The Census also indicates that there are one or more nursing homes nearby. The rent for 2 bedrooms is normally $500-$749/month including utilities. What is the zip code for CLEARWATER? Database Download: 67026 Zip Code Map & Detailed Profile : 67026 Zip Code Summary. would like to have printed using the map on the page. to print your map. In most cases a ZIP Code is a geographic region with a center point. Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, High school graduate (includes equivalency), Public transportation (including taxicab), Male to Female Ratio in Kansas by Zip Code, Female to Male Ratio in Kansas by Zip Code, Average Population Age in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Children Under 10 in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Seniors Over 65 in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Whites in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Blacks (African Americans) in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Natives in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Asians in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Indians (Asian) in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Chinese in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Filipinos in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Japanese in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Koreans in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Hispanics in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Mexicans in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Cubans in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of High School Students in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of College Students in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of High School Graduates in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of College Graduates in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Arabs in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Czechs in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Danish in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Dutch in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of English in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of French in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of French Canadians in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Germans in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Greeks in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Hungarians in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Irish in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Italians in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Lithuanians in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Norwegians in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Poles in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Portuguese in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Russians in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Scotts in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Slovaks in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Swedes in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Swiss in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Ukrainians in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Welsh in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of West Indians in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population in Labor Force in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Males in Labor Force in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Females in Labor Force in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population in Military in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population Not in Labor Force in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Government Employees in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Self-Employed Individuals in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population with Management and Professional Jobs in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population with Service Jobs in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population with Sales & Office Jobs in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population with Farming, Fishing & Forestry Jobs in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population with Construction Jobs in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population with Production & Transportation Jobs in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Agriculture in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Construction in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Manufacturing in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Retail in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Transportation in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Information Technology in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Finance, Insurance & Real Estate in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Professional & Scientific industry in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Education & Social Services in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Arts, Recreation & Entertainment industry in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Households with Income Under $10,000 in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Households with Income Over $100,000 in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Households with Income Over $200,000 in Kansas by Zip Code, Median Household Income in Kansas by Zip Code, Average Income per Person in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population Below Poverty Level in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Families Below Poverty Level in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population Working from Home in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population Walking to Work in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population Taking Public Transit to Work in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population Driving to Work in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Population Carpooling to Work in Kansas by Zip Code, Average Commute Time in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Housing Units occupied by the Owner in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Housing Units occupied by the Tenant/Renter in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Vacant Housing Units in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Detached Homes in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Apartment Buildings & Condos in Kansas by Zip Code, Average Number of Rooms per Housing Unit in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Households heated by Utility Gas in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Households heated by Bottled Gas in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Households heated by Electricity in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Households heated by Fuel, Oil or Kerosene in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Households heated by Coal or Coke in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Households heated by Wood in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Households heated by Solar in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Properties valued under $200,000 in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Properties valued under $500,000 in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Properties valued over $500,000 in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Properties valued over $1,000,000 in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Properties without a Mortgage in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Households with at least one Vehicle in Kansas by Zip Code, Percentage of Households with at least two Vehicles in Kansas by Zip Code, Population 3 years and over enrolled in school, Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business, Management, professional, and related occupations, Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations, Construction, extraction, and maintenance occupations, Production, transportation, and material moving occupations, Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining, Transportation and warehousing, and utilities, Finance, insurance, real estate, and rental and leasing, Professional, scientific, management, administrative, and waste management services, Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation and food services, Other services (except public administration), Average household size of owner-occupied unit, Average household size of renter-occupied unit, Mortgage payment as a percentage of income.
The percentage of children under 18 living in the 67026 ZIP code is large compared to other areas of the country. Featured Vehicles.
Zip code 67026 is located in Clearwater, Kansas. Clearwater (KS) is 572 miles south-southwest. (Although all these cities are called CLEARWATER, they are different cities.).
This page shows a map with an overlay of Zip Codes for Clearwater, Sedgwick County, Kansas. Copyright © 2005-2020 Its detail Library Name, Address, State, ZIP Code, Phone is as below.
In the most recent US census the population of Clearwater was 2481.
Area Code FAQ | Water: 0.30 sq. CLEARWATER is a city in Sedgwick County, Sumner County counties of the U.S. state Kansas, United States. It also has a slightly less than average population density. 230,681 Miles ; V8 7.3L Turbocharger; Automatic 4-Speed; 12 city / 16 hwy; Diesel; $9,995 . The city for 67026 is usually the name of the main post office. Explore 67026 zip code map, demographic, social and economic profile.
. Clearwater is a city of Sedgwick, Kansas in the South Central region of the USA.
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Up to 2020-10-13 in KS(Kansas), there were 572,081 viral tests, 67,862 positive results, 504,219 negative results, 355 currently hospitalized patients, 771 deaths, 2,301 individuals who have recovered from COVID-19. Users can easily view the boundaries of each Zip Code and the state as a whole.
It is located about 144 miles southwest of KS's capital city of Topeka. Lookup any area code or prefix (NPA/NXX) in our database using our FREE Area Code Finder Below: Area Code Database |
The people living in ZIP code 67026 are primarily white. As with most parts of the country, vehicles are the most common form of transportation to places of employment. ZIP stands for "Zoning Improvement Plan". Using any city in the list of unacceptable cities may result in delays. For more information, see Clearwater, KS household income. Clearwater Beach (FL) is 1352 miles south-southeast.
The list below includes the cities that the US Post Office accepts for ZIP code 67026.
Homes in ZIP code 67026 were primarily built in the 1970s or the 1980s. ZIP Code 5: 67026 - CLEARWATER, KS | Kansas United States ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 ️ The number of middle aged adults is extremely large while the number of people in their late 20s to early 40s is large. miles. This is the CLEARWATER - School page list. Land: 101.43 sq.
Area Code Map | The people living in ZIP code 67026 are primarily white. You may use button to move and zoom in / out.
67026 zip is located in Clearwater, Kansas Latitude: 37.508366 Longitude: -97.4919055 Population: 4,389 Area: 101.73 sq.
Zip Code 67026 - Clearwater KS Kansas, USA - Sedgwick County Its detail Museum Name, Street, State, ZIP Code, Phone is as below. google_ad_slot = "5539420162"; If you can't find the 67026 plus 4 zip code you need on this page, we recommend you to use the the feature of Quick Select. Buy: Kansas ZIP Code Database @ United States ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 Database Supermarket.
Clearwater, KS Stats and Demographics for the 67026 ZIP Code.
This is the CLEARWATER ZIP Code page list.
Lookup area code information for CLEARWATER, KS. Key Zip or click on the map.
It is very uncommon, compared to the rest of the US, for employees to have to travel more than 45 minutes to their place of employment. Its detail City, State, Plus 4, Population is as below.
So you are less likely to find inexpensive homes in 67026.
EmojiAll Link: Emoji Book , Emoji ✂️ & . 2012 Ford F-150 XLT. Population … What is my full zip code of 67026? The map information is for reference only. 156,008 Miles ; V8 5.0L Natural Aspiration; Automatic 6-Speed; 14 city / 19 hwy; Flex Fuel; $13,995 .
Local accident news and more police or fire department information of Clearwater, KS. Buy: Kansas ZIP Code Database @ United States ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 Database Supermarket. This is the CLEARWATER ZIP Code page list.
This is online map of the address CLEARWATER,Sedgwick County,Kansas.
All rights reserved.
PINELLAS COUNTY AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY MUSEUM, CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY-STICKNEY CROSSING. Zip Code: 67026 : Population: 4,845: Area Code: 620: Households per Zip Code: 1,741: City: CLEARWATER: Average House Value: $164,900: State: KS: Avg. ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 Address ; 67026-0001: 1 (From 1 To 118 ) PO BOX , CLEARWATER, KS: 67026-0121: 121 (From 121 To 236 ) PO BOX , CLEARWATER, KS: 67026-0241: 241 (From 241 To 356 ) PO BOX , CLEARWATER, KS: 67026-0361: 361 (From 361 To 476 ) PO BOX , CLEARWATER, KS: 67026-0481: 481 (From 481 To 598 ) PO BOX , CLEARWATER, KS: 67026-0601 200 (From 200 To 299 ) PROSPECT ST , CLEARWATER, KS, 110 (From 110 To 151 ) PROSPECT ST , CLEARWATER, KS, 100 (From 100 To 199 ) GORIN ST , CLEARWATER, KS, 200 (From 200 To 299 ) GORIN ST , CLEARWATER, KS, 200 (From 200 To 299 ) LEE ST , CLEARWATER, KS, 100 (From 100 To 199 ) LEE ST , CLEARWATER, KS, 14801 (From 14801 To 14899 Odd) HANNAH , CLEARWATER, KS, 100 (From 100 To 199 ) BYERS ST , CLEARWATER, KS, 100 (From 100 To 199 ) GRANT ST , CLEARWATER, KS. Telecom Data and Call Routing Database. Its detail ZIP Code 5, ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 is as below.
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