White shirt, royal blue tie, royal blue V-necked sweatshirt, grey/black trousers, grey/black skirt, pinafore dress, sensible black flat shoes (not trainers). Footwear: Formal black, flat “sensible” shoes only. After the week, all clothes are checked for names and returned to their owners. Parents should check with the school before purchasing items if they are unsure of whether they are suitable. Jewellery may only be worn on medical grounds e.g. St Thomas a Becket Catholic Primary School Shop Welcome! Shirt: Plain white shirt (formal collared shirt in winter, collared t-shirt (preferably with school logo) in summer). Nose studs and all other forms of body piercing are forbidden in the school. No other jewellery is allowed. We use cookies to track usage and improve the website.

(Tracksuit for outdoor Games in cold weather), (Gum shields are strongly recommended for Hockey, and shin pads for Football and Hockey). Please use this page to order and pay for school uniform. We would ask all parents/carers to ensure their children’s clothes are clearly labelled with their name and class to ensure all lost property is returned promptly. * Denotes required fields. Parents will be informed immediately if the style of hair or colour is seen as inappropriate. Formal collared shirts (winter) should be worn with all buttons done up and all shirts should be tucked properly into trousers / skirts. At Thomas A Becket pupils are proud to wear the school uniform, helping them feel a collective commitment to each other and the school. At Thomas Becket Catholic School we believe that a school uniform gives a sense of belonging and pride in the school whilst ensuring equality amongst students. The Headteacher’s decision is final. Long hair must be tied back during the school day. At Thomas A Becket pupils are proud to wear the school uniform, helping them feel a collective commitment to each other and the school. A school jumper is available for purchase as an additional uniform item but a blazer must still to be worn. The existing uniform may continue to be worn by current pupils until they leave the school.

More about cookies: www.aboutcookies.org Grey Socks Plain White or Grey Socks or Tights. Pupils in all year groups should wear summer uniform along with trainers. All unnamed clothes are kept for a further two weeks allowing children to find their missing items. Ties should be worn with the knot covering the collar button of shirts. If worn this will be confiscated by staff and returned at the end of the day. Quantity. Pupils will be removed from lessons if they are not wearing the correct uniform or their hairstyle is deemed inappropriate, and parent contacted. Outdoor coats/hats /gloves /scarves are to be removed as soon as possible on entry to the school building. On days when the class has PE/Games, the pupils should come to school in their PE kits with trainers. Total price: No products exist for this category! After this three week period, all clothes are either donated to our clothes charity bank or sold within school and these funds are donated to school projects. Our uniform remained the same apart from the small change to the name. From September 2015 the school became Thomas A Becket Junior School. Royal Blue V-neck Jumper or Cardigan. It helps pupils to maintain a learning mindset, and while we celebrate each child’s individuality wearing the school uniform enables them to share in the collective identity (values and ethos) of TAB. Long Grey Tailored Trousers Grey Pinafore Dress or Skirt. These include: unnatural colours, close shaved heads, shaved lines and shaved patterns in the hair. This is particularly important during practical lessons, such as Science, Design Technology, Games/PE. School Tie. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with this. Plaster tape may then be used to cover the ear. denim & lycra material are not permitted, neither are extra buttons / zips / sequins / rips / logos. Thomas A Becket Junior School, Glebeside Avenue, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 7PR, All website content copyright © Thomas A Becket Junior School. Correct school PE kit should be worn for all PE/Games lessons. when a child has recently had an ear pierced. Please note: pupils are not expected to wear ties until Year 4. BOYS AND GIRLS. Socks: Plain black, navy, dark grey only (white socks may be worn with dresses / skirts).

Hair must be tied back during all Games/PE lessons. Sweatshirt: Royal blue ‘Thomas A Becket Junior School’ sweatshirt. Parents are also reminded that mobile phones are not covered under the school’s insurance policy. Please note that West Sussex County Council regulations do not allow the wearing of any kind of jewellery (earrings; studs; watches; neck chains; bangles; etc) during any PE/Games lesson or other organised physical activities. Trousers: Grey or Black formal trousers or shorts in plain material. It helps pupils to maintain a learning mindset, and while we celebrate each child’s individuality wearing the school uniform enables them to share in the collective identity (values and ethos) of TAB. Trousers should be pulled up around the waist with no underwear … Makeup: Makeup should not be worn. Jewellery: For safety reasons, only one pair of small (<3mm) plain metal (silver or gold) stud earrings may be worn. Option. If you intend to have your child’s ears pierced please do so at the start of the summer holiday, and ensure that s/he can remove and insert his/her own earrings by the time the new term starts in September. Tie: ‘Thomas A Becket Junior School’ tie (winter uniform). The wearing of nail polish is not permitted. If you are unsure of what is acceptable please contact the school in advance of getting hair cut. If pupils are seen using mobile phones on the school premises parents will be contacted immediately.

Mobile phones: These can be brought into school but under no circumstances should they be switched on or be visible during the school day, or used at any time while on the school premises. Broadwater Sports; either at the store or online at http://www.schooljumpers.co.uk/. Winter Uniform: From October half term to end of Spring Term. Neither the trousers nor the skirt should be of a 'fashionable' style e.g. (Note: Infants should wear a white polo shirt rather than a shirt and tie.) In addition, a smart appearance contributes positively to the students' attitude to work and study; it also influences how the school is portrayed to the general public and visitors to the school. Please note: pupils are not expected to wear formal shirts with ties until Year 4. School Uniform. Our website use cookies. Backless shoes, boots, plimsolls, or trainers are not acceptable. PLEASE REMEMBER TO NAME ALL ITEMS OF CLOTHING CLEARLY! Mislaid clothes at the end of each day are stored in our lost property bin for one week. Tights: Black, navy, dark grey or neutral shades. Now that the weather is turning cooler, please can you ensure they have the following with them as well on these days: White polo shirt, royal blue V-necked sweatshirt, grey/black trousers (short or long), grey/black skirt, pinafore dress, sensible black flat shoes (not trainers). White Shirt White Shirt or Blouse.

If this is the case, please inform us in writing. Items will be ready to collect from the school office after 2 days. Due to Covid-19 restrictions we have made some temporary changes to the uniform policy. All pupils are expected to be in full uniform each day. Watches may be worn. Coats: Coats / other jumpers / scarves are not permitted to be worn during the school day (except on the playground at break & lunchtimes). Hair: Extreme styles of hair are unacceptable. Rationale. Summer Uniform: From beginning of Autumn Term to half term in October and then from the Summer Term, Skirt: Grey or Black knee-length in plain material, Pinafore dress: (Royal blue / white candy stripe or checked dress in summer). From September 2015 the school became Thomas A Becket Junior School. Uniform is available from :

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