Sorry about that, pale blue-eyed friends! How cool is that? Results of the study revealed that people with brown eyes were perceived as significantly more trustworthy than those with blue eyes. Dark brown eye colour also is very common in the Middle East. When you're born, you don't have an abundance of melanin in your body, so there's a lack of pigment in your irises which makes them appear blue. They’re always there when you need to lay something off your chest and will make sure to safeguard even your darkest secrets. Dark brown eye color also is very common in the Middle East. This may mean that since brown-eyed people are more sensitive to alcohol, they're less likely to ingest alcohol to the point of physical dependence, which is a good thing. Most people living in Africa and Asia have dark brown eyes. But that changed when scientists realized that eye color is determined by 16 genes instead of two genes, according to an article published by The Tech Museum of Innovation. Additionally, that phenotype can stay dormant for generations, and later surface when two carriers of the right genes for blue eyes reproduce.

Peaceful at heart, most brown-eyed people do their best to act as mediators between fighting parties, even if it means putting their own desires last. Your baby: Infant vision development timeline. Hazel eyes clock in at 5 percent, as do amber eyes, followed by green eyes at a paltry 2 percent.

Perhaps the most underappreciated, underrated, and under-celebrated eye color is the humble brown eye -- thanks Van Morrison for not forgetting about the beautiful brown-eyed girl who stole your heart. Brown-eyed faces tended to have a rounder and broader chin, a broader mouth with upward-pointing corners, relatively bigger eyes, and eyebrows closer to each other. The right choices for you will depend on a number of factors — including your hair colour and skin tone as well as the depth of the pigment in your brown eyes. Brown-Eyed People Are Less Likely to Have Hearing Problems. Most people living in Africa and Asia have dark brown eyes. After careful consideration, we managed to put together a compilation of some of the most commonly held beliefs regarding the traits and characteristics of people with brown eyes. Our understanding of genetics changed pretty dramatically in the late 2000s and early 2010s. People with brown eyes are some of the friendliest people you will ever meet. Once again, melanin multi-tasks. And as it turns out, in each of the sample groups, individuals with fair eyes drank a lot more alcohol than their dark-eyed counterparts. Blue eyes: The origin and genetics of blue eyes, Eye and vision problems in preschool children.

Accessed November 2016. But predicting eye color from your family tree is more difficult than you might expect. Perhaps the most underappreciated, underrated, and under-celebrated eye color is the humble brown eye. For starters, people with brown eyes are less at risk of certain kinds of cancers than fair-eyed folks, according to an article in Everyday Health. It is estimated that the first person who had blue eye lived around 6,000 to 10,000 years ago. It is very often that you’ll find brown people to be the very center of any group of friends, mainly due to how inherently friendly they are. Let’s find out the interesting Facts about Bone Cells in the post below. And each of the following colors are less than one percent of the world's population: gray eyes, red/violet eyes (in people with severe forms of albinism), and heterochromia (different colored eyes).

The study authors felt melanin pigment may help protect nerves in the brain from noise-induced damage. The higher amount of melanin in people with brown eyes protects nerves in the brain from damage caused by noise. People with brown eyes may be less vulnerable to certain diseases. A study conducted by the University of Pittsburgh showed that women with brown eyes didn’t tolerate the pain of childbirth as well as those with blue eyes. The researchers found a relationship existed between eye colour and face shape, and that the shape of a person's face plays a key role in the perception of trustworthiness. document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a6889319e1293680b2763ba4118dd2bb" );document.getElementById("a4eee1f2d2").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Your email address will not be published. People with brown eyes are known to be good listeners, which is why they make such good friends. And green eyes are similar to blue eyes, but they have more melanin in them, ergo the green color. Did you know that having brown eyes may make you appear more trustworthy? Love. While that doesn’t mean you can skip the sunglasses, it does mean you’re getting an added layer of protection under those shades. Also, the eyes of many Caucasian babies contain very little melanin at birth and will appear blue the first few months of life. But what are some of those need-to-know facts about brown eyes? As recently as 2006, it was widely-believed that two parents with blue eyes couldn't have a child with brown eyes, according to Science Daily. But it's bad news once again for our blue-eyed friends, as folks with azure peepers and fair skin are more at risk of type 1 diabetes, according to a study in Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews. That does not sound pleasant in the least! By Amy Hellem; reviewed by Gary Heiting, OD.

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