Anyone else sad their kids go back to school? Maternity services. Lots of questions about my school uniform grant. I had 5 of my 7 at St James and I couldnt recomend it more! We had to stay in 5 days in the end. I gave birth to my second baby at St James in December and found it to be fantastic :D. I was a planned C section so had a two day stay on post natal ward and found that even that was ok!
However, DS has been in both LGI and Jimmy's for treatment and I personally though the treament he received by jimmys was fantastic. Me again hun, have you thought about taking a tour round each delivery suite to help you make your mind up. How likely are you to recommend our homebirth service to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment? Peronally the reason I chose harrogate over the LGI was because i was really worried about trying to park at the hospital when in labour.
I think both have private rooms but you have to pay for them, I’ve not looked into it as hoping to be home quickly. This Department is managed by Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.
The home visits are by your community midwife not by hospital midwives and you will definately get visits for at least 2 weeks after the birth of your baby which is when you get handed over to your health visitor unless the midwife thinks otherwise. [...] leeds.html,, LGI vs Jimmies - opinions wanted please :-), has anyone been induced at st james, Leeds. My birth was stright forward so didn't need any specialist care so i am unable to judge that area but the aftercare was particulary poor. The problems started ther i had very little after care and as she was my first and i was attempting to breastfeed it was very daunting being left to my own devices. I had my first and if i could i would have swapped it to LGI with out a blink of an eye, although the Midwifes were nice in the delivery suite and helpful, i ended up with a room of bystanders during delievery and then notgiven the freedom to leave the hospital when i wished once my daughter was born.
If you have a general query about any aspect of your care please contact your named community midwife.
Anyone else sad their kids go back to school? There is an outline/sketchy 10 year plan to move services to St James, closing the LGI as we know it. But was automatically registered with LGI (my least favourite hospital lol)
Many mums i spoke to after the delivery all said the same, they wished they had gone else were but due to medical conditions had not been allowed to choose their hospital one mother was even denied to take one of her twins home cos it was drinking 10mls less then the other.
hope this helps. I chose st James and throughout my pregnancy they have been fantastic. It took the nurses and the midwifes about 5 weeks to realise i had not yet been seen by any of them during my pre birth appointments even when i asked every week when i could see someone. Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust provides maternity services from Leeds General Infirmary, St James’s Hospital and community settings including homebirths. BabyCenter aims to share products and services we hope you’ll find interesting and helpful. We support NHS staff to deliver the best care for over a million patients and their families each year. My Step-mum was left at St James for almost 16 hours after baby had been transferred before they arranged her a …
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