Gem Then we had until very recently 2 donkeys, Gemma and Fergus – both passed away within weeks of each other. Bee Buck hi, i collect schelich and have three horses i love these names: Here are some more name ideas from our farm, or horses I know. that’s enough to make even the most expert horse-namer throw up their hands in defeat. (socks For a barn name) Otherwize, Great names!!! I had a Palomino Gelding named “Brave Warrior” “Warrior” for short. Norman Gunner Cha Cha
Click. My maternal grandfather's name (1896). Luna Here are some “different” name suggestions. Navaho, My friends horses name is Prince hes a all black horse. Love Y’all.
Rio Eclipse ace Strongbow Horace, whose real name was Quintus Horatius Flaccus, was the leading Roman poet of the Augustan Age. Oreo Clover But with limitless possibilities, how do you narrow down the options and make your choice? Hey Mia I see it is on your list short list of reject names. Midnight
Thanks for the help! Shadow She loves Corgis and shares her home with her Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Peaches. You can use the Alternate name speller to get unique spellings for common names. Panic ), BAYMAX (the lovable, inflatable robot from Disney’s Big Hero 6), BILLIE JEAN (for tennis player Billie Jean King, winner of 39 Grand Slams, or choose the name of one of your favorite sports stars! "Horace \ho-ra-ce\ as a boy's name is pronounced hor-ess. One of my horses Name is Bella OR big chungus right now because She is have twins a girl and a boy, Heres some names i rlly like: Mariposa My TWH came with his name Smokey. If you have any trouble coming up with the perfect name for your horse, pick the name of a character in a movie, book or TV show that matches your horse’s personality! I will be calling my buckskin stallion Esprit, French for Spirit which I thought was a little too cliched plus, I am a huge fan of names that sound foreign, the ones where you feel the need for a different accent or to roll your tongue, things like Javador, Sakura, Sabina or, as I said, Esprit. Rebel i have a quarter horse paint named Domino, before I had another horse named patches, he was also a quarter horse paint. ). I have a cousin that was just born so I think my next horse will have her middle name; Iowa Territory had the highest population of Horace families in 1840. Thor Fancy what about Bentley the perfect horse name, major She is my daughter and I was wondering how she ended up on the website. Names are extremely important. also, i hope someone… maybe..will go on this website, see my horse name ideas, and name their horse one of them…. Personal experiences with the name Horace. Take it Easy (Easy) Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Poppy I have have 4 horses they are all mine. Hera Boots ,scout,and domino He quickly learned this name and it suited him to a tee.
I don’t own a horse, but I adore them! Or for two Females, try Katniss and Primrose. Snickers Ara Tuck(er) One is named Horace, and another is named Frances after my mom. Bree Miles my horse is named maggie put maggie on there and my sisters horses name is bramble, My favorite horse name of all time is Cadillac, I personally like names from books/movies such as the lord of the rings or star wars. I am so hyper cuz my Dad and mum have finally got me 3 Horses:):):):):):)
Henley 2. Dreamer Willow Early Morning I found out a few years later that Virgo is also a Norse Viking male name. You know only one name is going to be the right one. Two are girls (Paris and Destiny) and one is a boy (Dubai). and she shows her name!!
Casper Zen or zenta
Horace reminds me of whore, like a manwhore. ), the process becomes even more complex because it’s multiplied. Wildflower Mia Lillianna (Lilly) I have some funny horse names hehe: Actually I was informed it was show jumping not dressage. Nicknames for Horace. Midnight Tod (stubborn pony’s name) I collect schleich too! Sterling Aspen Coconut Here, however, we’re going to take a look at wider categories of horse types instead of individual breeds. Sparkles Alpha Starry Skies (Star or Sky) An unusually short lifespan might indicate that your Horace ancestors lived in harsh conditions. Passenger lists are your ticket to knowing when your ancestors arrived in the USA, and how they made the journey - from the ship name to ports of arrival and departure. Leo Comments and insights on the name Horace. Ace Tamia Some less common occupations for Americans named Horace were Salesman and Waitress, View Census data for Horace | Data not to scale. Lucky Again, very lovely list!
The most frequent themes of his Odes and verse Epistles are love, friendship, philosophy, and the art of poetry. Rio Catch the Wind You can go a few different routes with this kind of name.
Rosie Jean Meanings and history of the name Horace i have a breyer horse model, a foal, buckskin, named Buck. Ash His name in the books was Saul Badun and was renamed Jinx in the musical. She raises Welsh Mountain Ponies in northern Wisconsin and is a certified horse show judge. Brownie
Static MahDaHorseBWithU, I LOVE these exotic names, Paris, Dubai and Destiny:) Lunar So I’m thinking America. Zodiac themed names are always a fan favourite in my books; growing up I had a bay called Virgo and a quarter horse called Aquarious. Double the trouble, if you will.
Aj Today is my sweet 16th Birthday and i am crazy for Horses so i have been pestering by Dad and Mum For a Horse and they got me 3!!!!! Chief Moon Jewel Briar
Lemon They are both pretty black Arabians with a white mane and tail and both of them are broke-in. We’ve tried not to be too obvious, but if you truly feel that “The Black” is the best name for your ebony-coated equine, you can certainly feel free to go ahead and use it. TV show or Anime character names are good to; a friend of mine has a pair of ponies called Zelda and Link, they also had a pair of donkeys called Natsu and Happy. Ace ), FLOPSY (Mopsy and Cottontail would then be ideal names for stablemates. And I have “Fate and Farewell” known as “Fetch”.
Tree, Random Names I like: Horace Badun is one of Cruella's henchmen in the 101 Dalmatians franchise. I seen a lot of great names, just will have to get a few more ponies.
The best name I came up with was Cameron. Use LA JEFA for a mare.
You should add horsey to the list under debutante, I like these names: rocket BabyCenter is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. Easter or Ester Titan. There are 2,000 military records available for the last name Horace. champion (champ for short) Most breeds have a specific ‘style’ of name; for example, Arabians are often given Egyptian-inspired names, while Welsh Ponies often sport Welsh-inspired names and spellings. Warrior
Willow (for a big mare) Jasper delilah
Think of all the prominent people. Dinky (for a small pony) and wealthy people and look at their name. My husband has a palomino and white Saddlebred with a beautiful blonde mane and tail.
or because she is full of it and Red calling her Saucey.
Jonesy from horatius, a roman family clan name. Willow Sienna Destiny Is black all over with a little White Star on her Forehead. The most Horace families were found in the USA in 1920. Posie & Poppy (horse pair) It’s Cream Cheese. Rocky (Balboa) My favorite name is a frosting! Future. Puzzle Instagram filters that can be used as baby names. Nevaeh (Heaven spelled backwards)
37% of Horace men worked as a Laborer and 14% of Horace women worked as a Maid. Maybe the name will reference the horse’s color in some way, or its personality, or its breed or bloodlines. Bronco How about you? these horse names are super, I really want a horse but can’t get one because I live in The city. Briana Mix ’em up anyway you want.
I have 3 horses with great names. Zinc He was worshipped from at least the late prehistoric Egypt until the Ptolemaic Kingdom and Roman Egypt.Different forms of Horus are recorded in history and these are treated as distinct gods by Egyptologists. Asfaloth, Strider, Skywalker, Okoye. . Mariposa (butterfly in Spanish, could be Mari or Posy for short) I think when you buy a horse it is best to stick with the barn name they know. Do you guys think you could do a-z names?! Rock Around The Clock or “Rocky” for short How about for a Loyal, Mysterious, kinda in her own world horse (for a mare) Portal, Steel would be such a cute grey horse name! The average life expectancy for Horace in 1945 was 32, and 75 in 2004. rockstar You can go by what your horse is—a bit of an alpha mare, a rather quiet gelding—and choose a name that reflects that, or you can give your horse a name that denotes a quality you would like him to have. English: from the personal name Horace, Latin Horatius, a Roman family name of unknown origin, associated chiefly with the name of the poet Quintus Horatius Flaccus (65–8 bc). Are You Ready for a More Challenging Horse? Checkers some good horse names are Romeo & Juliette, diablo, kamahli , Oreo, peanut, I think all of these horse names are pretty ones, I hope yu guys can make others. Thunder Omg I’m hopefully getting a gelding fjord soon and all these names are so good especially the name ‘Texas’ ? Amara My husband asked me to name him, we call him “Trace” his show name is “Without a Trace”. In 1940, Laborer and Maid were the top reported jobs for men and women in the US named Horace. Whalen My father's name (1922). Simply start with a family member and we'll do the searching for you. Thx again a lot!!! Follow her on Twitter: @miraclewelsh. I collect schleich too I am on my mom courtesan though *sighs* I got a you tube channel though called infinity schleich. Horace was probably of the Sabellian hillman stock of Italy’s central highlands. Tonto I have some names.
Harvey Samantha Johnson is a freelance writer and the author of several books, including The Field Guide to Horses, (Voyageur Press, 2009). Amber Paris. Thanks so much!! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. is very important in life and growing up. I’m needing a name for my Clydesdale and my favourite names are OLAF, Baymax and doodles. Gracie Cinnamon Dotty (for an Appaloosa or Knabstrupper)
What are some of your favorite horse names? Bear it is of latin origin. Horace, outstanding Latin lyric poet and satirist under the emperor Augustus. We give those horses names like Star or Jet.
Lawrence What’s more fun that carefully pondering all of the choices and ultimately selecting the best and most wonderful name? She has a beautiful white/cream coat with dark brown splotches on her pelt. Cleopatra or “Cleo” for short While there may be 101 things that are far more important to consider when bringing home a new horse, somehow choosing the perfect name skyrockets to the top of the priority list. And a pair….well, Dawn and Dusk!
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