Curtin University continues to build a strong global presence, with campuses in Perth, Sydney, Singapore and Malaysia and rankings in the top 2 per cent of world universities. To obtain a better understanding of the importance of fact finding and improve your ability to gather sufficient and appropriate evidence to support the decision making process during complaint resolution, thereby reducing the incidence of disputes arising in relation to inadequate or biased decision making. Student Oasis Staff Portal Library Learning and Teaching Staff Directory Giving to Curtin Contact Us Teaching areas Centre for Aboriginal Studies Business and Law Health Sciences Humanities Science and Engineering Campuses Perth Kalgoorlie Dubai Malaysia Mauritius Singapore. Curtin staff. To obtain a sound understanding of the Public Interest Disclosure (PID) Act and how it can be used to make protected disclosures. To obtain a sound understanding of conflicts of interest and improve your ability to better identify and manage them, and therefore help reduce the incidence of conflict of interest complaints arising amongst the University community. We offer practical, internationally recognised courses that are designed with direct input from industry, so our students graduate with the skills and knowledge they need in the […]
Student Services Staff Intranet contains policies, procedures, training and general information for staff in the Student Services business areas/units Skip to content Curtin University Student Oasis Staff Portal Library Learning & Teaching Staff Directory Giving to Curtin Contact us Teaching areas Centre for Aboriginal Studies Business and Law Health Sciences Humanities Science and Engineering Campuses Perth Kalgoorlie Dubai Malaysia Mauritius Singapore. This section is for all academic and professional staff members at Curtin. Page last modified: In addition, to help you understand the differences between protected disclosures under the PID Act and other forms of complaints. Our services include: Civils & Structures; Transport Planning; Environmental; Infrastructure; Geotechnical; Conservation & Heritage and Principal Designer. Visit Staff Portal Follow Curtin Curtins is an award winning, leading consultancy having specialised in the built environment for almost 60 years. Address Kent Street, Bentley, Perth, Western Australia 6102; Postal address GPO Box U1987, Perth WA 6845; Telephone … 02 April 2020, Learn about how Curtin is dealing with sexual assault and sexual harassment, Lodge a complaint or compliment, or report an incident, Learn about and disclose or assess conflicts of interest / gifts, benefits or hospitality. If you're a staff member, please visit Staff Portal to access corporate applications, email, employee kiosk and other work related systems from anywhere. To obtain a solid grounding in the Code of Conduct and what it means in terms of the your day-to-day work and interactions with other members of the University community. To obtain knowledge and skills to help prevent, detect and respond to fraud and corruption matters in the workplace, and therefore help minimise the chances of fraud and corruption incidents arising or not being detected in the workplace and actioned in a timely manner. Address Kent Street, Bentley, Perth, Western Australia 6102; Postal address GPO Box U1987, Perth WA 6845; Telephone … General information.
Please note that the training workshops listed below will be regularly advertised via iPerform (usually to be run around May and Sept), but can also be run for small groups, on request. Also covers handling of gifts, benefits and hospitality. To obtain a sound understanding of the University's complaint handling process, and improve your ability to properly resolve complaints that are assigned to you, thereby minimising the chances of errors being made. Our staff are an energetic, dedicated team of professionals working together to provide Australia and the world with quality graduates and innovative research. Curtin University a leading Australian university with campuses in Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Mauritius and Dubai offering undergraduate, postgraduate and research opportunities. Fraud and Corruption - Prevent, Detect and Respond. Available in both full and lite versions (depending on your role), and containing multiple typical scenarios and associated quizzes, together with a final quiz at the end which requires a pass rate of 80%. Joining Curtin as an academic or professional staff member will give you the opportunity to carve a rewarding career in a highly flexible and friendly environment. What do you want to do? The ISU is responsible for and or provides the following education and training modules to staff. This section is for all academic and professional staff members at Curtin.
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