Mr John Bidmead is a Consultant Gynaecologist specialising in minimally invasive surgery. However if you have never had sexual intercourse, let staff know. Where wards provide more than one service the results include shared values for all services provided on that ward. , London, SE5 9RS

laparoscopic, vaginal or abdominal hysterectomy.

Our Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology experts are trained in the broader aspects of teenage health and can also identify and manage gynaecological conditions that may be rare. We are also collaborating with the Daisy Network (a support group for POF sufferers). King’s offers a range of preventative screening packages that include cervical, uterine, ovarian and breast screening. In addition, he is actively involved in ongoing research projects both locally and nationally and teaches at an undergraduate and postgraduate level. Women's outpatients reception: +44 (0)20 3299 3246. On completing his training he was appointed as a consultant in the Urogynaecology unit at Kings College Hospital, a prestigious unit with an international reputation in the field of pelvic reconstructive surgery. He is co-author of the British Menopause Society Guidelines 2013 on the management of the menopause. If you are having an internal ultrasound scan, please ensure you have an empty bladder. Prolapse and lower urinary tract problems cause significant psychological and quality of life impairment.

Mr Haitham Hamoda is a Consultant Gynaecologist and subspecialist in reproductive medicine and surgery at King's College Hospital.

The majority of our Doctors are European or US trained and have exceptional experience.

Infertility and assisted conceptionMenopause and premature ovarian failureGynaecological ultrasound scanning, contrast sonography for tubal patency and 3D scanningGynaecological endocrinology including PCOSFibroids and endometriosisMinimal access surgeryMiscarriageMenstrual disorders, Medical Advisory Council for the British Menopause SocietyBritish Fertility SocietyEuropean Society of Human ReproductionFaculty of Sexual and Reproductive HealthcareBritish Society for Gynaecological EndoscopyRoyal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Guthrie ClinicKing's College HospitalNHS Foundation TrustDenmark HillLondon SE5 9RS, Wednesday 5-7 pm and other times by appointment. Urogynaecology is currently carried out on two sites within King’s Heath Partners, Kings College Hospital and St Thomas’ Hospital. Directories.
He was awarded a degree of Doctor of Medicine (MD) from the University of Aberdeen in 2007. 7. Mirena IUS/ IUCD insertion or removal using ultrasound guidance, hysteroscopy for endometrial polyps, small submucous fibroids or sterilisation (outpatient), laparoscopic or abdominal removal of fibroids (inpatient), transcervical resection of fibroids and septate uterus (day surgery), laparoscopic surgery for ovarian cysts or sterilisation (day surgery). To treat gynaecological issues in children and adolescents, additional knowledge and skills are required. Stress incontinence Urinary problems Prolapse and vaginal reconstruction Minimal access surgery for endometriosis Fibroids and menstrual disorders Urogynaecology, British Society of Urogynaecology British Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy, Guthrie ClinicKing's College HospitalNHS Foundation TrustDenmark HillLondon SE5 9RS. King's College Hospital : Trust: King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: Denmark Hill,London SE5 9RS Click for Map: ... OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY *Consultant(s)* Clinic Times: *Clinic Times* This Department is managed by King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

The following table shows staffing levels on wards that provide this service.


The primary outcome measure is bone density.


Our Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology experts are trained in the broader aspects of teenage health and can also identify and manage gynaecological conditions that may be rare.

He is a specialist in management of male factor infertility, andrology (men’s health, male sexual dysfunction, low testosterone management) and genito-urinary conditions needing.

King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. This is an example of a research idea evolving into the delivery of a specialty clinic that is both service and research-orientated.

Learn more about postgraduate degree programmes at King's.

Current treatments and access to treatment have significant scope for improvement and real world evaluation outside the context of controlled clinical trials.

View Obstetrics And Gynaecology at King's College Hospital Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RS.

He is an internationally recognised expert in gynaecological ultrasound and he has published a large number of … Consultant Directory Information on our consultants including special interests and published research.

The Guthrie Wing, King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RS, 2016 - 2020 © King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Receive email updates about our courses, events, fees and funding, studying in London, how to apply and more. ... Gynaecology, Oncology, Gynaecological Oncology, Laparoscopic Surgery, Colposcopy, Female Health Screen Make an appointment View profile. Having completed basic training in obstetrics and gynaecology he undertook additional subspecialty training in both urogynaecology and in minimally invasive surgery in the UK and Australia. Dudley Robinson trained at the Royal London Hospital qualifying in Medicine with MBBS in 1991. suspected ovarian or womb (also known as uterine or endometrial) cancers.

Please use the One-Stop General Gynaecology clinic referral form below. He is an internationally recognised expert in gynaecological ultrasound and he has published a large number of scientific papers and books in this field.

Your doctor may ask them to leave if necessary. King’s gynaecological surgeons include specialists in advanced laparoscopic surgery.

The Urogynaecology Unit at Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is the largest tertiary referral centre in London and has an established National and International reputation for active clinical research, clinical practice, teaching and training. United Kingdom, Virtual Open Day: Introduction to English Law & French Law, Virtual Open Day: Introduction to Classics & Ancient History. You may want to bring a friend or relative to support you. Welcome to Surrey Gynaecology. ... Consultants at Kings Mill Hospital ... OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY *Consultant(s)* Clinic Times: *Clinic Times*

6. Mr Carl Chow. You should arrange to take the day off work. Consultants Mr Davor Jurkovic, MD, FRCOG . The One-Stop and Rapid Access Gynaecology Clinics are open Monday to Thursday, 9am to 4pm, and Friday, 9am to 12.30pm. We provide both comprehensive information and treatment options if you are suffering from symptoms of menopause such as hot flushes, night sweats, low mood etc. To make an urgent referral, use NHS e-Referral and state that the referral is urgent. Gynaecology Consultants.

We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.
The ACFs will be appointed within the ST1-3 programme South London Deanery programme in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Official information from NHS about King's College Hospital including contact details, directions, opening hours and service/treatment details WC2R 2LS This may include feeling your abdomen, doing an internal examination and possibly having an internal ultrasound scan. Mr Hamoda has published widely in his specialised field.

... Kings College Hospital, London. Menu.

If you have been offered a 2ww (two week wait) appointment for suspected womb (uterine or endometrial) cancer (excluding suspected ovarian cancer), please follow this advice: Suite 8, Third Floor, Golden Jubilee Wing, King's College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RS., Information supplied by King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Report an issue with the information on this page, King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. This visit will include an ultrasound scan and other investigations where appropriate, so please do not refer separately for a scan. Approximately 30% of women get fibroids by the age of 35.

Please note the current selection is limited but will increase as profiles are submitted. Many gynaecological conditions affect significant percentages of the female population. Mr Davor Jurkovic, MD, FRCOG Davor Jurkovic was first appointed a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at King’s College Hospital, London in 1997.

The scan is less uncomfortable than a smear test.

For conditions covered by existing CCG referral templates, complete the relevant CCG template.

If you have already Registered, please click here to login.

The focus on research in Reproductive Medicine is improvement in the outcome of fertility treatment, developing novel efficient techniques for PGD and providing materials for establishing stem cell lines from embryos affected by clinically relevant genetic disorders, under GMP conditions (Braude, Khalaf, El Toukhy). For conditions that are not covered by an existing referral template, complete the One-Stop Gynaecology Clinic referral form (below). The tip of a round-edged probe is gently put into your vagina.

You will need to have a full bladder and may need to drink some fluids before your scan.

His clinical interests currently involve minimally invasive treatment of prolapse and urinary incontinence and advanced laparoscopic treatment of benign gynaecological conditions, in particular complex endometriosis, fibroids and heavy periods.

Take painkillers at least one hour before your appointment and carry some with you in case you need to take a further dose before your hysteroscopy. Biography.

The research fellow responsible for the trial (her MD project) has also started up an innovative NHS Premature Ovarian Failure Clinic with support from the Guy’s & St Thomas’ Charity and has established a database. The Definitive Online Directory of Consultants and GPs Directory Last Updated: 09 October 2020.

Patients with PCB or IMB with visible cervical lesion should be referred to colposcopy. View Obstetrics And Gynaecology at Orpington Hospital Sevenoaks Road, Orpington, Kent, BR6 9JU. Mr Haitham Hamoda is a Consultant Gynaecologist and subspecialist in reproductive medicine and surgery at King's College Hospital. Throughout his training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology he has worked in and around London prior to undertaking a 3 year research fellowship with Professor Linda Cardozo in the Department of Urogynaecology at Kings College Hospital, London. We offer a one-stop and rapid access service for patients with: Routine gynaecology referrals can be made to the one-stop clinic. About patient care at The London Clinic; Davor Jurkovic was first appointed a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at King’s College Hospital, London in 1997.

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