"Yes. ", "Yes," Vanya whispers. It doesn't go quite the way he'd been imagining it would. "You're not Vanya," Ben tells him blankly. Klaus snorts, receiving a glare from Allison; but Vanya is already talking. She doesn't date, doesn't have friends and has no family functions to speak of. Notes: @everyone who's read the series so far/left kudos/or commented, thank ya'll so much D: <3. Vanya doesn't answer, and eventually, she stops dancing. "Now's the fucking time. But-", She stops and Klaus only speaks when it's obvious she's not going to continue.
There are flower boxes by the front windows where Klaus haphazardly parks the car Ben didn't know he knew how to hotwire. Sharing a look with his brother Klaus gestured for him to ask the question he had prompted him on earlier. What are you doing?". He should be glad he's only got me around to come after him.". "I already proved to her that I've been with her all the time, she should know that I know what I'm talking about-", "The only person who ever abused you was Dad," Klaus snaps.

But he doesn't mind that Vanya's team wins this round. Klaus is right, we've got to help her. Those- those are the really bad days, when Ben wishes he could just disappear. Books and baubles are floating in midair.

A series of oneshots documenting the beginning, and end, of the relationship between Klaus Hargreeves and Luna Starling. "Finally!" "I know, right?" Being a ghost sucks.

It’s a good premise, based on the comics of the same name by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá, and ripe with potential. Ben bristles at the smile on his face, the way his hand lingers as he ushers her through the door. His voice is hard to hear over his sister's storm. ... in the state he’s in right now, Five doesn’t think he can fight his way out of … He's twitchy with worry; if he were still alive his stomach would probably be in knots.
"His real name is Harold Jenkins, he's a murderer, and he's been manipulating and lying to you. These years of switching between her and Klaus have made it painfully obvious that while Klaus has drugs and Vanya has music, they both just- don't have anything else. He's in her damn bedroom . He's a ghost, so his hair rarely moves, or is not supposed to move at all. After a moment, he feels Klaus drape an arm around his shoulders, the other around Vanya's. Ben exclaims as a key turns in the lock and the door to Vanya's apartment swings open on creaking hinges. "What are you talking about Klaus?" As the camera pans out from Vanya in that final shot, revealing each character dancing alone in their respective rooms, yet connected via the whole of the house and sound, the audience can finally connect them all in their minds, as it provides us a reason to call these isolated and damaged souls “family.” It finally shows rather than tells, in other words. He's desperate, panicky and shaking. "The door was locked from the outside," Klaus explains breathlessly. And Klaus- Klaus wasn't ready for his dead brother to follow him around. ", Klaus goes deadly still. You forget to eat four days out of seven, but you always keep marshmallows and peanut butter in the pantry and you only ever eat that when you cry.". "He wants something you wouldn't be willing to give, Van!" "He's stealing her meds!" Klaus looks at Ben with wide eyes. She's his sister, she's been with him as much as he's been with her. A few petals curl at the edges from the cold of his incorporeal hands. Without pausing, Klaus snatches up the receiver but says nothing. Get all the best moments in pop culture & entertainment delivered to your inbox.

The Horror snarls and Ben feels his own anger sing in answer. "Like, say, Dad's journal. And then Vanya comes back to the one place there is supposed to be family around to help her, who are supposed to see what Ben sees- that sorrow, that pain and anger and defeat in her eyes- and who are supposed to do something about it . The Umbrella Academy is available to stream Netflix. Ben still grumbles when she receives a carved violinist. Allison tells her it's a family meeting. You can't really see quite clearly [in the scene], but there's a couple of blue streaks there. What? It isn’t until she meets the Hargreeves family that she feels like she might end up belonging somewhere after all. Sign up and add shows to get the latest updates about your favorite shows - Start Now.

Follow/Fav I Think We're (Not) Alone Now.

There was nothing normal about looking into someone’s eyes and feeling as if their emotions are your own, making you wonder if you ever had your own emotions in the first place. She wipes at her face. "Yeah." Ben doesn't have the time to congratulate him. He hopes the guy walks right through him before he leaves- Vanya's done it on accident enough over the years that Ben knows his cold spot smarts like a bitch. ", His sister doesn't hear him, of course, but no one has heard him for years now. Now, in the backseat of a stolen car, Vanya's head rests on his chest and he suspects if he were alive his arm would be asleep from how he's holding her. ", His brother laughs, scruffs the back of his neck, and goes back to the desk drawers. "Everybody shut up, Vanya's in trouble," Klaus says. There’s a sense of joyous release in the scene, as though the show were exhaling, letting down its meticulous crafted preciousness, and exposing the messy, human beating hearts that should be driving this thing in the first place. Vanya is scared and so alone when they find her. He has no intention of letting go any time soon. "Yes, I remember the book. Ben's head spins with the grave, terrified expression on his brother's face. "No I wouldn't," Ben tells him. So for now Ben is stuck where he's always been: dogging his little sister's tiny footsteps- and questioning her life choices. "Ben says so," Klaus holds up his hands to stop their scoffing. I’ll try posting more about him if you guys are intrested. Let's try again: are you alright? I Think We're Alone Now datleggy. His brother is too good at this and Ben wishes he'd been around more for him. Klaus is back and somewhat sober. But his sister is a pro at brushing awful subjects away, has been since they were kids, and so he doesn't have to find a way to come back to life just to kick this guy's ass. Klaus repeats after him, but Vanya scoffs, turning away. But why should he worry? Ben never expects an answer these days, but he likes to keep a running commentary going just for the sake of his own sanity.

She's quiet, reserved, and not too up to date with her social skills. "How's the afterlife treating you, my dear brother? "You want the others' first introduction to my new powers, Vanya's new powers and the return of their dead brother to happen in a house painted with a man's blood?". A home for all the wonderful OCs of The Umbrella Academy. Four months after you left home you fell down the stairs of your apartment building because it was on the bad side of town and your landlord never fixed the staircase so your foot went right through the floorboards.

All he succeeds in doing is shaking the covers a little. Showrunner. Tell me about despair yours and I will tell you mine. Work Text: He needs roughly fourteen days to heal. She flinches like she expects him to let go, but Ben just clenches his arms around her tighter. "Vanya, Vanya, Vanya," Ben chants, moving as if to put his hands on her shoulders. Talk about an eternity. But then the following happens. "Leonard left you here, didn't he?" "Imagine how scared she's going to be," Ben finishes for him.

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