All students need to complete 420 hours of continuous professional development in order to graduate. NOTE: For learning outcomes and other relevant information of this double degree, refer to the single degree entries: The requirements below detail what you must study in order to complete this double degree course and receive the awards. What does your gift to the Achieving Potential Scholarship Fund mean? 144 points must be completed in Parts A, B, C, D and E (Level 1 only) as described below in the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) component.
It will also expose you to different science disciplines, contributing breadth to your understanding of science and giving you the opportunity to learn about several disciplines before finalising your choice of major. Refer to 'Alternative exits' entry below for further requirements and details. Start with a three-year Bachelor of Science, Design or Biomedicine degree and choose an engineering systems major.
Position yourself for a leading role solving global challenges with an engineering degree at Australia's top university. Copyright © 2019 Monash University. Other commencement years for this course: 2018, 2017 and 2016. Civil, structural and architectural engineering, Mechanical, aerospace and mechatronic engineering, Master of Engineering (Biomedical with Business), Master of Engineering (Chemical with Business), Master of Engineering (Civil with Business), Master of Engineering (Electrical with Business), Master of Engineering (Mechanical with Aerospace), Master of Engineering (Mechanical with Business), Master of Engineering (Software with Business), Doctor of Philosophy (Architecture, Building and Planning), Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering and IT), Master of Philosophy (Engineering and IT), Understand your undergraduate to graduate degree pathways, Visit Melbourne on Exchange or Study Abroad, International Exchange and Study Abroad applications. If you wish to graduate with a Bachelor of Engineering degree prior to the completion of the double degree you must have completed at least 192 points of studies, including all of the requirements in Part A, B, C and D for the particular engineering specialisation. Or, if you already hold an undergraduate degree*, advance your career with an internationally recognised 2–3 year Master of Engineering or specialised graduate qualification. Courses; Monash University; Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Commerce Monash University Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution Level: Undergraduate CRICOS: 00008C. Information for Indigenous Australians, Professor Margaret Gardner AO, President and Vice-Chancellor, Office of the Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice-President, Peter Marshall - Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice-President, Office of the Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice-President, Mr Paul Townsend - Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice-President, Major Initiatives Implementation and Oversight (MIIO), Southeast University-Monash University Joint Graduate School (Suzhou), Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre, MoodMission - Smartphone app for anxiety brings help to thousands, Monash researchers start company to reprogram human cells, Creating next generation medicines: research collaboration announced with Roche, Janssen collaboration - Rheumatoid Arthritis, Amaero - Additive manufacturing of aerospace equipment, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) - drug delivery and formulation development, Institute for Safety, Compensation and Recovery Research (ISCRR) â research-policy partnership, Janssen Pharmaceuticals â lupus research, PACIA - Chemicals and Plastics Industry Training Program, Public Transport Victoria - Public Transport Research Group, Starpharma â drug delivery deal with Astra Zeneca, Takeda â gastrointestinal diseases and disorders, TALI - Attention measurement and training tool, IITB-Monash Research Academy Graduation Day, Yale-StudentsundertakeintensiveprogramatYale-copy.png, Internationalisation and Commercialisation of Research, Alumna reflections: strong legacy; bright future, Saudi Arabian students celebrate graduation success, Chinese General Practitioners Program blossoms, Faculties-Champion-Monash-Doctoral-Day-MDD-thumbnail-.jpg, Monash and Tel Aviv University: Working Collaboratively on the Next Big Idea, Monash helping human rights in Vietnam â, Monash promoting human rights in Vietnam â, Monash highlights leadership in water management at G'Day USA, Second Monash Doctoral Information Day builds on success, MDD headlines a full Monash program in Indonesia, Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance Together: Monash Warwick Alliance Workshop to develop a joint approach, Monash deepens transport collaboration with Indonesia, International scholarships and loan schemes, Erasmus Staff Mobility Program with Justus-Liebig University in Giessen, Germany, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), First Monash delegation at UN climate change summit, Monash delegation heads to preeminent global climate change summit, Erasmus Staff Mobility Opportunity in Germany, Monash-Uni-Official-Visit-Application-Form.docx, BSB31115 Certificate III in Business Administration (Medical), CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care, A pill for every ill?
Visit Lens to read their stories. Course map provides clear information on units to enrol every semester. Students must complete 240 points, of which 144 points are from the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and 96 points from the Bachelor of Commerce. A major requires eight units with no more than two units at level 1 (12 points) and at least three units (18 points) at level 3.
Likewise, many scientists wish to see their theories applied towards new technologies. Engineering with commerce is a powerful combination.
CRICOS: 00008C. The result is an educational experience uniquely tailored to meet your interests and aspirations. Although the requirements in Part A appear to exceed 48 points, a level 1 sequence is typically counted towards your chosen major (Part B) and not towards this Part.
The choice is yours. At Melbourne, you will graduate with the ideal combination of advanced technical and professional skills valued by employers, and a higher level qualification that is recognised around the world. Future engineers will require more than technical skills – they’ll need an innovative mindset, teamwork and communication skills. We acknowledge and pay respect to the Traditional Owners of the lands upon which our campuses are situated. You have a maximum of 10 years to complete this course. Plus Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 25 in VCE Chemistry or Physics. Part D will develop your skills in readiness for the engineering workplace. The various combinations offer diversity, flexibility and numerous career options. Unit codes that are not linked to their entry in the Handbook are not available for study in the current year. Engineering with commerce is a powerful combination. Units are 6 points unless otherwise specified. Note: Psychology is taught by the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences. Level 1 science listed units are chosen from units listed under any major, extended major or minor offered in the Bachelor of Science or from the following: Note 2: You can replace one level 1 science listed unit with a level 2 or level 3 science listed unit. You are not required to complete the level one mathematics or statistics unit for the Science component as you complete a corresponding mathematics requirement in your partner course, ENG1005, which is equivalent to MTH1030. Many engineers work in areas outside of engineering, such as management, banking and consulting, and many go on to become CEOs of major corporations. Authorised by: Student and Education Business Services. Students undertake the Common First year before specialising in their chosen discipline from level 2. ABN 12 377 614 012 Accessibility - Disclaimer and copyright - Privacy, Monash University CRICOS Provider Number: 00008C, Monash College CRICOS Provider Number: 01857J. Refer to E3001 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) single degree entry for the details of mandatory professional recognition requirements. 2.
Find out more about our global impact. A major is your chosen area of specialisation. At the University of Melbourne we offer 100 majors at undergraduate level, and even more opportunities to specialise your study at graduate level. Specialist/Comprehensive *Any undergraduate degree from a recognised institution including the prerequisite subjects outlined on the course pages with a weighted average mark of at least H3 (65%), or equivalent.
Therefore, if you are required to take 12 points of engineering foundation units you will need to overload by 6 points. The choice of level 1 sequences will influence your choice of level 2 and level 3 units and will lay the foundation for your major. If you're in industry or government and looking to access the technology, research or education expertise at Monash University, make us your first point of call.
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