When you study online directly through Curtin, you’ll have access to: Through this study mode, you may have to take some exams on campus or at another location. Curtin University would like to pay our respect to the indigenous members of our community by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which the Perth campus is located, the Wadjuk people of the Nyungar Nation; and on our Kalgoorlie campus, the Wongutha people of the North-Eastern Goldfields. Successful completion of a MicroMasters credential at the appropriate level allows learners to apply for credit towards the completion of a Masters degree. If you wish to withdraw after the census date for a unit, you will still be liable for tuition fees and the unit will be recorded on your Academic Transcript as a WD.. How to withdraw from a unit; How to withdraw from all of your units/from your course Whilst some courses may not be available fully online, some elements of it may be whereby the course is made up of online and on-campus units. Advance study involving a research project. This is a great way to find out if you enjoy a particular area of study before beginning a full degree.
Core unit A compulsory unit, as specified in the course outline.
Australian or New Zealand citizen, Australian permanent resident, or Australian permanent humanitarian visa holder.

If a specific Exam Paper is not present, please check Blackboard or contact your Lecturer or Tutor.

You’ll have access to leadership programs, internships and clinical placements, giving you a competitive edge in the job market. Confirm your enrolment is correct and meets any specific requirements. Successful completion of a MicroMasters credential at the … Before you leave home; When you arrive; Living in Western Australia; Managing your course. From here you can check your enrolment and email yourself a copy of your enrolment advice. CRICOS Provider Code: 00301J Course information; Enrolment ; Re-enrolling; Withdrawing; Class registration; Attendance mode; Study load; Leave of absence; Cross-institutional enrolment; Higher degree by research. This is a great way to find out if you enjoy a particular area of study before beginning a full degree.

Please see the External Examinations webpage for further information. Studying online with Curtin is ideal if you live regionally, interstate or overseas, or if you’re unable to attend classes on campus – you will still graduate with a recognised university degree that will enable you to achieve your career goals. Postgraduate research; Our industry … TEQSA: PRV12158. You will be required to enrol in and pass a … More … The Library only holds exam papers for the last five years, which have been released for publication by the relevant Faculty. Application process for special consideration, Application guidelines for special consideration. Curtin has successfully built an international reputation for research excellence, with 95 per cent of research ranked at world standard or above. Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship, Seminars and training by the Graduate Research School, Human Research Ethics Committee and Contacts, Transporting and storing biological materials, Exporting controlled goods and technologies, Student services and amenities fee (SSAF), Commonwealth supported places and HELP Loans, Using student email and Official Communication Channel (OCC), Student email through an external mail client, Accessing Curtin drives and systems using VPN, Accessing your student network drive using FTP, Frequently asked questions about childcare, Getting a support letter from a counsellor, Mindfulness Based Treatment for Depression, Enrolment and visa information for international students, Returning home guide for international students, Respectful Relationships: online training program, meet your conditions if they are applicable, complete your electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF) to apply for, complete other tasks such as confirm your details and  apply for your student ID card. See our frequently asked questions or get in touch with us below. Curtin Counselling Services: 9266 7850 Curtin AccessAbility Services: (staff only)9266 4468 Curtin Health and Safety: 9266 4900 Curtin Health Services: 9266 7345 Curtin Properties, Facilities and Development: 9266 2020 Legend 26 Pay day Observed holiday Non-Curtin public holiday Orientation week (Perth) Orientation week (Kalgoorlie) Study week

There are three types of units: Core units - these are compulsory units for your course and/or major. Enrolment is the process where you select the units you wish to study in a particular study period. Appropriate study mode such as internal or online, Correct study period, such as Semester 1 or 2 Appropriate course structure as shown in the Curtin Courses. Fully online courses

Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship. If you need more flexibility, learn about our courses offered through Open Universities Australia (OUA).

There was no other course like it that I could find, and it was a huge advantage to be able to study part-time and online, so I could continue my full-time job in Brisbane. To find out about all of your online undergraduate and postgraduate course options, you can check out the Curtin Online website or view our lists of fully online undergraduate and postgraduate offerings currently available. WAIT Directors and Curtin Vice-Chancellors, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Additionally, Curtin's MicroMasters programs are graduate-level university courses designed to advance your career. Citizens or permanent residents of a country other than Australia or New Zealand. Just type your unit code and/or title in the search box and ensure the "Exam Papers" scope in the dropdown menu is selected. This course particularly appealed to me because it directly related to my career. Some Curtin courses may be available to study through Open Universities Australia (OUA). Curtin would like to pay respect to the indigenous members of our community by acknowledging the traditional Advance study involving a research project.

Please switch or upgrade to a, WAIT Directors and Curtin Vice-Chancellors, Western Australian Institute of Technology, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

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