New H-E-B coming to Leander and more Central Texas news, USDA extends free meal options for children through entire 2020-21 school year, First-time Texas voters: Here's what to expect, Doss Elementary School students return to new campus; six more AISD modernization projects to open in 2021, Golden Bear Park opens in Georgetown and more Central Texas news, Lewisville | Flower Mound | Highland Village, Lewisville - Flower Mound - Highland Village, • Travis County judge: Bars will not reopen, despite permission from governor to do so, • Voting early? (Easton is a self-described free-market capitalist who welcomes development in Austin, but he's also a libertarian who doesn't believe systemic racism is real and said at a recent candidate forum, "You can consider me elitist, you can consider me privileged. The median homeowner would pay $316.98 in property tax payments toward the public transportation project in fiscal year 2020-21 if Austin residents approve Nov. 3. It all works together. "Some feel they're not receiving the level of safety they expect and some feel their neighborhoods are overpoliced," Alter told us. Sticky Notes, Digital Advertising, E-Newsletter Sponsorships, TERMS OF SERVICE "I would fight to make sure whatever dollars we're investing are hitting every Austinite in ways that are needed," she told us in August. Now is the chance to help your local community succeed. Early voting began Oct. 13. Read the latest Central Texas business and community news. Village in East­ern Travis County, or the Haven for Hope in San Antonio to reduce the unsheltered homeless population. His bylines have appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Baltimore Sun, USA Today and several other local outlets along the east coast. Appeals court grants stay to halt decision that would have allowed counties to have multiple ballot drop-off locations. Thank you for reading and supporting community journalism. Do you support this decision? Greg Abbott set up in southeast Austin in November 2019. | Updated When asked how the city should increase funding for preventive health care or violence prevention – as Council has indicated is its plan – if cadet classes are reinstated, Virden wrote in an email that she "doesn't believe" that's why the classes were canceled and that additional funding could come from the General Fund "as it always has for that purpose.". With the most candidates (seven) of all the 2020 City Council races, the Central and West Austin District 10 appears most likely to end in a December run-off. (Jack Flagler/Community Impact Newspaper). Become a Patron by contributing to Community Impact Newspaper and gain daily insight into what's happening in your own backyard. Community Impact Newspaper asked six Austin City Council District 10 candidates the same five questions, which cover topics from public safety and housing to … |. Unlike the other challengers, Sethi agrees with Council's moves on the APD budget. What is THE ideal fate for the Lions Municipal Golf Course, and how would you work as a City Council member to accomplish it? Now, with the help of public safety experts and community leaders, we are trying a new approach. With the most candidates (seven) of all the 2020 City Council races, the Central and West Austin District 10 appears most likely to end in a December run-off. In August, City Council unanimously supported a significant reduction to the Austin police budget with a commitment to reimagining public safety. 7:28 PM Sep 30, 2020 CDT AUSTIN, Texas — This November, five Austin City Council seats will appear on the ballot. District 10 Austin City Council candidates agree the city's homelessness response is not working. She served on both the Mayor's Task Force on Insti­tu­tional Racism and Systemic Inequities and the Office of Police Oversight Task Force, she's a practicing immigration attorney, and she says her understanding of such injustices would be crucial as the city embarks on an effort to reimagine public safety. Sticky Notes, Digital Advertising, E-Newsletter Sponsorships, TERMS OF SERVICE Appeals court grants stay to halt decision that would have allowed counties to have multiple ballot drop-off locations. (Christopher Neely/Community impact Newspaper). Prizer Arts & Letters: Between Myth and Dream, An Activist City Hall Faces the Verdict of Austin Voters, D2: Young Progressives Square Off for Open Seat, D4: A Council Veteran Seeks Transformation, D6: Flannigan Faulted for Progressive Politics. New recipes and food news delivered Mondays, All questions answered (satisfaction not guaranteed). Greg Abbott's orders starting on Oct. 14. 7:28 PM Sep 30, 2020 CDT. Support the free press, so we can support Austin. Ahead of the Nov. 3 general election, which experts said may garner one of the highest voter turnout rates of any election in recent years, many Texans will likely be voting for the first time this fall. Now is the chance to help your local community succeed. | Read the latest Austin-area business and community news. © 2005-2020 Community Impact Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. Ahead of the Nov. 3 general election, which experts said may garner one of the highest voter turnout rates of any election in recent years, many Texans will likely be voting for the first time this fall. … Community Impact Newspaper conducted Q&As with the candidates in all five Austin City Council elections. For Alter, the LDC revision, which is now tied up in court, had gone off course – shifting away from a simplified product that would allow for greater housing density in targeted areas and toward a code filled with complicated bonus programs intended to maximize the number of units (some of which would be income-restricted) that a property owner could build per lot in most parts of the city. | Bars in neighboring Williamson, Hays and Bastrop counties were allowed to open under Gov. Six of the candidates vying to represent West Austin on City Council for the next four years appeared to express similar views on many of the issues thrown at them during a Sept. 29 panel hosted by the League of Women Voters, including their assessments of how the city has handled homelessness over the past year. We can help. As a City Council member, what will you bring to the ongoing debate over how to reimagine public safety? At a recent candidate forum, she expressed support for "transit-­oriented development with affordable housing, diverse building types, and [accessory dwell­ing units] that align with" Project Connect. Their solutions differ. "We have to understand that there's a certain amount of genius in having different nodes [for development] and building them out for a sustainable city," Alter told the Chronicle. Thank you for reading and supporting community journalism. Although Alter was one of two CMs to vote against loosening restrictions on public camping in June 2019 (D9's Kathie Tovo was the other), she has not escaped the conservative backlash to that vote. Three candidates are on the Nov. 3 ballot. As the city switches into recovery mode, how would you ensure the safety of those who have continued to go to work and those who will be returning to work? The Lions Municipal Golf Course has been a pressure point in city politics over the last several years. FEEDBACK Predicting who will make it past Nov. 3 is not easy. A New Jersey native, Christopher moved to Austin in 2016 following years of community reporting along the Jersey Shore. Their solutions differ. Looking for something local to do this weekend? Describing her plan to establish "community centers" throughout the city that would provide resources and information to people, Sethi said, "The program would bring health, educational, and preventive resources into community centers in different regions. As of 12 p.m. on Oct. 13, over 14,000 Travis County residents had cast their votes in person. As a City Council member, what will you bring to the ongoing debate over how to reimagine public safety? Learn about the 11 Austin ISD board of trustees candidates who will appear on the Nov. 3 ballot. Learn about the 20 Austin City Council candidates vying for five seats, • 35,890 voters cast ballots in person on Travis County's first day of early voting, • Breaking down the numbers for Project Connect: Here is what tax bills would look like for Austin homeowners, • Read election Q&A's with Central Austin-area candidates, Learn about Chinese restaurant Old Thousand's new Burnet Road location and other local business news. Early voting began Oct. 13. ), Alter did join the unanimous Council vote to adopt a budget that cut $21 million from the Austin Police Department – funds which the city will redirect to bolster other social services, including the Austin-Travis County EMS Community Health Para­medics team. Community Impact Newspaper conducted Q&As with the candidates in all five Austin City Council elections. The Lions Municipal Golf Course has been a pressure point in city politics over the last several years. How would you approach the issue of housing, and how do you plan to address Austin's need for more housing? Three candidates are on the Nov. 3 ballot. ", Thomas, Virden, and Greene all support rescheduling the police cadet classes whose funding is now being reinvested in public safety alternatives. City of Austin General and Special Election Notice for November 3, 2020 / Aviso de elección general y especial de la ciudad de Austin para el 3 de noviembre de 2020 To request a paper copy of the 2020 Candidate Packet in English or Spanish to be mailed to you, please submit your name and mailing address to 2:14 PM Oct 12, 2020 CDT "We have tried the route of growing the system by adding police officers and it hasn't worked. FEEDBACK The median homeowner would pay $316.98 in property tax payments toward the public transportation project in fiscal year 2020-21 if Austin residents approve Nov. 3. Incumbent candidate Alison Alter has drawn six challengers for the West Austin seat. What is the ideal fate for the Lions Municipal Golf Course, and how would you work as a City Council member to accomplish it? "We should be making decisions that support that and not try to build everywhere. Looking for something local to do this weekend? Copyright © 1981-2020 Austin Chronicle Corp. All rights reserved.

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