battles broken. I've been trying to fix it, but we've got no spare parts. We're not ready! © 2000-2020 Forever Dreaming. What did we think of the episode? I found myself totally engaged with this. Where I’ve seen people go through, and I hope they’re alive and well elsewhere. And how’s that working for us? We've got to conserve what little power we've got left. Go with the humans. We didn't really believe it, but we managed to get here. Materialising on a primitive, agrarian world, both the strangers quickly find their place in it… until fallout from the War invades their happy paradise. Andrew: In a story with a religious zealot as the talking face of the Cybermen, this frames the heroes’ quest as one of faith and belief, too. The systems on this ship are the most advanced I've ever seen. So, you loathe your own being because of what's driving you. Now, that's what I call an inner conflict.

On behalf of the local community, and everyone past and present you've helped, we'd like to present you with this memento. I do think that the Gardaí (Irish guards) are Time Lords, although whether they’ve become Time Lords yet remains to be seen. As far as I understand it, your basic Cyberman is part human, part machine. At least he's got the power back on, though, eh? I was chosen to revive the glory of the Cyber race! They aren’t super-soldiers, but a community of ordinary people who survive through each other. You and Ravio get the Grav Raft started. Andrew: Chibnall’s explorations of faith (in Doctor Who and elsewhere) never hit the New Atheist vibe that is sort of the default for Doctor Who, and they also feel a bit more than RTD’s attempt at understanding something he could never believe himself in “Gridlock”. The last Cybermen... intent on destroying the last humans. What I'd give for a friendly voice right now. Have you not asked that great slab of Cyber AI you absorbed about me? It hasn’t yet asserted the sort of profound, hopeful vision I loved the last two eras of the show for — but the last two weeks, for my money, have shown that it just might.

But now I understand I was not discarded. We were passing through the old battlegrounds when everything failed. Yaz calling Graham and Ravio, can you hear me? I'm the most normal bloke you're ever gonna meet! But Yaz and Graham getting to play Doctor to the Doctor role for the group of human survivors was a lovely “seasoned companions show their character growth” moment. 1 Episode on 1 CD (3rd of 4 stories); Download. Bits of dead Cybermen... floating in space. Get back here as quick as you can. Human life signs registering on carrier ship. I wish you was a bit more 'glass half full', sunshine. We won't make it all if you push it past 90! No escape ship, a relentless Cyberman and very limited options. Doctor Who | Ascension of the Cybermen REACTION!! Janine: I was so excited when I saw him teaming up with Thirteen, too! Their conquests surrendered. We won't make it all if you push it past 90! - We haven't got anything else - to defend ourselves or them. Loafers: I’ve joked a few times on Twitter that Janine and Chibnall independently came up with the same idea for a Doctor Who story, but I think it’s worth discussing. Setting aside minor gripes with anti-climax of the Master reveal at the cliff-hanger, and the nagging sense that Brendan’s storyline was more naturally engaging than the leads’, and with the natural caveat that this was very much part one to an old school two-parter, so my feelings on it could change by this time next week, this might be my favourite Chibnall episode, and this is shaping up to be a strong finale. Hey! It would be fascinating for her to realise what her society really was, and then choose to define herself against that. Welcome to my Channel!! I haven't got Feekat and Ethan.

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