0000058703 00000 n Different from EFE, critical success factors in a CPM are broader; they do not include specific or factual data and even may focus on internal issues. 7 0 obj %���� ���l��r:���B��5L�P8�DGdeM��O��C�Ƿ��z�J��|�Ey]��vqAyt%�� 0000030916 00000 n
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However, as many other business models of strategy , the competitive profile matrix it has its own drawbacks. 0000073123 00000 n |�9 @� %<>J�f2� 5�����Y4`}��jyf��� A� �6+sh4�� (#i��j�| l @���5 ����n}!Om�7`|��� #�?�Ա�^����D���aFQ�̵pB�� Ri��C����y����X <>>> b�4�@�)P�����@��6`�;�-�� 3 0 obj 0000073845 00000 n
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0000004378 00000 n 4 0 obj 0000001076 00000 n trailer The ratings in this matrix refer to the strong or weak level of each factor. 0000072797 00000 n 3 0 obj stream Starbucks Industry Profile and Organization Analysis Spring 2013 MGMT-4900-01 Lindsay Holleman, Alex Lawson, Garrett Pinciotti, Russell Pellichino x���[o��� �?�Q[���K 0+v��=p}��8��S[������+�Z�bE ���Y���pf������~r�&�ޝ�_�'wߦ_������緯�����l>Y��r�aL.oOOί9a�֒�ޟ�0R�F�������*Mn�@��O�����IMU��C���ӓϣO���h �F�&x�GKw��kF/�r���_�$�?��\�%hM�_qI5���V��F�w5�I�.rV�Z�����ѿ���_�=�+!� ���C��5�w�[��ݢ�*����S HQ���Z���i`W��Z�j�j�mV�Q �[���L-E=���3uDf`�^!
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Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) TOTAL 1,00 3,15 2,80 Market share 0,05 1 0,05 3 0,15 Global expansion 0,20 4 0,8 2 0,40 Customer loyalty 0,10 4 0,4 2 0,20 Financial position 0,15 4 0,6 3 0,45 Management 0,10 4 0,4 3 0,30 Price competitiveness 0,10 3 0,3 4 0,40 Product quality 0,10 4 0,4 3 0,30 Understanding the CPM In order to better understand the external environment and the competition in a particular industry, firms often use CPM. 2 0 obj <<32ADBC1EEBDCF44684D6227F6B6D55F7>]>> 0000071641 00000 n
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