Or maybe they’ve done better than that — they’ve taken the country’s temperature by reading the Comments sections of a thousand blogs / articles over the past few months. Warning - there was an unexpected script error. "And it has certainty riled some within the Labor Party". Nah, they’d all just shift their opinions again, to toe the government line.

It’s going to be fun watching the coalition squirm on this one, pass the chicharrón.

Fran then asked her next guest if KK was racist. While there is a qualifier on cutting migration, rather than a blanket cut, it’s a cynical move that carries no weight. Population Minister Alan Tudge says Labor frontbencher Kristina Keneally "is completely inconsistent from one day to the next" in her position on immigration. That’s clearly not what she was doing. Ms Keneally has written an op-ed in the Nine newspapers arguing that migration cannot remain at the same levels post-pandemic. It’s a good point.

It will be interesting to watch the damage control. Mindlessly handing out money is not groundbreaking policy for the betterment of the country and Australians.

Whether it actually happens is a question for another time. While we should invest in training for future workers and upskill those presently working or out of work, we cannot replace a migrant workforce overnight. Cut temporary workers for a little bit then open the flood gates to millions of third world fake refugees and permanent migration from the china. However they had better be careful. It’s going to split this voter base and expose the big Australia masters behind these positions. No it isn’t the first primary issue is about reducing the overall rate. Warning - assets failed to load. As we should all know by now the cheap 3rd world slaves play a vital part in the debt machine that has replaced many nations’ economies including Australia’s. What we are talking about is what we want to have in place for when international travel shows substantial recovery. This will have a major economic impact. No thanks. The above returns include trading and investment costs but not administration fees. Now, do YOU think it’s racist to plan the level and type of migration each year like we care about the people and environment here? Shut down such nonsense by answering with some question of her own. Howard would be proud.

by the SMH comments, if there was an election tomorrow he might get rolled ! Especially the vulnerable young ones, with poorer prospects than we had”. They are desperate to push the genie back into the bottle. Just appalling. It’s an emperor where’s no clothes moment to attack the KK position in this way in the conservative press. Senator Keneally said Australia could be "harmed" by an influx of temporary workers when restrictions are eased. Lot of the aspirational Australians and battlers, silent Australians, whatever you call them can sniff the inconsistency to their lived experience in this line of attack. I’m hopeful. But Keneally has gone Donald Trump-lite by propagating nativism and xenophobia with her “Australians First” rhetoric. Warning - assets failed to load. PD – as someone commented to me yesterday on this topic. Standard practice.

Worse than Rudd/Gillard and Trumble/Abbott? #NoWorkerLeftBehind pic.twitter.com/Yjy5ROjFUR, — Sally McManus (@sallymcmanus) May 4, 2020. I’d also go with a line about ripping out skilled workers from third world countries as being exploitative. Click for more information. Image: News Corp Australia.

It’s all about context. The guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Bolt also discussed this with Judith Sloan on his show today. Andrew Bolt attacks The Australian for its anti-Australians First position on immigration: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/it-is-junk-to-put-australian-workers-first/news-story/d86a3940cfcb600dd94529cf82c461ee. For example in Sydney the minimum amount of debt is around a million. Weird to say it but where are all the hard core right wing nationalists when you need them?

Application may not work as expected. Senator Keneally said Australia could be "harmed" by an influx of temporary workers when restrictions are eased. https://www.theaustralian.com.au/commentary/kristina-keneally-is-wrong-to-lecture-us-about-immigration/news-story/9378fcd222db6563d3c8b611e5c78c75. Depends if Albo comes out behind the change in approach. Keneally argues that immigration is “contributing to unemployment”. Would there be a mass suicide of Australian academics, if Labor won, on low migration? Since 2019, she has served as Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, Shadow Minister for Home Affairs, and Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship. People who advocate for migration during mass unemployment are clearly not acting in Australia’s interests, and should have to explain their stance more than KK and co.

‘It’s about the mix between temporary and permanent migrants.’

Based on the comments, the Oz readership seems fed up with mass immigration and can see through the spin and lies. Go Kristina, again at The Australian, the new home of woke: Kristina Keneally has refused to back down on calling for cuts to migration, repeating claims that the coronavirus is exposing the fact that “Australia is heavily relying on temporary migration that often results in workers being exploited.” Speaking on ABC Radio National, Ms Keneally added that the issue “does not need to be, and is not, an attack on the individual people that come to Australia for work.”. The statements have been criticised by some of those in the media and political left as well as her opponents. Past performance is not an indication of future performance. This is looking more and more likely. Can’t see it because of the paywall, but right on cue. This is fantastic. I’m counting my money and wondering what I’ve been wishing for. Kristina Kerscher Keneally(born 19 December 1968) is an Australian politician who has been a Senatorfor New South Walessince February 2018, representing the Labor Party. This is shaping as a broad policy shift for Labor. How much income will be demanded from the business owner in order to obtain that amount of debt? But Australia has been running a high immigration intake while unemployment has hovered about a historically low 5 per cent. I’ve asked the same question many times in recent months — I don’t think it’s unsafe to posit that Albo may well be the most anonymous / ineffective party leader in any western democracy in the last 100yrs. Politician’s promises and political party policies pre and post-election tend to differ. It’s certainly a long way from BS’s family reunion brain fart. You can’t trust this. “There has been a conversation that’s happened behind the scenes in our team, for some weeks now, Mr Chalmers told ABC News Breakfast.

“Fran, do you think indigenous people are comfortable with 350k migrants from China and India every year? I think the ALP is kite flying to see how much support there is for reducing migration. We need to see what Albo got to say but the fact he’s been quiet so far it points to Albo’s being sidelined. Eventually the groundswell of opinion reaches a critical point that can no longer be ignored (or brushed aside with accusations of racism). They are adjusting their policies to suit this new situation. KK should have been prepared for such an ambush, I am sure she will be next time. Famed racist, Penny Wong, is on board as well, at The Guardian: Penny Wong has defended Kristina Keneally over her call for a reduction in temporary migration, saying her Labor colleague was merely underlining the opposition’s long-held concerns about worker exploitation. interestingly KK sent me a congratulations when I went into my own firm/ practice. LNP are one big lie the electorate has had no choice but to cop while Labor have been globalists. Not only will that filter out lots of those who might clear the hurdle for temporary residency visas but there is less reason for those eligible for permanent residency to apply. Opposition spokesman for treasury Jim Chalmers on Tuesday revealed he was aware that Ms Keneally would write the op-ed calling for a cut in migration, saying the issue of migration has been an “appropriate” topic of debate within Labor ranks during the course of the pandemic. I’m totally with you, took them along time to get this understanding of their policy failures though. McManus should get fully on board or quit. The LNP for their part I think see the writing on the wall and are already talking about trying to double the international student intake – which they will spin as about export dollars and not mention the labour market impacts – which is actually what they are mostly after. The simple fact is that for upfront permanent residency visas the hurdles that you set are considerably more and higher than for temporary residence, including higher skills, more experience, better health etc.

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