Orange City, Iowa's Tulip Festival is celebrated annually on the 3rd weekend in May is held dear by Orange City's inhabitants with a flower show, an evening performance of a Broadway play, afternoon and evening parades, and street dancing by old and young alike. Tulip Festival; Visitors. The Usual Suspects will also perform during Tulip Festival’s ArtBurst event on Saturday, May 16, from 10 a.m. to noon and 4 to 6 p.m. in the Straatmarkt. The production will begin at 8:00 in the evening on May 14, 15, 16 and 17 at the Unity Christian Knight Center. Of course, the main attraction at the festival is thousands of tulips in bloom. The rest of the contestants form the Queen’s Court. Orange City has a variety of early, mid- and late-blooming tulips to ensure that there are tulips in bloom during the event. Orange City’s own Usual Suspects (pictured above: Steve Mason, John Hubers, Sam Martin, Gary Reinders & Joel Westerholm) will perform on Thursday night, May 14.

Our annual celebration occurs every third weekend in May. The festivities are presided over by the Tulip Queen and her Court. Such festival feature spectacular tulip displays and a variety of cultural events for attendees of all ages. To view a full schedule for the 2015 season, visit He has opened for artists Willie Nelson and the Beach Boys, among others. In 1935, about 50,000 tulip bulbs were imported from the Netherlands. The Orange City Arts Council is proud of its history and wishes to thank those who had the foresight to begin an arts council in our community, those who have served on the Arts Council board in past years, and the City of Orange City for its continued support. Orange City IA 51041. © 2015 - KSCJ - Website Developed by iCast Interactive, ORANGE CITY TULIP FESTIVAL STILL A GO FOR MID-MAY, BOSWELL FOUND GUILTY OF 1ST DEGREE MURDER IN DEATH OF SYDNEY LOOFE, NEW VOTER WEBSITE DEBUTS FOR WOODBURY COUNTY,,,, SOUTH SIOUX CITY CLOSES CITY HALL TO PUBLIC, GABLE TO RECEIVE PRESIDENTIAL MEDAL OF FREEDOM. 712.707.4510 The band plays a variety of musical styles, including classic acoustic-based pop and rock, blues, contemporary folk and original songs. The opera company would perform two operas and hire baritone James Javore from New York to sing the lead, and to perform in local schools. One of the nation’s best known tulip festivals is the, Subaru Cherry Blossom Festival of Greater Philadelphia. Onstage Orange City is a program sponsored by the Orange City Arts Council, and brings in local, regional, national and international artists to perform throughout the summer. The band plays a variety of musical styles, including classic acoustic-based pop and rock, blues, contemporary folk and original songs. Citizens of all ages have had their lives enriched through the Orange City Arts Council. The following year, the event was officially renamed the Tulip Festival.

The rain location for the concerts is the Orange City Town Hall.

Facebook: Be a Friend Making their third consecutive-year appearance at Tulip Festival, Now Serving 7 will perform songs from their debut album, “I Will Go.” Mulder will reign over the 80th annual Tulip Festival, set for May 14, 15, and 16, 2020. They have performed with artists like Jeremy Camp and Superchick and at official NASCAR events.

Now Serving 7 (right), a Christian electro-coustic pop/rock band based in Pella, Iowa, will take the stage on Friday night, May 15. By continuing to use our site you are giving your consent for us to use cookies. The Queen is selected from five high school seniors during a pageant held each November. It features beautifully decorated floats, marching bands, dancers, and hundreds of revelers in Dutch costumes. Orange City was founded in 1870 by Dutch settlers from Pella, Iowa. It is an amateur production of a popular Broadway musical featuring local artists. Another signature event is the Night Show. Originally called Holland, the city was renamed after Willian of Orange, sovereign Prince of Orange who overthrew King James II of England and ascended the English throne. The concert will begin at 6 p.m. and will take place on Central Avenue. Several cities in the United States that were founded by Dutch settlers host tulip festivals to celebrate their Dutch heritage. Phone: 712-707-6514

Orange City, Iowa — A new tulip queen has been selected, who will reign over festivities at the 2020 Orange City Tulip Festival.

The City Council responded by granting $1,000 for the birth of the Orange City Arts Council. Three bands will perform during Tulip Festival to kick off the Orange City Arts Council’s annual summer series, Onstage Orange City.

Thursday May 14 2020 - Saturday May 16 2020 Orange City Iowa 509 8TH ST SE ORANGE CITY ORANGE CITY, Iowa | Map It. He performs in a variety of venues throughout the Midwest, including Minneapolis, Omaha and Chicago. Each day is filled with Dutch folk dancing, parades, musical performances, and other events and activities. Address: 125 Central Ave SE

Its name has nothing to do with oranges. Our community depends on you to spread the joy of art, beauty, and connection to your neighbors. Pella, Iowa has decided to cancel its Tulip Time Festival, but officials in Orange City are still hoping to have their annual tulip festival in mid-May. Three bands will perform during Tulip Festival to kick off the Orange City Arts Council’s annual summer series, Onstage Orange City. The first tulip festival in Orange City was held in 1933. Welkom From Mayor De Haan; ... What began in 1936 as a small celebration of Orange City’s Dutch heritage has led to over 70 years of what is now known as the Tulip Festival. Of course, the main attraction at the festival is thousands of tulips in bloom. The mission of Orange City Arts is to enrich our community by showcasing artists, facilitating arts education and supporting local creative talent. Bring lawn chairs or blankets. Orange City Tulip Festival officials say Madisyn Mulder was crowned the 2020 Tulip Festival Queen on Monday, November 11th. “We are grateful for the many ways the Orange City Arts Council continues to promote and bring the arts to our community.” Each day is filled with Dutch folk dancing, parades, musical performances, and other events and activities. Email: Contact Us Thank you for taking a moment to give joy today! The Orange City Tulip Festival is usually celebrated on the third weekend of May. Community members would be cast in the remaining roles and be used for the orchestra. What started as a one-day event has grown to become a three-day festival that welcomes visitors from all over Iowa and out of state.

On July 11, 1977, the Articles of Incorporation were filed for the Orange City Arts Council.….

Tickets are $15 each and can be purchased at the Orange City Chamber and Tulip Festival office, located at 509 8th Street SE in Orange City. Remove From Add to my .

We use cookies on our website to improve your user experience while respecting your privacy. Pella, Iowa has decided to cancel its Tulip Time Festival, but officials in Orange City are still hoping to have their annual tulip festival in mid-May. The first Tulip Show was sponsored by the Women’s Club, Lawn and Garden Club, and the Lion’s Club. Dotson and his band members will perform songs from their new and rising album, “Tumblin’,”on Saturday night, May 16. Orange City Tulip Festival. Mike Hofman, executive director of the Orange City Chamber of Commerce, says the festival committee met earlier this week: Hofman says the festival organizers want everyone participating to be safe: Hofman says organizers of the celebrations are hoping they will be able to proceed and will prepare as much as they can in hopes of holding the events: This year marks the 80th anniversary for the Orange City Tulip Festival, as well as Orange City’s Sesquicentennial Celebration for that May 14th-16th weekend.

The concerts will take place at the band shell in Windmill Park at 7:30 p.m. each evening, and there is no cost to attend.

The main event of the festival is the Volksparade held twice a day.

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