When she starts working in the construction sites, she turns to singing as a way of coping with the harsh cruelty all around her. This is shown in the movie by Rameses's ambition and enthusiasm in his new role as Prince Regent to rebuilt the temple he and Moses destroyed. A Post-Cleaved fanfiction story.
“Gods do not weep.”Rameses wonders if Gods ever feel lost. How would he feel if you fell in love with one? He is planning on getting to the bottom of it and may lead to worse consequences later on because of his actions. Ramses' bringing the Tenth Plague down upon Egypt is possibly the most ironic moment in the entire movie.
You know? Rated: K+ - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 4 - Words: 3,997 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 2 - Updated: Rameses would let his brother get away with murder – quite literally.
Soundtrack: Official Soundtrack • Nashville • Inspirational During the celebrations, Hotep & Huy were ordered to give Rameses a gift as a sign of respect for their new superior, and the two high priests offered Rameses a kidnapped woman from a desert tribe as his bride (or more likely a concubine since the event wasn't pre-arranged to be Rameses' wedding or engagement).
Ramses becomes enrage seeing what’s his talking with a stranger besides the child in Moses’s arms. Ramses laughs. Although the suffering was unbearable, Rameses refused to give into Moses' demands.
Tell your people, as of today, their workload has been doubled, thanks to your God. What happens when her father's long lost brother returns to Egypt? Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie: Tippy Tinkletrousers | Melvin Sneedly | Turbo Toilet 2000 Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas: Eris | Cetus | Scorpio | Musca | Leo | Lacerta | Roc | Draco But when it comes to Amun, her secret favourite student, she finds herself looking forward to meeting with Rameses and Nefertari to report just how far their son has come.
An exploration of rage, strength and powerlessness, and the complexity of family. Rated: T - English - Family/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 486 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 2 - Published: Moses finds that there are times when the Lord does not answer prayers. Just a shot of Ramses getting in trouble with his father and Moses trying to cheer him up. Moses does too.
Featuring Aaron, but of course Miriam, Moses, and Yocheved make appearances.
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron: Colonel When the two next met, Rameses was enjoying a boat ride on the Nile when Moses once again demanded that he "set his people free."
ooc,最大的ooc是他俩睡了。私设多。情节因为记性不好可能有改动。相关知识贫乏,宗教、风俗都不了解,可能会有多处误用。. Okay, so this is my first story written in ancient times! In the original script, Ramses was going to have a pet cat on par with Moses and his two dogs. "Looks like you've uh, made a new friend, Ramses." The baby was discovered by Queen Tuya, …
He'll free the slaves, but Moses has to stay, as though he'd never left.
The Hebrews then proceeded to cross the sea. Together they must figure out the mystery of how it happened and uncover the truth of a deeper evil lurking from behind the shadows in a God World beyond time and space.
An arrogant God and his castle's servants fall under the spell of a wicked priest, who turns him into a hideous monster until he learns to love and be loved in return.
In some scenarios, they are a couple...(that's my guilty pleasure each time I watch them together) Others will be an alternate universe where Rameses isn't a pharaoh nor was Moses born a slave who was spared the infanticide. Dreamworks Animation Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community.
Abominable: Dr. Zara | Burnish | Goon Leader During Moses' time in the desert, Rameses had taken power following the death of his father, and the oppression of the Hebrews had become worse as Rameses continued to build, determined to make a legacy as great as that of his father. Rated: K - English - Friendship/Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 270 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 4 - Published: A trek to the riverbank to fetch water and a relaxing trip on the royal barge down the Nile results in a brief, unexpected encounter between Yocheved and Prince Moses. Rated: T - English - Family/Spiritual - Chapters: 1 - Words: 677 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 23 - Follows: 14 - Published: Ramses meets a girl unlike any other he has ever met- but she is a slave.
Oh Rameses, because before was the torment of stares without words, the feeling of sharing a bed without touching and sharing their hearts without closing their eyes. Rocky & Bullwinkle: Fearless Leader | Boris Badenov | Natasha Fatale, Pharoah of the Exodus, Father (by his Son), "I will not be the weak link!
He must have participated in some of the ceremonies for the Apis bulls, when his brother Khaemwaset was first sem-priest of Ptah and later High Priest of Ptah in Memphis. Rameses was shocked and confused, and ran after his brother as he fled.
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